Does anyone know what is going to be included in the upcoming SDK?



From all I've been able to gather, it seems to be a rather sparse package based around mapping and modeling. That certainly won't do much for most serious projects, as even before that SDK-lite comes out people can use the current version of Hammer to layout levels and most modelers will continue to use whatever modeling package they pirated (yeah we know you did :p). They've been saying "The SDK will be out before Half-Life 2", but did that mean a real SDK or this "I make levels so I'm a modder" kind of crap that seems to be what is due in the next week or four-hundred? I want code :) Art development is easy enough to do without much help from Valve, while the code is left to be purely concept.

As I understand it, the SDK release will be in two stages but will both come before the release of Half-Life 2? While I'm looking forward to the game, I'm looking forward even more to the release of the *real* SDK.

Conjecture, rumors, and other interesting bits of information about what is in the SDK is welcome :)
It will apparently be released in 2 phases.

phase one: hammer, plugins and exampes for to convert models and textures

phase two: the code.
SidewinderX143 said:
It will apparently be released in 2 phases.

phase one: hammer, plugins and exampes for to convert models and textures

phase two: the code.
Yeah but nobody knows for sure huh? :)
the sdk essentially should have/has the necissary applications, tutorials etc to create a mod.
in other words (as with HL1's SDK) all you need to make an entire mod should be the sdk (to prove that point, valve made TFC for HL demonstrating the effectiveness of their sdk)
so yeah.
if your a modder your gonna want to grab it regardless.
So it seems no one really knows what to expect. All official information points to a two-phase release, with the art related stuff that really won't be all that useful coming first and the code coming second. I doubt that Valve would have a code SDK ready to go prior to the game going gold, so my expectations are lowering to the idea that we might see a real SDK prior to release. Judging by Valve's inability to be timely with these things I wouldn't expect a real SDK for a few months after release. Perhaps sometime into the Summer even.

Looks like the pre-release SDK for HL2 will merely be art tools for people to fiddle with, and not stuff for people to make an actual mod. Disappointing.