Does drugs make you "cool"?

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WySiWyG said:
Prick. Go die.

Cant even manage a fkin sentence.
Watch the insults, both of you. Don't force me to close this thread.
Sorry people..

Its getting a bit heated. But discussions like this seem to go over the heads of many people sucked into the medias perspective.

Have fun sheep.
Axyon said:
Watch the insults, both of you. Don't force me to close this thread.
He will do it too, he is a real bully. Just look at his national flag! :laugh:

I don't think it makes you cool at all. If you do it thats fine, if you dont thats fine. I have smoked pot and I wasn't all like hey man check it out I SMOKE POT. I really think it simply depends on the person, I knew this kid back in high school who would literally walk around the halls saying "move, stoner coming through". He eventually sold baking soda and anbesol mixed together as coke to the craziest kid in school (this kid knocked out some dudes eye with a ****in' BRICK) and after his life was in danger he stopped being so stupid.
Raziaar said:
So, for all of you who are pro drugs and pro weed(alot of you on these forums). Tell me this, when you have kids... when are you going to introduce them to drugs? And will it be anything other than 'don't do drugs'? Will you think your kids will lead a better life growing up in a household of people who do drugs like smoking pot?

Will you teach them that doing drugs at a young age, and onward into an adult age is not only acceptable, its reasonable and not much harm can come from it(speaking of marijuana). That the 'benefits' outweigh the detriments, and they can live a successful life smoking the pot?

I'm just curious.

I'm not going to put propaganda into my kid's head. I'll present him with the facts and let him make up his own mind. I would teach him the importance of moderation and how to not be stupid with it if he decided to smoke it.
Raziaar said:
No I am not saying they can't. I'm just saying that studies have hinted and proven that for many people, it can hinder them. There are some exceptions like everything in life, I admit, but many people who use drugs become the dregs of humanity.

People can become the dregs of society without drugs as well.
tried hasch a couple of times...many of my friends are dealers but i dont see them as extra cool beacause of that...but weed\hasch is pretty harmless anyway..
but weed\hasch is pretty harmless anyway..

Dunno... makes addictive... makes dumb... a pretty uncomfortable combination, I'd say.
It's funny, all the cool people I know have done some drugs, although they don't necessarily do it on a regular basis. And most of the uncool people have never done drugs. I think it's more of a personality thing. I associate cool with being outgoing, adventurous and having experience. That's the kind of person that would probably experiment a little bit with drugs

weed is no more addictive than chocolate cake is addictive. If people go back to it, it's because they like it, not because of a chemical reaction. Nicotine on the other hand is very addictive. I've never smoked cigarettes but I've tried nicotine gum, whoah that stuff is powerful gum, makes your mouth all tingly and I felt kinda sick afterwards.
I've been offered various drugs many times by people I know, I just say no thanks and they leave it alone.

Its not cool, its just somthing some people like to do. :)

I say its perfectly acceptable with soft drugs like cannabis since it doesnt make them half as much a handfull than when their drunk and i havnt ever seen any bad side affects... ever.
No drugs don't make you cool. You might look (or think) you look better because you DO drugs but when you're lay comatosed (sp?) in hospital dying at the age of 25 you look like a right twat!.
Alig said:
No drugs don't make you cool. You might look (or think) you look better because you DO drugs but when you're lay comatosed (sp?) in hospital dying at the age of 25 you look like a right twat!.

LOL. Agreed. If you take just to be cool, well you have a warped view on reality.
I dunno, but I'm mighty fed up of seeing aliases on CS like "Megaweedman" or "Hash4me" or something.

Yeah, you smoke weed.

Wonderful, but why should I care?
Kangy said:
I dunno, but I'm mighty fed up of seeing aliases on CS like "Megaweedman" or "Hash4me" or something.

Yeah, you smoke weed.

Wonderful, but why should I care?

no one said you did. but why can't they "advertise"?
Okay, let's put it another way.

Would you be somehow impressed if I used "Clean As a Fiddle!" for my alias? No.

Advertising a drug habit is about as silly as it gets. Like it somehow makes them cool or something.
gordons_crowbar said:
no one said you did. but why can't they "advertise"?
Because they're doing it solely for the purpose of trying to look 'cool'.
personally, i don't mind handles or their content. but you are right about them using it to make themselves look cool. it's like they want people to say "hey look, that guy i'm playing with smokes drugs. wow, he's awesome."

i think that's mentality people have BECAUSE of doing something illegal. when i first started partaking, i had that feeling...
As ever, this drugs debate has taken the usual route.

OK, firstly, drugs aren't cool. Anyone who takes drugs to be cool is a complete idiot. And anyone who thinks most people take drugs to be cool is also, a complete idiot.
It's simple, if you buy a swish car just to look cool you're a fool. You do things because you want to, because it makes you happy, serves a function, not to please other people. The same applies for drugs.

If you're childish and ill informed enough to tell me that I'm a total waste of skin because I smoke dope, I have one thing to say to you - grow up and base your opinion on some facts, not predjudice. First of all, I've been smoking pot since I was 14, not often at first, but in the last year probably three times a week - three other days were spent drinking. Right, I held a job through all that, was awarded employee of the month, and the best employee at customer relations. Don't know how I managed that, cuz I was smoking weed after work :-o
Now, I'm at uni, getting good grades, and I'm even writing some essays under the influence - I'm getting very reasonable grades.

If I was high all the time I doubt I'd be able to do any of this. But the fact is the vast majority of people who smoke dope are not high all the time. If I said I enjoyed going down the pub (which I now do only once a week) would you assume I'm pissed all the time? No.

And a few myths I've seen knocking around here.

1. Drug habits are expensive: Yeah, if you're on heroin or cocaine and are severely addicted - which accounts for less than 10% of all users of the drugs. Cannabis is not expensive when compared to other 'OK' drugs like alcohol. To put things in perspective, four of my friends came up to see me at uni with £70 worth of dope. It lasted Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We went out on the town one night and each spent at least £15, work it out.

2. Cannabis makes you violent: Indian Hemp Drugs commision of 1968 declared that there is no link between cannabis use and violence. And here is another link for you with regards violence.
But of course someone heard how a girl was beaten up and robbed after smoking dope with some people. Of course that must have been the drug, and not the fact that the people were thieves, obviously intent on doing it in the first place. Puuurrrlease, do you think they suddenly got stoned and thought "Now lets rob this girl."

Conclusion? Drugs aren't cool, and they aren't totally safe. There are dangers, and if you do decide to start taking them, be careful, monitor how much you're taking, and set yourself boundaries - as you should with alcohol, half-life 2, eating etc etc.
But of course someone heard how a girl was beaten up and robbed after smoking dope with some people. Of course that must have been the drug, and not the fact that the people were thieves, obviously intent on doing it in the first place. Puuurrrlease, do you think they suddenly got stoned and thought "Now lets rob this girl."

Yes. Its happened before -- and more likely to be so when someone "Feels good about what they're doing or planning". Also, people do get addicted to such drugs -- and addiction to anything leads to many harsh retributions; for both user and user's victim.

I also dont get the idea of drugs or drinking -- they drink when they're upset; they smoke when they think they're not happy; why not just have sex? Go running -- compete in a sport -- become a more socially motivated kind of person, and you wont need any of that. :D

Ikerous said:
Drugs, video games, tv, its all a way to pass the time, it has nothing to do with being cool.

You sir, are a dumbass.
Don't make generalizations about people's intelligence because of their harmless passtime. (Mostly the cannabis users)
Especially not one so inaccurate.

"Oh no, i am not a retard because i take cannabis and drugs, it is completely harmless and much healthier then smoking cigarettes" :hmph:
No, taking drugs is not about "take them when you're unhappy" that'd be silly. I tend to avoid doing that because I might feel even worse after a joint.

No, it's just that natural human desire to alter concsiousness. Lads don't go out on the town because they're all depressed and lonely, they go there to have fun, pull girls, and get pissed.

Same with weed, you get high as a treat - you're altering your consciousness which is a naturally fun and interesting thing to do.

And with other drugs, they're often used as a cheaper, much more hardcore supliment to alcohol. For example, this weekend I'm going clubbing (Ironically in the club off Human Traffic) and we're taking some pills. It's gunna cost me less than a fiver to get two pills, and they'll last me all night. Whereas a fiver would get me two pints of ale, which would get me a little woozy and perhaps more confident. Instead I'm going to be laughing my ass off constantly, feeling like my sole purpose in life is to rave my ass off, and perhaps see a few gnomes running around on the dance floor.

But although I enjoy pills more, they're hardly addictive. This sort of thing happens once every two months or so for me. Yet with booze it's very easy to get addicted.

Anyway, I'm off for a pint :cheers: ;)
K e r b e r o s said:
Yes. Its happened before -- and more likely to be so when someone "Feels good about what they're doing or planning".

I believe that you have to be willing to be a thief/rapist/killer for such a thing to happen. If weed was the only thing letting you go ahead with it, you were screwed up in the first place.

Also, people do get addicted to such drugs -- and addiction to anything leads to many harsh retributions; for both user and user's victim.

While true, my problem lies mainly with how people view the word addiction. We are not talking about kind of physical withdrawal symptoms that one develops from harder drugs. We are not talking about a physical addiction. It's psychological. It's actually easier to quit marijuana than it is to quit other drugs.

I've never met a person that has actually craved for a joint. I have, however, seen people crave for a cigarette or a drink.

I also dont get the idea of drugs or drinking -- they drink when they're upset; they smoke when they think they're not happy; why not just have sex? Go running -- compete in a sport -- become a more socially motivated kind of person, and you wont need any of that. :D

I, for one, do not have a particular like for sports. And while I do smoke and drink when feeling negative, I also do them when I'm feeling good, or even just, y'know, the usual. The only times I really consume alcohol or other drugs is during social occasions.
Razor said:
"Oh no, i am not a retard because i take cannabis and drugs, it is completely harmless and much healthier then smoking cigarettes" :hmph:

Razor said:
"Oh no, i am not a retard because i take cannabis and drugs, it is completely harmless and much healthier then smoking cigarettes" :hmph:

You'll find beer is more harmful. And of course smoking cannabis is as bad as smoking - you're smoking tobacco with it.
Grow up.
burner69 said:
You'll find beer is more harmful. And of course smoking cannabis is as bad as smoking - you're smoking tobacco with it.
Grow up.

I don't drink alcohol, i don't smoke cigarettes and i have never smoked cannabis or any other drugs.
Razor said:
I don't drink alcohol, i don't smoke cigarettes and i have never smoked cannabis or any other drugs.

And that gives you the right to dictate to other people, calling them retards?

It also confirmed my suspiscion that you're just another "I've never done drugs but know all about them" kinda guy who will happily spout out the crap they teach you at primary school about drugs, and believing it all without questioning it in any way.

Here's a hint; you got lied to a lot. And don't call drug users retards, it's not friendly.
I know I don't do shrooms to show everyone that I'm cool, I do them cause they're quite enjoyable and in a way it brings all of my friends together for the next 3 hours:)( + they can't really link any negative after affects to them) and only a small amount of the people I know, know I do them. I don't try to hide it or anything, it just hasn't come up.

I don't approve of anything besides drinking, pot and mush( though I havn't done weed for along time, went cold turkey actually:) ) But I wouldn't lash out at people doing anything else.
Here's something for us all to debate over.

Would drugs be cool if they were legal?

Would kids do them to be cool if they were the same as alcohol, with the same restrictions, and contained warnings on the packaging, and were as pure as poss, so although the dangers were still there, they were greatly reduced.

Hey, and brinks, watch the shroom intake. They've linked long term use to mental deteriation. But you're okay for once or twice a month. They're well fun aren't they ;) :naughty: A pixie!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
what were we laughing at?
Who's got a hat?
Wow! Scooby doo! He's got a hat on! etc etc
burner69 said:
They've linked long term use to mental deteriation.
Really? I looked around the web on a number of different site before I tried them. Me googlez once more:D.
I read on that asprin is more toxic for you then taking magic mush.
Burner has a point, the illegalness is what makes it "cool" i think. Like hacking makes you "cool", kids in school are "cool" if they do something theyre not supposed to, or is against the rules. "Cool"ness has alot to do with rebellion. And drugs-wise it doesnt bother me, only when its addictive and harmful, like smoking and alcohol can be. Speaking of which, Ive heard weed and LSD are the only non-addictive drugs, any truth in that statement?
brink's said:
Really? I looked around the web on a number of different site before I tried them. Me googlez once more:D.
I read on that asprin is more toxic for you then taking magic mush.

I was about to post you a link backing my point up... but guess what

At present, no serious lasting sequels to the long-term use of hallucingogenic mushrooms have been reported, but there are no studies which might permit the assessment of the effects of extended, frequent use.

I always use drugscope before taking a new drug - they're honest, and don't BS you.\wip\11\1\1\magic_mushrooms.html
I dunno if I should stereotype people but... all of the people I know who takes drugs for a FACT are idiots, assholes or otherwise annoying people. So, either drugs makes you an asshole, idiot or otherwise annoying, or otherwise annoying, idiots and assholes do drugs.
Razor, you're being a total ass. Its clear you're not very socially experienced because there are lots of really cool and intelligent people who also happen to smoke pot. You're living a sheltered life, son. Now I'm not saying to try anything,. but you'd certainly do well to open your mind and heart to some people who do.

Judging by your prejudice (irony!), you're clearly sub-20,. and most likely 15-17 years old, 'because you cant help but be exposed to that stuff in college. Thats sure to open your eyes.

Honestly, pot does make you stupid. For about 3 hours. Then you go back to normal. I have been quite supprised at how much pot some people can smoke (and I mean years and years of it) and how sharp and intelligent they can be afterwards when clean and sober. If a pot smoker seems stupid all the time, then he probably was that way before he began.
burner69 said:
And that gives you the right to dictate to other people, calling them retards?

It also confirmed my suspiscion that you're just another "I've never done drugs but know all about them" kinda guy who will happily spout out the crap they teach you at primary school about drugs, and believing it all without questioning it in any way.

Here's a hint; you got lied to a lot. And don't call drug users retards, it's not friendly.

I think you have that backwards, when doctors and specialists in illegal drugs and how they effect the human body tell you something, you listen to them. Or were you someone who listen to their friends who were drug users and told you it was safe? Anyway, i don't need to try cocaine to know that it will mess up my life, i don't need to try heroine to know that it will mess up my life, i don't need to try cannabis to know it will mess up my life. Read the information on drugs and what they can do to you before sprouting all the rubbish about "teachers lie to you, drugs are fine" crap.

And anyone who destroys themselves by getting addicted to cocaine, extasy, etc is a retard, in my point of review. But someone who gets addicted and manages to get off of the drugs, in my opinion, is very brave and very strong and should be applauded.
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