Does BiA use Unreal tech?


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
wtf.. I was pokeing through my BiA demo folder and it's constructed the exact same way unreal based games are except instead of .utx/ut2 files they are usx/uz2, also the installer very closely resembles those of unreal2k4/mods.. just wondering if it's freaky coincidience or if it's a known fact that this game uses the engine
Another Forum said:
I have now discoverd that BIA does NOT use the Farcry engine, it actually uses 2nd Gen Unreal Engine.
That's what I googled.
It's a known fact that it's built on unreal technology
Yes, it says on the opening screen...."Based on Unreal Technology"
What a great game too!
Murray_H said:
It's a known fact that it's built on unreal technology

You wouldn't know it by looking at it, though :|