Does anyone here like Electric Six?


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
I only know of like... 3 fans. Most people don't get the cheesy humor of their music. They are awesome.
One hit wonders..

Oh yeah, because you know they had that huge hit back in 98' called...... OH WAIT, THEY NEVER HAD A HIT BECAUSE HARDLY ANYONE KNOWS THEM AT MTV AND VH1 WONT GIVE A NON-POPY BAND PLAY TIME
its what i HATE MTV and the whole music channel shit thing. dominated by poppy shit..all that gwen stefani and the pussy cat dolls and pink. MY GOD. they are worse than shit. and some of those dumb rap songs, like I Wanna F*ck u by akon, its like F*ck man.. i can't take that channel sometimes. IT DOES show some nice rock and good pop songs from time to time but those kind of stuff stated above are shown TOO MUCH!! (anger vented successfully: recharging :cheese:)
I gave up on music channels 2 years ago. I've never gone back.
its what i HATE MTV and the whole music channel shit thing. dominated by poppy shit..all that gwen stefani and the pussy cat dolls and pink. MY GOD. they are worse than shit. and some of those dumb rap songs, like I Wanna F*ck u by akon, its like F*ck man.. i can't take that channel sometimes. IT DOES show some nice rock and good pop songs from time to time but those kind of stuff stated above are shown TOO MUCH!! (anger vented successfully: recharging :cheese:)

MTV2 ftw (I think that's a British channel?)
So was Danger High Voltage, so technically, they were a two hit wonder band. :P After those they sort've disapeared into the shadows, came back and danced on Freddie Mercurys grave in a video, controversial this, big deal that, then off they went again.

Entertaining videos, nothing more.
Gay Bar was massive.

they are like a 3 hit wonder. gay bar, danger high voltage, and radio ga ga.

I almost got to go to one of their concerts.... it would have been great, anyone every hear naked pictures of your mother? It's amazingly discustingly funny =)