Does anyone want to have a no sleep contest?

Last One In

Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
I was thinking about how funny everything is when you get no sleep, so I figured that the comedy would flow through this place like a great desert river if a bunch of people didn't sleep. The rules will be this:
-You must not be a bitch and lie about not sleeping. If you sleep, you're out of the contest.
-you will be riticuled by all if you don't tell the truth and a great jizz stain will be placed where your disgraceful name once was.
-You cannot talk about not sleeping
-you cannot talk about not sleeping
-If things get to crazy for you and you have to go snooze for your own safety, feel free to do so. We don't want people falling asleep at the wheel and killing people.
The Contest will begin friday at 8:oo am PST. So, get your rest ladies; you have a big week ahead of you.
Shit, Wrong forum! Mod, delete this post and I will put a new thread in the General OffTopic. Or just move it or whatever floats your boat. If you move it for me, you can be in the contest too!
This would be a cakewalk for me. Insomnia ftw.
More like a sleepwalk. Ill stay up so long that, Well i don't know what will happen.
Man...your crazy. That's not fun...but I already know some one who wins it. One of my friend's friends, stayed up for 2 of my friends stayed up for 5 days...that's torture I tell you..and ya...a mod might move this for you.
Dream, your name already implies that you will last no longer than 10 seconds in this contest. Maybe you can be on my side, PMing all the contestants except me, telling them how great it feels to sleep.
Last One In said:
Dream, your name already implies that you will last no longer than 10 seconds in this contest. Maybe you can be on my side, PMing all the contestants except me, telling them how great it feels to sleep.

Your correct..I hate staying up all night.
Moderators, send this thread your love and please put it in the general chit chat.
I wouldn't take part because it would damage my health.

Lack of sleep seriously damages you.
I went three straight nights without sleep, and it took me a good two weeks to recover fully. I seriously don't recommend it - you sleep for a reason.
Lack of sleep is bad and really not fun at all. Plus I've already got insomnia, so no.

In a few days you'll see how much not sleeping sucks. Visual and audio hallucinations yes but you don't care because you feel like complete shit. Oh, and it's quite damaging to your body to stay awake that long.
You do realise that people can lie about it because they're in a timezone that isn't depriving them of sleep.
Wouldn't this be more suitable in an IRC channel?
I think we should have a different contest instead.
Like who can clip the largest number of clothes pegs to their face and post a pic proving it.

Or something like that.
short recoil said:
I think we should have a different contest instead.
Like who can clip the largest number of clothes pegs to their face and post a pic proving it.

Or something like that.
I would attempt this stupid feat if I didn't have school and didn't care about my grades. Nice try.. Maybe try it with your friends instead of intranet friends that will lie about everything..
SHIPPI said:
If I miss one night's sleep I feel like shit for the rest of the week. Ugh, it's not fun at all

Indeed. Not sleeping is one of my least favourite things.
If I stay up for more than 18-20 hours I feel like complete crap. My bones ache, I feel really irritable and just can't stay awake any longer. Worse I've done is stayed up for 24 hours, got for 4 hours sleep and stayed up for another 18 hours. Was working during that time.

I seem to need atleast 6+ hours sleep a night to feel ok the next day. Someone I knew said he can live on 4 hours a night and could stay awake and feel fine for 2-3 days. I dunno how people do it.

I also wouldn't recomend doing it. Some people are more capable of staying up longer than others but it still can't be good for you.
I usually stay up for 2 days straight, or maybe I'll grab a couple hours snooze in between. It's my days off from work, damnit. I'm not gonna make them speed up when I sleep!
went 3 straight days with no sleep what so ever...not cool man. i was so tired after the third day that i fell asleep on my keyboard...and woke up 2 days later with keys all over my face
You couldn't really call it going without sleep but there was a time 3 years ago where i had a total of 10 hours sleep in a week.
I had an unknown illness or poisoning, although i never went into hospital (never been in one in my life, never intend to)
I would do it if i didn't have work, and if i did i would probably piss on the lot of you, with 135'ish hours(5 and a 1/2 days) being my record. The first 2 days are ok, the third and forth, shadows start flickering until you focus on them, the quietest of noises feel like gun shots that make you jump out of your skin, and the amount of typo's i made were unbelievable, that's when apathy comes into play. On the 5th day i started to experience a strong sense of apathy, my speech slowed and i basically mumbled, shit emotional responses(next to none), I had impaired memory and multitasking was a big no no. I then experience hypnagogic hallucinations, the grain effect you get on wood kept joining them self together and switching back to normal, the shadows were now moving and swaying side to side even when you focus on them(scary shit). That's when i gave up, my body felt like id been in a horrific car accident. I slept for a week, only getting up for food and drink. A tip on your competition, the oldest will win. It would be hard to do it on forum, so irc is your best bet. Even tho i did try it, i wouldn't recommend it. It can lead to a chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time, or insomnia as Ennui puts it. Dangerous stuff.
i think that has to be the best post i have ever read from you...good job...keep it up.

anyways sparks is right, although i have only stayed up for 3 days straight it was tough
i'd do this if i had no responsibilities, alas i do

i think i've gone 2 days w/out sleep and finally fell to sleep on the 3rd day, this was a few years back when i was trying to finish a project
Kamikazie said:
i think that has to be the best post i have ever read from you...good job...keep it up.

anyways sparks is right, although i have only stayed up for 3 days straight it was tough
Kamikazie, you've been un-banned from your computer?

Imho it's not a very good idea. First of all, not sleeping is bad. Second, there's no way to keep people from lying about how long they've stayed awake.
short recoil said:
You couldn't really call it going without sleep but there was a time 3 years ago where i had a total of 10 hours sleep in a week.
I had an unknown illness or poisoning, although i never went into hospital (never been in one in my life, never intend to)

Really? I practically live in the hospital. So much fun.

Um, i think my record was 4 days. The teacher let me sleep through a lot of the day, this was back in primary school. I wonder whatever happened to him.............
Skaadi said:
Really? I practically live in the hospital. So much fun.

Um, i think my record was 4 days. The teacher let me sleep through a lot of the day, this was back in primary school. I wonder whatever happened to him.............

In a mental institution after being advised to kill himself by one of his pupils?
15357 said:
In a mental institution after being advised to kill himself by one of his pupils?
*clicks fingers* that was it!
Glad to be of service. :D

Anyway, I never try to stay up when I can help it. I sleep at 2 AM and wake up at 6.
It was most amusing when farrowlesparrow went almost a week with no sleep. The chronicles of his hallucinations were interesting to read.
How are you meant to know i'm not awake? What a stupid idea =P
Danimal said:
How are you meant to know i'm not awake? What a stupid idea =P

Through IRC, you would have to chat every 5 or so minutes. Or play DM/Gmod9 on the same server.