Does drugs make you "cool"?

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Jan 6, 2005
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It seems everywhere I go just having drugs automatically makes you a cool guy, like I was sitting eating two days ago, and these friend of my bestfriend comes and shows his hasch(which I think is Weed?) right infront of the teacherslike just wanting to yell "Oh look at me I do drugs, I'm the coolest guy there ever ****ing was".
SOmetimes it feels like I'm the -only one- at my school that doesn't approve of the use of drugs(Aside from medical reasons that is) :|
And sometimes it gets really tempting also when all the talk you're fed with at school is about drugs or such, but also really tiresome, must - not - give - in - to - grouppressure!

Sorry, just had to get that off my mind.
Hash is brown and has henna and bits of plastic if its really shyt. If you get good hash its ok. Weed is green, skunk is also green but actually gets you stoned. Some people refer to skunk as weed but its not really.
Tr0n said:
No they don't.
Actually they do.

All the cool kids do drugs.

Ok, I'm kidding.

Most of the cool kids do drugs.
*turns around to see a stampede of druggies coming towards the thread*

RUN!!!! :O
Drugs are "substitute" cool...that is, if you can't be a cool person by yourself, do drugs, because then everybody will certainly like you.


Drugs are for losers. It boggles my mind how A) some people just need drugs to have fun, relax, etc.; and B) spend their money on it. Shit's expensive. If you can't have fun or chill out without substances, that's really in, pathetic.
Everyone has their vices. I agree the hard stuff is a no go. But I'd rather smoke a zoot than have a drink. The fact is that the thing I choose is illegal, yet a more dangerous substance, alcohol, is widely available and more open to abuse.

Each to their own. But it annoys me when people say shit like they are tring to be cool. Unhappy with their lives wah wah. I dont force my opinions on to others and judge them for not doing something, so what gives others the right to judge people like me.

The saying goes, "Don't knock something 'till you've tried it." Not that I'm encouraging anyone to try anything.
Ditto for wyat WySiWyG said. Smoking a jay doesnt make you cool, nor does it make you a loser. Its the harder stuff and its users that you should be concerned about.
Using weed is ok if you're not using it purposely to impress people. Smoking with friends is fun.

Just dont do the "S".. vERY bad for your health.

And yeah.. people who show off that they smoke W, trying to impress people deserve to get beaten up badly. I dont find anything "cool" about telling everybody you smoke it. It just makes you look like a coolguywanabe loser.

-For those who haven't tried smoking this. Just try it even once. It's too dangerous to get addicted to it-
right guys?
So, for all of you who are pro drugs and pro weed(alot of you on these forums). Tell me this, when you have kids... when are you going to introduce them to drugs? And will it be anything other than 'don't do drugs'? Will you think your kids will lead a better life growing up in a household of people who do drugs like smoking pot?

Will you teach them that doing drugs at a young age, and onward into an adult age is not only acceptable, its reasonable and not much harm can come from it(speaking of marijuana). That the 'benefits' outweigh the detriments, and they can live a successful life smoking the pot?

I'm just curious.
Darkside55 said:
Drugs are for losers.
**** you.
It boggles my mind how A) some people just need drugs to have fun, relax, etc.; and B) spend their money on it. Shit's expensive. If you can't have fun or chill out without substances, that's really in, pathetic.
Why assume they do it because they need it, or cant have fun without it? You must be pretty stupid if you dont realise most people do it simply because they enjoy it, just like anything else people do for fun, or is anyone who seeks pleasure in life a pathetic loser? Only people who are severely addicted to something fit in with what youre saying, and they make up a tiny percentage of users. Do you drink alcohol, or play golf, or games or do anything else to have fun or relax? If so, you are a hypocrite.
Also. Let me add. I find the claim that 'drugs have been used throughout history' to be a very silly pro claim for its usage. Prostitution has been around even longer! Its the worlds oldest profession, yet I don't hear people parading around about that!
I got no problems with people who smoke pot, but if you are doing any of the hardcore drugs like heroin or coke, god damn.....
Raziaar said:
So, for all of you who are pro drugs and pro weed(alot of you on these forums). Tell me this, when you have kids... when are you going to introduce them to drugs? And will it be anything other than 'don't do drugs'? Will you think your kids will lead a better life growing up in a household of people who do drugs like smoking pot?

Will you teach them that doing drugs at a young age, and onward into an adult age is not only acceptable, its reasonable and not much harm can come from it(speaking of marijuana). That the 'benefits' outweigh the detriments, and they can live a successful life smoking the pot?

I'm just curious.
Are you saying they cant?
Nah, guess you were saying something completely different......
If i ever have kids i will certainly educate them about the real effects of drugs. And i would much rather they toked than got drunk.
f|uke said:
Actually they do.

All the cool kids do drugs.

Ok, I'm kidding.

Most of the cool kids do drugs.

you mean most of the "show-off kids" do drugs ;)
Reaktor4 said:
Are you saying they cant?
Nah, guess you were saying something completely different......
If i ever have kids i will certainly educate them about the real effects of drugs. And i would much rather they toked than got drunk.

No I am not saying they can't. I'm just saying that studies have hinted and proven that for many people, it can hinder them. There are some exceptions like everything in life, I admit, but many people who use drugs become the dregs of humanity.

EDIT: and what the heck do celebrity names have to do with cannabis users and success? Nothing. We hear all the time how these celebrities are suffering from serious problems in life, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, criminal offenses. Yeah. Real successful for most of them!

Drugs certainly didn't elevate them to their position. It probably hindered it... but they were strong enough to prevail long enough to get into the position they are in before the drugs really started to ruin their life.
How is playing games to have fun make him a hypocrite? It's a big difference from taking drugs and playing a game, seeing as when you take a drug it enters your body, technically a game doesn't enter your body(Unless you for some reason want to eat the CD.)

But anyway, I -do not- judge people who take drugs, it's their choice what they do with their body, but I do know from personal experience that -alot- of people that take cannabis for example can get very very aggressive(My brother was addicted for a year so I've had the closest experience I can get with it without taking it myself.)

It only scares me that almost every gamer I see on say CS is pro-drugs and alot are even pro-heavy drugs, now as I said, I don't judge people who take drugs but I really don't understand why they do it, it does harm you, and no I don't have double morals, I live a very healthy life, I don't smoke cigarettes, weed nor do I drink alcohol(Or sometimes I do but very rarely) and I plan to keep it that way, but as said, whatever floats your boats, and from what I've learnt, drugs is "Ok" aslong as you don't get addicted because that's when they'll really start ruining your life.(Saw a girl on the subway, was only perhaps 15-16, she was crying, I asked her what had happend, it was during the middle of the night, she said she had been smoking weed with her friends and when she got high enough they beat the shit out of her and took everything she had.).

Also, in a sense I do drugs, I'm on anti-deppressants which I guess you could call drugs but I'm on them because I want to have days in my life when I'm -not- deppressed.
Raziaar said:
So, for all of you who are pro drugs and pro weed(alot of you on these forums). Tell me this, when you have kids... when are you going to introduce them to drugs? And will it be anything other than 'don't do drugs'? Will you think your kids will lead a better life growing up in a household of people who do drugs like smoking pot?

I dont think I'd get my kid at the age of 7 and be like, "spark it up rude boy." Its wrong. Young kids are very anti smoking, at least I was and many others I remember at school. Coughing at people smoking etc etc.

Why would I bring up my kid(s) in a household of people smoking weed? Do you think weed smokes are like squatters? I have one when I get home from work, and after a night on the booze.

Raziaar said:
Will you teach them that doing drugs at a young age, and onward into an adult age is not only acceptable, its reasonable and not much harm can come from it(speaking of marijuana). That the 'benefits' outweigh the detriments, and they can live a successful life smoking the pot?

Why would I teach them that when it is clearly not acceptable for young kids to doing that shyt. Harm can come of it I am well aware of that, it just annoys me how socially acceptable alcohol is when it can do a lot more damage.

I live a successful life smoking weed. I have my own car, good job, many friends, gf, family and I kick arse in HL2DM. Go figure.
Why would I teach them that when it is clearly not acceptable for young kids to doing that shyt. Harm can come of it I am well aware of that, it just annoys me how socially acceptable alcohol is when it can do a lot more damage.

I live a successful life smoking weed. Go figure.

I don't think alcohol is that great either, except maybe some wine to help improve your heart.

And, most people who start smoking pot, do it at a young age, and don't see anything wrong with that... so I just want to know, if you'll introduce your children to those drugs at that age that you started at, because you obviously see nothing wrong with them. I mean hey, as long as they get it from you, they're not getting it from street dealers, right? :x
Raziaar said:
I don't think alcohol is that great either, except maybe some wine to help improve your heart.

And, most people who start smoking pot, do it at a young age, and don't see anything wrong with that... so I just want to know, if you'll introduce your children to those drugs at that age that you started at, because you obviously see nothing wrong with them. I mean hey, as long as they get it from you, they're not getting it from street dealers, right? :x

I started at like 16. Im sure by then they will have it sussed. I do see thing wrong with drugs. I have done most of them because I was curious. Found out what they were like and found the only one I really enjoyed was weed.

The key is moderation.

And this whole vision of dealers pushing drugs in the street is BS. People get it off their mates cos its cheaper and its not crap. And no I would not get it for my kids.
It's up to the individual I guess.. But drugs definitely don't make you "cool", unless in the eyes of shallow "respect"-obsessive teens.
Raziaar said:
No I am not saying they can't.
Thats exactly what you were saying. Youre flip flopping all over the place.
I'm just saying that studies have hinted and proven that for many people, it can hinder them. There are some exceptions like everything in life, I admit, but many people who use drugs become the dregs of humanity.
Prohibition is the primary cause of this. If an addiction costs $200 a day its not surprising that many will commit crime to get the money.
EDIT: and what the heck do celebrity names have to do with cannabis users and success? Nothing.
So youre gonna redefine success now too?
Fine, here you go.
Theres also a site for cops/ex cops who toke and support legalisation but i cant remember the url
Drugs certainly didn't elevate them to their position.
I never said they did. Im just destroying your stupid implication that you cant be successful if you use drugs. Although im sure it helped in the cases of certain musicians.
It probably hindered it... but they were strong enough to prevail long enough to get into the position they are in before the drugs really started to ruin their life.
Oh so now all the people on that list had their lives destroyed by drugs. News to me. Source(s)?
And this whole vision of dealers pushing drugs in the street is BS. People get it off their mates cos its cheaper and its not crap. And no I would not get it for my kids.

I didn't mean that literally. I used it as an example of kids learning about drugs from someone else, who may impact upon them far more seriously than someone who loves them and explains to them about drugs.

And people do too buy drugs from street dealers. How do you think it gets circulated? Where do you think their mates get it. Grow their own? Most of the time, unlikely.

Even when I lived up in alaska... yes, a remote state like alaska! Over 10 years ago, there was a drug dealer in our neighborhood(didn't live there, just pushed there)! He actually got to some of the younger kids there who I found out many years later had turned to prostitution. 80% of the girls on my street turned to prostitution to the other boys after they started using those drugs. Its very unfortunate. It makes me sad. Some of those young girls I bounced on the trampoline with and had snowball fights with in the wintertime. It makes me feel awful to learn that most of them turned to prostitution, especially at such a young age! And drugs were the culprit in their situations.
"Only people who are severely addicted to something fit in with what youre saying."

Exactly the people I was talking about.

I didn't assume everyone who smokes needs it, I was speaking about people who really do seem to need it. I'm referring to people who are always smoking it, at all hours of the day, it's the one thing they look forward too...the type of people who are always saying everything's better when you're high. The type of people who spend all their money on it.

Had a friend like that. Always tried to get him off that shit...he'd get off, go back on, repeat. He's off it now, though, which is good.

Also, can't get addicted to golf, but golf's ludicrous too, what with country club fees and having to buy stuff at the club store and all that. But again that's an extreme end of the spectrum, not everybody.

Anyway even if I was describing a very small portion of substance users I still think it's dumb. Even casually...blah, why even need it? But, your choice, not mine, just giving my opinion. I don't care what smokers do and I definately don't give a shit what you personally do, Reaktor4.

F*ck you, as well. Unnecessary insult +1, god damn I'm cool now.
Thats exactly what you were saying. Youre flip flopping all over the place.

No. I'm TELLING you what i'm saying, and the claim that i've had all along. It just wasn't defined in the first post.

I'm saying that kids are LESS LIKELY to succeed in life when they start getting involved with addictions and drugs. They're not AS LIKELY, or MORE LIKELY... they're less likely. That's my view.

I'm not of the belief that all people who use drugs won't have some form of success in their life. So quit trying to say that I am! You're doing the same thing you did in the other thread, trying to twist what I said. Its a poor form of debate. Learn to read and not be so manipulative.

So youre gonna redefine success now too?
Fine, here you go.
Theres also a site for cops/ex cops who toke and support legalisation but i cant remember the url

Certainly not. I'm saying that celebrities have NOTHING to do with the definition of the average citizen's success.

never said they did. Im just destroying your stupid implication that you cant be successful if you use drugs.

Once again dude.. Manipulation of speech. Learn to debate, not lie!

Oh so now all the people on that list had their lives destroyed by drugs. News to me. Source(s)?

<rolls his eyes> No, but countless celebrities have been in the spotlight concerning drug abuse and addiction, including sports players etc who have also been accused of criminal actions!
That the 'benefits' outweigh the detriments, and they can live a successful life smoking the pot?
You CLEARLY implied that. I manipulated nothing. Stop calling me a liar.
Reaktor4 said:
You CLEARLY implied that. I manipulated nothing. Stop calling me a liar.

Reaktor4 said:
You CLEARLY implied that. I manipulated nothing. Stop calling me a liar.

The implications from what I said could mean many things. It could mean If they do drugs they have no chance of succeeding. It could mean they have less of a chance of succeeding. It could even mean they have more chance of succeeding if they used the drugs! It was simply a sarcastic statement, that wasn't completely defined when I said it. Further definition can be easily added.

It lacked implication. And I later defined that implication for you. Why is it so hard for you to understand and live with? <chuckles>

If you really think thats what I meant, then believe it. But i'm telling you, as the person who said it. I didn't mean it as that. I don't start taking obscure references from your posts which need further definition and tacking on incorrect assumptions to them.

The fact is... i'm having this discussion at very very late/early hours in the morning, and i'm not liable to post everything 100% clearly the first time around.

...smoking pot makes you not cool - it makes you look like some french philosopher from the '50s or like a hippie that never accepted the world as cruel as it is. Or, worst, like someone wanting to be cool :D

...crack makes you look like a junky, so not cool

...cocain makes you look cool, snorting 'lines' is just cool.

...don't know about anything taken through needles... but heroin's just too dangerous.
Drugs CAN make you cool, sometimes. But that depends entirely on who you hang out with. If you're hanging out with stoners, drugs are cool. If you're hanging out with a bunch of straight-edge kids, drugs will be very UNcool.

Why can so few people think about this objectively? You seem to have two main groups of people--the ones who cry when you talk about drugs ("oh god! they're so bad! ahhh get them off!") and the group who giggles like a bunch of idiots every time the clock hits 420.

As cartman would say,
Weak. Totally lame.

Get over yourselves. Everything is a matter of personal responsibility as long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of other people. It's my choice to smoke a bit fat blunt and see what I can do with that effect, and it's my choice to stay clean and sober.
Only retarded morons do drugs, Cannabis, Cocaine, Extacy, etc.
Drugs, video games, tv, its all a way to pass the time, it has nothing to do with being cool.
Razor said:
Only retarded morons do drugs, Cannabis, Cocaine, Extacy, etc.
You sir, are a dumbass.
Don't make generalizations about people's intelligence because of their harmless passtime. (Mostly the cannabis users)
Especially not one so inaccurate.
Do what you want, screw yourself up in any way you like (talking about harder drugs, evidently). I'm fine with that, just don't bloody try and push it onto me.

That's my philosophy.
Darkside55 said:
Also, can't get addicted to golf,
You can probably get addicted to anything.
Anyway even if I was describing a very small portion of substance users I still think it's dumb. Even casually...blah, why even need it?
Thats the whole point. Nobody needs it apart from the small minority who are addicted. And a generalisation such as 'drugs are for losers' is ridiculous.
But, your choice, not mine, just giving my opinion. I don't care what smokers do and I definately don't give a shit what you personally do, Reaktor4.
F*ck you, as well. Unnecessary insult +1, god damn I'm cool now.
Well you insulted me first.
Recoil said:

...smoking pot makes you not cool - it makes you look like some french philosopher from the '50s or like a hippie that never accepted the world as cruel as it is. Or, worst, like someone wanting to be cool :D

...crack makes you look like a junky, so not cool

...cocain makes you look cool, snorting 'lines' is just cool.

...don't know about anything taken through needles... but heroin's just too dangerous.
Youre taking the piss, right?
Raziaar said:
The implications from what I said could mean many things.
I disagree but this is getting soo ****ing petty, so, whatever.
The fact is... i'm having this discussion at very very late/early hours in the morning, and i'm not liable to post everything 100% clearly the first time around.
Ok, but you can hardly blame me for taking it as i did.
Ever had a drink or smoked a cigarette? If so, then shut up you druggie, stop being a hypocrite.
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