Does anyone know?

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If HL2 has scripting support that allows people to spawn crap into stock maps? It's pretty much killed custom mapping for MOHAA. Nobody plays custom maps, they just spawn crap into stock maps to avoid the DLs.

Does the HL2 editor allow you to move and adjust brushes in 3D view or do you have to do everything in 2D views? The inability to do anything but look in 3D view was the biggest problem with WorldCraft. Radiant was a lot better.

I don't know if it's too soon to get an answer to these questions. I haen't been following HL2 that closely.
You can move objects in the 3D plane in the current worldcraft (hammer), and it is possible (though tricky) to add extra stuff (entities) into a compilied bsp file.
Dont know the answer to your questions, but I wasnt aware you coul move stuff in 3D with Radient, thanks for the tip!
Originally posted by derby
You can move objects in the 3D plane in the current worldcraft (hammer), and it is possible (though tricky) to add extra stuff (entities) into a compilied bsp file.

Thank you. That's not good about spawning stuff into the BSP. Maybe I'll wait for Doom 3 to return to mapping. I doubt id will have much scripting support.
why not just use the 2d views, Its easier than using the 3d view in ways. Also a lot more acurate. Thats the thing I like about hammer. u can be very acurate in keeping things lined up the same and its very easy to use.
Originally posted by Papau
Thank you. That's not good about spawning stuff into the BSP. Maybe I'll wait for Doom 3 to return to mapping. I doubt id will have much scripting support.

well, HL1 had the same thing...didnt make the mod community worse did it? :)

anyways, its quite a long procces to edit the bsp file...
I remember Rocket Crowbar allowed you to do it really easily. All you had to do was edit a cfg file, or even type commands into the console and it automatically did the cfg. I love that mod, its so great yet so underplayed. You should all download it.
MOHAA allows you to spawn all sorts of entities into the bsp with a script file. CoD is even more, more scripting support. I don't intend to map for a game that allows that again.

As to doing everything in 2D view, I found I could most everything I wanted to do in 3D view with Radiant, about 4 times as fast.

I'll ask another question as long as I'm at it: Isn't anyone concerned that the HL2 engine seems an awful lot like Q3? Nobody else is using BSP/VIS/RAD anymore, even id. Back-side culling and view casting are very effective rendering techniques for the newer graphics cards, and not a ton of vis data to wade through.
well, for one thing, the makes it more compatible for more low end users..second it doesnt loo worse does it?

and besides, just use a tons of models, and it wount look that blocky at all :)

(if thats what you are reffering to? )
No, I was referring to the significant amount of effort required to Vis a map with the Q3 engine. You expend a great deal of time converting most brushes to detail and creating manual vis brushes to reduce the amount of vis data, or your vis compile could run for weeks. I don't look forward to continuing that useless pursuit.

I'm sorry if it seems I'm being over-critical about HL2, but when I started mapping for HL, I was rather badly surprised to find that the engine could not render things as well as Q2 and the network code was just awful. I quit HL after about 8 months of frustration. On the surface, HL2 looks very promising, but as they say, once bitten...

Hee, Hee. I see I'm a headcrab. Very appropriate.
The way Valve are going is to have more models in maps (which are rendered without the vis data (except for deciding wether the whole model is drawn or not))

I've never had any problems with poeple hacking custom maps, and I gaurantee that there will be thausands made for HL2, I can't image anyone relying on adding stuff to the standard maps.