Does anyone know about HL2 sound



specifically, what bit depths and sample rates does it support? (i assume 16bit 44.1, but 24/96 would be sweet)

also, what kit does everyone use?

for me:

Carillon Audio PC


Cubase SX
Waves Platinum


Waldorf Pulse
Line 6 Echo & Filter Pro
RME Multiface

p.s. I work in a music tech store ( ) so if you have any questions on new developments and products just ask!

Aww man! You have a Carillon! Rock on! I've been saving up money to buy one of those for a loooong time (considering, i have no job...not anymore). That must rock. Low noise, so i'm told.

I envy you. :cheers:

24/96 would be awesome but would be massive. That would take up a lot of cd's.

My Pc:
piece of crap that doesn't deserve to live

My software:
SoundMAX tools
Wave plugins
Diamond Cut

My Hardware:
Behringer UB1832fx mixer
Superlux Multipattern condenser mic
CAD condenser mic
2 stands
about 500yards worth of XLR cale
Sennheiser HD570 headphones
Alesis surround monitors
TUBEMP mic pre

I think thats it.
I have headphones...

Anyway, we will find that out when the SDK is released. Doubt sooner, unless one mail Gabe.
I got too much stuff to count >.<

My favourite things have to be my Sennheiser and my gold-plated 6m mic cable. Doesn't sound like much, but I love em anyway, lol
Yeah gold is so nice. I have a gold rca and 1/4" cable(s).
I was fumbling around valve's site today and found in their Source Mod FAQ some stuff about their sound system:

"What is the sound system like?

Sounds are all driven by a script file, and sounds are played by label, not by .WAV filename, so once you add the hooks into the game code to play the sound, exactly which WAV gets played, over what channel, and with what probability is all controlled by the script. This is great because the sound guy can iterate on sounds without the help of a programmer. We also Doppler-shifted bullet sounds, which is just cool!

Half-Life 2 supports 5.1, 4.1, and 2 speaker systems. Half-Life 2 supports wave files with 8/16bit, mono/stereo, optional ADPCM compression, and arbitrary sampling rates up to 44.1KHz, and MP3 files as well. We support our own DSP in software. We're working with creative on supporting EAX for that as well.

The sound engine also includes functions for directionality and environmental falloff (atmospheric dB attenuation, etc.). Everything's modeling at real dB levels and all blended together. There's also a whole set of tools for adding dramatic soundscapes and multiple layers of audio - background, action, talking, etc. - that gets blended together cinematically

There's also very fancy stuff like Bullet sounds that are modeled and spatialized as continuous sub-sonic 120db sound sources moving through space."

The Doppler shift on bullet sounds are cool. So it looks like 16/44.1
is what were gonna work with. Oh well.
Originally posted by Agent4054
Yeah gold is so nice. I have a gold rca and 1/4" cable(s).
Gold isnt better, its a myth. Well, according to our odd british digital electronics teacher :)
Good work Agent 4054 !

gold is silly. soft metal - gets scraped off more easily.
Gold has less resistance, it carrys electrical signals far better then most other wires. Tell your DE teacher to quit ;)
You tell em Sniper! heh. Why in the world would they make gold cables if it wasn't better? That gold is not just for looks.
Well, it is rather pretty as well ^_^

It's common knowledge in physics, metals with less resistance carry.. etc. - also, gold doesn't overheat :)
BTW - the cheap gold cables do get scraped off fairly easily, the expensive ones like a $50 3 foot 1/4" TRS are more than just surface plated and are very very very nice.