Does drugs make you "cool"?

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Raziaar said:
Yep, the US gov pays all these universities, who have professors who oppose the government, to make findings in favor of them over the drug providers.
Actually its the 'drug providers' who are pushing for this legislation. As for paing the profs, its more a matter of finding the ones that agree with them and using them for their studies.

Heres some proof that the government (specifically the Bush Administration) is speding US Tax dollars on anti-drug propiganda:

The Washington Post said:
The prepackaged news pieces represent a fraction of the anti-drug messages distributed by the office, Riley said. Production and distribution of the video news releases cost about $155,000.


In one video, titled "Urging Parents to Get the Facts Straight on Teen Marijuana Use," news stations were provided a script for the news anchor. It reads: "Despite the fact that marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug among today's youth, many parents admit they're still not taking the drug seriously. Now, the nation's experts in health, education and safety have joined the Drug Czar to speak directly to parents about the very real risks of teen marijuana use. Mike Morris has more."

After interview snippets with John Walters, who heads the drug control policy office, and other experts, the story closes with the voiceover: "This is Mike Morris reporting."

In another, the announcer appears to be "reporting" on a news conference by drug control officials, when "in reality, they are just paid to say a script," Poling said. "In essence, they're actors."


"The critical element of covert propaganda is the concealment of the agency's role in sponsoring the materials," GAO wrote to Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.), who requested the Jan. 4 report.

"It is illegal to use taxpayer dollars to influence public opinion surreptitiously," Waxman said yesterday. "Unfortunately, this is the second time in less than a year that GAO has caught the Bush administration violating a fundamental principle of open government."
And there you go. Proof that the government is a biased lying machine.
Raziaar said:
So tell me. Why am I to believe people who use the drug more than people who don't?
Because they tend not to talk shit (because they dont need to), maybe. Anyway the first link didnt say anything about cannabis, did you conveniently 'miss' it?
I just skimmed through what you posted and it is either plain wrong (like saying "marijuana is addictive", despite it not producing real tolerance which is a requirement for a drug to be addictive) or misrepresented (like the thing about people going to rehab; what they dont mention is the fact that its usually a choice between rehab and jail).
I would pick apart the post, but theres so much crap there i cant be arsed. And im of the opinion that no matter what proof is presented to you, like >99% of prohibitionists, you will simply refuse to change your mind, so it would be a waste of my time.

That is a site with volumes of completely unbiased, for the most part, information about psychoactives. Cannabis, or marijuana/hash, is a psychoactive. This site is the best source of information that isn't slanted in either direction on the internet. Erowid was created so that people can learn about psychoactive and hallucinogenic drugs without having to read either government reports (which is unavoidably biased because they don't want to appear stupid for banning them) or information from people who heavily use the drugs themselves.

Calling marijuana a "gateway drug" is simply propaganda - saying that because people who do hard drugs also smoke cannabis, cannabis is a gateway drug, is like saying that people who do hard drugs also drink alcohol, which has never been called a gateway drug. Yes, exposure to the "drug culture", as stupid as it is, may increase the chances of someone doing harder drugs... but thats true for anything.

Doing drugs does NOT make you cool. The ONLY reason and time that people should do any drug is if they have extensively researched it, know exactly what they are doing to their body and mind, and know that they can exercise restraint from the drug as well, so that they do not become physically or psychologically addicted.

People being in the emergency room is not soley because of marijuana's physical effects - people CAN be stupid while on the drug, and might injure themselves, but no more than alcohol or anything else like that. A lot of the time, it's many more factors than the cannabis itself - smoking cannabis CANNOT send you to the emergency room unless you have an allergic reaction to it, which is rare.

As you may have guessed, I do smoke marijuana occasionally (god, I hate how that sounds, though... the subconcious negative stigma attached to that phrase from a lifetime of hearing how horrible it is makes me flinch), but I am capable of exercising restraint.

Oh yes, cannabis is NOT physically addictive. There are no addicting substances in THC or any of the other active chemicals. It is, along with every other thing on the earth, psychologically addicting. That means that you can become psuedo-addicted to it and believe that you need it, but there is no actual addiction. This can and does happen with anything though - you could be addicted to hugging your teddy bear good night and think that you have to do it.

I'm not saying that doing it is cool, and I'm not saying that you should do it. However, read all you can about it even if you aren't interested in doing it - it never hurts to be knowledgable about something and it often hurts to be ignorant. If nothing else, read about it simply to throw off the negative stigma from watching a lifetime of commercials implying that if you even see the drug, you'll simulateously forget your brother's birthday party, kill an old man and three little kids, shoot your best friend, and make your parents divorce.

People like shadow6899 are the reason that cannabis is illegal in the United States; blind, misinformed, and unable to even think about what they're doing.
Reaktor4 said:
Because they tend not to talk shit (because they dont need to), maybe. Anyway the first link didnt say anything about cannabis, did you conveniently 'miss' it?
I just skimmed through what you posted and it is either plain wrong (like saying "marijuana is addictive", despite it not producing real tolerance which is a requirement for a drug to be addictive) or misrepresented (like the thing about people going to rehab; what they dont mention is the fact that its usually a choice between rehab and jail).
I would pick apart the post, but theres so much crap there i cant be arsed. And im of the opinion that no matter what proof is presented to you, like >99% of prohibitionists, you will simply refuse to change your mind, so it would be a waste of my time.

LOL, Marijuana is not addictive? <laughs> Why do my internet friends that use the stuff say its tough for them to break the habit just like with cigarettes or alcohol? Many things are addictive. Even chocolate is proven to contain addictive ingredients.


Oh well, i'm through. No point in trying to make potheads turn away from it when they're convinced its ambrosia.

Raziaar said:
I don't deny bribing goes on. But we're talking about some sources that are not very pro government such as the university professors etc, and very reputable institutions that don't need bribes such as the world renowned mayo clinic.
Where do they get their funding, i wonder.
It does happen, more than you would like to think, and i could find you examples of this but again i think i would be wasting my time. However if you are actually interested in this and want a good example you can start by googling for george ricaurte and the rave act.
Raziaar said:
LOL, Marijuana is not addictive? <laughs> Why do my internet friends that use the stuff say its tough for them to break the habit just like with cigarettes or alcohol?
I would guess that its because they experience withdrawal symptoms.
And 'just like cigarettes or alcohol'? Cigarette and alcohol withdrawals are in a different ****ing universe mate.
Raziaar said:
LOL, Marijuana is not addictive? <laughs> Why do my internet friends that use the stuff say its tough for them to break the habit just like with cigarettes or alcohol? Many things are addictive. Even chocolate is proven to contain addictive ingredients.


Oh well, i'm through. No point in trying to make potheads turn away from it when they're convinced its ambrosia.
Dude, raziaar, you're kewl, why do you buy into the anti-pot crap? :(
Raziaar said:
LOL, Marijuana is not addictive? <laughs> Why do my internet friends that use the stuff say its tough for them to break the habit just like with cigarettes or alcohol?
Purely psychological. After a week or two of non-use, you do want to do it again, but it is a compulsion easily overcome by most people. There are almost always no withdrawal symptoms, except in a few cases, extremely small incidences of sweating and other minor symptoms occured after the test subjects smoked 5 joints a day for several months on end.
Ikerous said:
Dude, raziaar, you're kewl, why do you buy into the anti-pot crap? :(

Because I don't feel drugs are a way to improve quality of life. This isn't based on my religious or political views, but rather the state of mind that I have taken up over my years of experience around people who do pot and other such things. My friends used to do it in alaska, and they tried to get me to do it. i didn't like hanging around them when they did do it. They acted to retarded and immature.

It also led a couple young girls I grew up with in alaska(who were younger than me), to turn to prostitution. They were good girls when I was living up there, who had nice parents, and the neighborhood was nice and supportive. But I heard they got into pot and started selling their bodies out to the boys.

This isn't representative of all people who use pot, but it caused these impressionable young girls who were convinced by their friends to use pot, to then later be turned to prostitution.
Come on. If you don't get addicted to drugs, it can't be worst than smoking cigarettes. Sure, when you get addicted, it's at this time all the problems come and it's bad. But...hey...smoking weed once in a week with your friends and listening to music is what I call a good night.
Reaktor4 said:
lol did you read past the first few lines?

Yes, I read the whole thing. It contains some contradictory comments from someone unrelated to the study, but it contains information on a study that the person conducting thought was an indicator that marijuana can have the same potential for abuse as harder drugs from its addictive nature.
AntiAnto said:
But...hey...smoking weed once in a week with your friends and listening to music is what I call a good night.
Amen. Just chilling, hanging out, talking, thinking, and enjoying it. Not doing stupid shit, just being happy. I especially like the intellectual discussions that get started... though they kind of peter out after 20 seconds because we forget about them and focus on something else :laugh:
Raziaar said:
BIt also led a couple young girls I grew up with in alaska(who were younger than me), to turn to prostitution. They were good girls when I was living up there, who had nice parents, and the neighborhood was nice and supportive. But I heard they got into pot and started selling their bodies out to the boys.

This isn't representative of all people who use pot, but it caused these impressionable young girls who were convinced by their friends to use pot, to then later be turned to prostitution.
Right. Well weve got 4 possibilities here. Was this to support a habit, did the evil pot make them do it against their own free will, did their friends convince them to do it, or do you think maybe it was a decision that they mightve made anyway?
Reaktor4 said:
Right. Well weve got 4 possibilities here. Was this to support a habit, did the evil pot make them do it against their own free will, did their friends convince them to do it, or do you think maybe it was a decision that they mightve made anyway?
I'll answer for him.

1. Was it to support a habit? Maybe. Not a cannabis habit, as you'd have to be the weakest mental person alive to be stupid enough to resort to prostitution to pay for marijuana.

2. Did the evil pot make them do it? Hell no. See above.

3. Did their friends convince them to do it? Maybe some of the people they met through drugs - this is one point I'm giving you, people in the drug culture can be stupid as hell sometimes.

4. Was it maybe a decision they'd have made anyway? Who knows?
Raziaar said:
Yes, I read the whole thing. It contains some contradictory comments from someone unrelated to the study, but it contains information on a study that the person conducting thought was an indicator that marijuana can have the same potential for abuse as harder drugs from its addictive nature.

Yep, by spider monkeys, who have no knowledge of restraint. This is very misleading - they aren't physically addicted, or even psychologically - they're just doing it because it makes them feel good. If pressing a lever made me feel good, I'd sure as hell press it too if I was a stupid monkey that doesn't know what's going on.

This study proves that THC (the main active ingredient in marijuana) makes monkeys feel good. Wow.
Reaktor4 said:
Right. Well weve got 4 possibilities here. Was this to support a habit, did the evil pot make them do it against their own free will, did their friends convince them to do it, or do you think maybe it was a decision that they mightve made anyway?

It probably happened for a combination of those reasons. Supporting their habit, their peer pressuring friends.

And I don't think under normal circumstances without the drugs they would have gone down this path. I played with these girls when they were growing up, they were good kids. I'm not entirely blaming pot here, but I consider it a factor.

Besides, its one of my reasons for not falling into the whole pot crowd. Do you think my feelings for those girls and the situation they got involved in is a trivial matter? I don't.
Yes, the majority of the pot crowd is stupid, made up of people who do it for the wrong reasons.

But they should have known better than to be around people like that if they can be so easily influenced. It's very sad, yes, but it's mainly their fault and not marijuana itself. I can see how you don't like it because of it, but argue against the use of it by irresponsible or naive people, not against the use of it by people who know what they're doing.
Raziaar said:
Yes, I read the whole thing. It contains some contradictory comments from someone unrelated to the study, but it contains information on a study that the person conducting thought was an indicator that marijuana can have the same potential for abuse as harder drugs from its addictive nature.
It can cause (mild, short lasting, and only psychological) withdrawal symptoms. That does not mean it is addictive.
Ennui said:
Amen. Just chilling, hanging out, talking, thinking, and enjoying it. Not doing stupid shit, just being happy. I especially like the intellectual discussions that get started... though they kind of peter out after 20 seconds because we forget about them and focus on something else :laugh:

Oh, or eating some really good food, looking at your friend then start laughing and it goes on for 20 minutes... damn, I miss that.
Reaktor4 said:
"Marijuana is an addictive drug"
Stopped reading right there. Go and find something credible.

reaktor4 wins the thread.

pot is habit forming and it exaserbates laziness, but that's about it. if you actually choose to go without, it's hardly missed. unlike almost every other drug on the market. legal or not.
Raziaar said:
It probably happened for a combination of those reasons. Supporting their habit, their peer pressuring friends.

And I don't think under normal circumstances without the drugs they would have gone down this path. I played with these girls when they were growing up, they were good kids. I'm not entirely blaming pot here, but I consider it a factor.

Besides, its one of my reasons for not falling into the whole pot crowd. Do you think my feelings for those girls and the situation they got involved in is a trivial matter? I don't.
No, of course not. Women being forced into prostitution to support their dependancy to drugs that cost much more than they should due to the governments giving gangs complete control of the market is part of the reason why these ****ing laws need to go.
Weed, if you don't get addicted, is a fun maker. Stop reading there.
I'm not exactly the best person to debate against this topic, and I was seemingly the only one, so I wouldn't consider it a victory :-P
raziaar, to further the point about pot and women, one of the smartest chicks i've met (she's getting her doctorate in organic chemistry) smokes as much as peter tosh. well, maybe not that much, but enough.

like most things, you do not have to let it control you. it's a lot harder to say that about any number of other drugs.

and ennui, you are right. you posts constitute victory as well.
No!!, but...

"If you want to be cool, stay in school!" - listen to the penguin wearing cool shades!
even if they are harmless, why do it ? can't you go sky diving or some recreational activity which gives you a 'rush.'
destrukt said:
even if they are harmless, why do it ? can't you go sky diving or some recreational activity which gives you a 'rush.'
Why does "bottom of the barrel" spring to mind...
destrukt said:
even if they are harmless, why do it ? can't you go sky diving or some recreational activity which gives you a 'rush.'
I dont't know, I will remember that next time I am sitting around with my friends in a dorm, So ill be like "instead of getting high right now lets sign up for skydiving pay 20X more and wait for x number of weeks for a high(rush that won't last one tenth as long" good idea
I love drug debates :dozey:

"Why don't we go sky diving?" Ok, why don't we go white water rafting, why don't we go mountaineering, why don't we take heroin? Answer - because we don't. We do other things. Imagine paying for a bi-weekly rush of sky diving, you'd probably have to resort to prostitution :angel: to pay for that habit. Sheeeet.

At the end of the day cannabis is used by the majority of people who smoke it as a cheap way to get high. You smoke dope, it costs very little, you end up alking about quantum physics, mario, your dogs ability to understand english, and the human perception of love. When you're high you enjoy things more; music, coversation, films, sex, games. If you haven't done pot, you can't comment, if you have, and done more than that spooky one or two first drags, you'll agree with me.

Razor, I believe it is, Mr "I'm basing my facts on truth, you're basing it on druggy mates." shock for you buddy, I've studied many government funded studies on many drugs and that is where I get my info. US presidents have been told by their scientific advisors that "cannabis, even smoked long term... is not hazardous to health." cannabis should be made legal. The ill-effects of cannabis are greatly exagerrated. "If alcohol is a tiger, cannabis is merely a mouse." YOU do some research, I've done mine, I'm not stupid enogh to ingest or smoke a substance without reading about it first.

And weed being adictive? It can be socially. IE its very easy to get into a routine of having atoke with your mates twice a week. But if you WANT to stop, which is very easy, you can. I have several times. I've carried on months later when I realised there was no point in stopping, I was just f**king myself up more down the pub instead.

And razierr, well done for giving anti-drugs people a good name, most of them on here have given idiotic prejudices, lies, and resorted to name calling - you've made the effort. Well done to you.

"I've heard cannabis makes you unmotivated... LIE! You're just as able to do anything when you're smoking cannabis, you just realise it's not worth the effort."
Bill Hicks, RIP
destrukt said:
even if they are harmless, why do it ? can't you go sky diving or some recreational activity which gives you a 'rush.'
why not do both?
I don't see any reason to do drugs, especially when too many softdrinks and sugar cubes seems to do the trick.

*steps away*
Milkman said:
I don't see any reason to do drugs, especially when too many softdrinks and sugar cubes seems to do the trick.

*steps away*
Lmao, It is almost kind of true. But not really. Still its a fking hilarious post
GG YOU PWND MAH s3ns3 of l-l U /\/\ () l2 man I think any excuse to use leet speak is good enough cause its HILARIOUS.
And razierr, well done for giving anti-drugs people a good name, most of them on here have given idiotic prejudices, lies, and resorted to name calling - you've made the effort. Well done to you.

Heh, don't mock me. If I know I wasn't debating well, at least you should know it too! :-P

And why can't anybody ever spell my name right? Its always present, but noone ever spells it correctly! Not on here, not on other forums, not in the games I play!
Gargantou said:
It seems everywhere I go just having drugs automatically makes you a cool guy, like I was sitting eating two days ago, and these friend of my bestfriend comes and shows his hasch(which I think is Weed?) right infront of the teacherslike just wanting to yell "Oh look at me I do drugs, I'm the coolest guy there ever ****ing was".
SOmetimes it feels like I'm the -only one- at my school that doesn't approve of the use of drugs(Aside from medical reasons that is) :|
And sometimes it gets really tempting also when all the talk you're fed with at school is about drugs or such, but also really tiresome, must - not - give - in - to - grouppressure!

Sorry, just had to get that off my mind.

For one, don't worry, there are plenty of other people where-ever-you-are that don't approve of drugs, they just hide.

And anyways, doing drugs does NOT automatically make you cool. Where I am, doing drugs is just a way to 'escape', but is looked down upon.
destrukt said:
even if they are harmless, why do it ? can't you go sky diving or some recreational activity which gives you a 'rush.'

I would do drugs (probably) if they were legal and harmless. But they aren't.
Kommie said:
I dont't know, I will remember that next time I am sitting around with my friends in a dorm, So ill be like "instead of getting high right now lets sign up for skydiving pay 20X more and wait for x number of weeks for a high(rush that won't last one tenth as long" good idea

Maybe that's why you do drugs, your thick or maybe your just not an outgoing person.

Skydiving was an example, there are many other things.

Also, these type of recreational activities are more memorable, instead of "omg i got high, im so cool" you can "omg, that was amazing, i'll probably never do that again, and now i have a cool video to show friends."

^ Quality memories.
destrukt said:
Maybe that's why you do drugs, your thick or maybe your just not an outgoing person.

Skydiving was an example, there are many other things.

Also, these type of recreational activities are more memorable, instead of "omg i got high, im so cool" you can "omg, that was amazing, i'll probably never do that again, and now i have a cool video to show friends."

^ Quality memories.
Lol, i guess you've never been hanging out with friends stoned...
I can honestly say those have been the best times of my life.

^Quality memories.
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