Does anyone have a .vmf of the cs_747???


Oct 15, 2004
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I want to do a remake of the old cs_747 map for CS: Source, however I do not have CS 1, and I doubt that they even had the vmf's with them. If anyone could please give me a .vmf for cs_747 I would be much greatful and would make sure to share the remade map with everyone!
The best you can do is decompile the origional bsp and use the block tool like a 'ruler' to measure the exact sizes of brushes, then recreate them in Hammer4.
All is well. I found a bsp decompiler, installed an old version of CS BETA 6.6 (aaah good times, boy was the gun sounds bad back then lol). And it extracted it, and i opened the .map file and it was PERFECT. All was there, just untextured... It's all good.
Wow, thats prety cool.

What decompiler are you using? Whenever I decompile a bsp using bsp2vmf or Matchstick I get a huge mess :(
That happened to me the other day when i used BSPTwoMAP with fy_pool_day but it only took me about an hour to rebuild it like v1p3r suggested
If you remake a CS map, it's going to look like CS. Why not make it from scratch, using the capabilities of the new engine?
Thats what it is a remake of an old map to work with the new engine and have all the new features
"All the new features" would include more complex geometry - i.e. building the map from scratch.
I did build the map from scratch, i didnt just decompile, change a few things and compile it back up. I'v actualy remade the whole map but using the origanal map as a referance
will the bots be able to see through the planes curtains again... :)
otherwise, could be good.
Building a 747 plane with brushes doesn't seem like the way to go in Source. A better way would be to model a nice high res model of it (very hard) and build the interior of it using brushes.
PvtRyan said:
Building a 747 plane with brushes doesn't seem like the way to go in Source. A better way would be to model a nice high res model of it (very hard) and build the interior of it using brushes.

I would have to say I disagree, I can see making the plane with displacements turning out quite nice. I would use models for the engines, tires and landing gears on the outside, and for the seating inside.
DjBourgeoisie said:
I would have to say I disagree, I can see making the plane with displacements turning out quite nice. I would use models for the engines, tires and landing gears on the outside, and for the seating inside.

Well, that does create a better gameplay since models tend to not like player movement, static or not.
Pi Mu Rho said:
If you remake a CS map, it's going to look like CS. Why not make it from scratch, using the capabilities of the new engine?

Well here's the thing. I am very well aware of the 4.00x textures and terrible polys in cs1 maps lol. However, making the overall shape of the plane is HELL, i tried so hard and it looked all lopsided. Anyhow, what I'm going to do is not make the 747 on the ground like in cs. What I'm going to do is make this 747 map in the air! I'm going to have 2 planes, 1 small one that docks below the 747 mid air and CT's enter from there. I however am going to use some things from the original 747 like the seats inside the plane (spiffed up of course) and the cockpit etc.
Well here's the thing. I am very well aware of the 4.00x textures and terrible polys in cs1 maps lol. However, making the overall shape of the plane is HELL, i tried so hard and it looked all lopsided. Anyhow, what I'm going to do is not make the 747 on the ground like in cs. What I'm going to do is make this 747 map in the air! I'm going to have 2 planes, 1 small one that docks below the 747 mid air and CT's enter from there. I however am going to use some things from the original 747 like the seats inside the plane (spiffed up of course) and the cockpit etc.

Then that wouldnt really be a redone cs_747 it would almost be like a new map
DjBourgeoisie said:
I would have to say I disagree, I can see making the plane with displacements turning out quite nice. I would use models for the engines, tires and landing gears on the outside, and for the seating inside.

Somewhat agreed. But displacements could never be as precise as a model could be.
Whatever it is, it would be cool.. i love those plane maps.

747 was one of my favs
It seems ridiculous that a anti-terrorism game has all these random euro villages like tides and wierd labs like prodigy but absolutely no realistic maps like 747 or Bank sceniarios. Either way, I'm already building it, it's not an exact remake of the map since there is no otuside of the plane, however the insides will look much alike.

Here is 2 screenshots of what I've done so far, about 20 minutes of work lol.
Basic layout, no objects in it yet except the seats, windows, window blinds and doors.
The seats are unfortunately have to be kept quite simple, I've clipped some of the edges to make them alittle smoother but making the seats too detailed results in longass compile times since I have like 50 seats in this map so far. And I don't know how to model them so...

The map looks alot better in game as I had to reduce the quality on the pics from 12 to 3 in photoshop, walls look alot shittier.
I don't know about you, but I havent been on many planes with high ceilings and wood panelling...

I think a really claustrophobic map would be better... Definitely needs curved ceilings at least...
I like to think of this as a first class 747, almost like a private public plane... sort off, ill revise all that stuff and show you more tonight.
Okay here's a reskin of the same thing, added in some light models, reskinned the carpet, the walls.
Another update, reskinned some more stuff added some corridors, I say at this rate the map will be done in 2 days max. Bots seems to be doing quite well, running around smoothly and not doign anything stupid yet.
Thats a really big 747, but I guess if you used real dimensions it would be near unplayable.
Looks good at any rate