Does drugs make you "cool"?

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destrukt said:
Maybe that's why you do drugs, your thick or maybe your just not an outgoing person.

Skydiving was an example, there are many other things.

Also, these type of recreational activities are more memorable, instead of "omg i got high, im so cool" you can "omg, that was amazing, i'll probably never do that again, and now i have a cool video to show friends."

^ Quality memories.

I dont think I have never or had any friends who act like smoking is cool. I have had some pretty good times just hanging out with my friends stoned.

Your example of skydiving was very bad. Why would I want to go skydiving alone and have a video to show off to my friends as opposed to hang out with them.
I hate people who brandish it like a medal as well. Like omg look i'm stoned I did someting taboo I deserve your respect as a person now. It just makes me sick like get the **** out of my sight. Smokeing weed is tolerable imo i've done it a couple times but really it's overated and I cant stand people who think of it as something cool that they have to show off to everyone.
not everyone has the resources or time to go skydiving etc.
I saw this Mexican gangster kid my age (15) walking up the street today with his fellow hoodlums, and the guy lit a pipe right there! I couldn't believe it. I mean, I knew the guy was an idiot, but he just took out his lighter and took a huge drag on this thing and blew the smoke in his friend's face. Then he passed it to this good kid in 9th grade (obviously the 9th grader wants to be cool) and the 9th grader took a drag on it too! I have known the ninth grader since he was in kindergarten (not personally though.)

It was sad in a way and solidified my opinion on him being an idiot. They don't understand that instead of getting high and crap, they should be concentrating on school so that they can be self suffucient when they are older. I hate when people pass up a free education. It's FREE! Some people would kill to have that opportunity. But no. He is going to waste his time getting high. It's great to know that my tax dollars in the future will sometimes go to idiots like him.

I have nothing against Mexicans by the way. I just don't like the little fighters with a bad attitude that get in your face if you walk close to them. I have a lot of gangster kids at my highschool.
huh, you must be American. Back home in Ontario there was a picture of some kids smoking up on the police station steps in the local paper. I'm in Vancouver now, we had a shop advertising that they sold weed publically. It was in the news for a month or two before it got shut down. Basically you would really have to piss off a cop to get arrested for posession.
All the cool kids do drugs all the way to their jobs at 7-11.

But yes, drugs do make you cool. Up untill you pass coke that is, then people generaly get afraid of you.
So, we shouldn't do drugs because:

a) It's not cool
b) We could go sky diving
c) We'll become wasters

That seems to be the argument so far. :rolleyes:

It's great how many people will preach about drugs but blatentley not have a clue about what they're on about. Raziaar, you're about the second anti-drugs guy I've seen to actually bother going out and finding some evidence that drugs, especially cannabis, is bad for you. The rest of the time anyone who does drugs get's bombarded with "You're a loser" "Drugs are bad mmmkay" "Everyone knows drugs are bad" "You're not cool for doing drugs you know" etc etc. It's annoying. Considering that more than half of the people in my country have tried cannabis it's insane that it's still near impossible to have a reasonable debate about drugs.
Real weed smokers dont brag about it, nor think they are cool because of it. burner69 makes a good point. It is hard to have a decent debate on this topic, purely due to the many narrow minded, misinformed, dontknowwhatthe****theirtalkingabout trolls that think they know better.
I don't think people should judge people who do drugs, I have alot of friends that does'em, I'm fine with people who do drugs aslong as they don't try to force me to do it(Has happend a couple of times but then I just leave the party.)
Gargantou said:
I don't think people should judge people who do drugs, I have alot of friends that does'em, I'm fine with people who do drugs aslong as they don't try to force me to do it(Has happend a couple of times but then I just leave the party.)

Were they asking? Encouraging? Or Forcing?

Imagine you're a young skally-wag with a bottle of crappy cider and you and your mates have a free house, you pull it out and start drinking. Soon you're all pissed bar one guy - it's natural to try and get them to join in with you. Now I'm not condoning people who try and get people smoking dope, I'm just explaining.

At the end of the day you can just say no if you don't want to do it. And as long as you're not an ass about it, and as long as the other ppl aren't ar*eholes, they'll be cool with that.

It's when you offer a guy a joint and he turns around and snaps "I don't do that sh*t mate, I've got control of my life" that you get p*ssed off, cuz at the end of the day it's common stoner manners to pass the j, and getting called a skumbag for doing so will hardly make you want to be friendly.

EDIT: Perhaps leaving the party was a little extreme, surely? I don't kno, I wasn't there, just seems that way.
They were somewhere between encouraging and forcing, almost on the brink of forcing, like everyone except me was high and I don't like drugs + some of them were getting violent so I felt I had to left before things got outa hand, perhaps a little extreme but you can't really be too careful sometimes, one of'em pushed me up to a wall when I had been "cocky" to him by not giving him one of my girl friends(not girlfriends) numbers and put a knife against my throat and said he'd kill me if I didn't, that was like a week or two before tho but he was there and high and I didn't really like that.
Gargantou said:
They were somewhere between encouraging and forcing, almost on the brink of forcing, like everyone except me was high and I don't like drugs + some of them were getting violent so I felt I had to left before things got outa hand, perhaps a little extreme but you can't really be too careful sometimes, one of'em pushed me up to a wall when I had been "cocky" to him by not giving him one of my girl friends(not girlfriends) numbers and put a knife against my throat and said he'd kill me if I didn't, that was like a week or two before tho but he was there and high and I didn't really like that.

Sounds like he was a total d*ck. Jesus, talk about overreacting. Sorry, I just think people like him are total c**ts. Not all folk who smoke weed are like that though, I assure you. Equal percentage of sound folk who smoke dope as there are sound people who don't do drugs.

And kerberos, I'm 19. Why?
Yeah I know mate, I have friends who do weed regularly and aren't the least violent, but I knew that you can become more violent when high and he had already smoked some and I really didn't feel like being near him when he's high if you get what I mean.
Gargantou said:
Yeah I know mate, I have friends who do weed regularly and aren't the least violent, but I knew that you can become more violent when high and he had already smoked some and I really didn't feel like being near him when he's high if you get what I mean.

Seriously? I find quite the opposite. I've never seen someone high on weed being aggressive, and I've been in smoking situations hundreds of times. I could find you studies that show no correlation between smoking up and being violent- probably could find ones that say it does make you violent though - that's the annoying thing.

From personal experience though I'd say you're unlucky to have such an a*sehole guy around - and while I'd like to say pot had nothing to do with his violent behaviour, it's possible, I suppose - I just can't imagine it. It'd be like, I dunno, suddenly wanting to take an exam when you're drunk - you just wouldn't want to do it. When I'm high, and indeed my friends too, as we've discussed this before, there is no desire to be violent at all. Seriously, if you ever do get high you'll realise what I mean.

Feel sorry for you though man, I can't get over what a dick he was pulling a knife on you. F**k.
burner69 said:
So, we shouldn't do drugs because:

a) It's not cool
b) We could go sky diving
c) We'll become wasters

That seems to be the argument so far. :rolleyes:

It's great how many people will preach about drugs but blatentley not have a clue about what they're on about. Raziaar, you're about the second anti-drugs guy I've seen to actually bother going out and finding some evidence that drugs, especially cannabis, is bad for you. The rest of the time anyone who does drugs get's bombarded with "You're a loser" "Drugs are bad mmmkay" "Everyone knows drugs are bad" "You're not cool for doing drugs you know" etc etc. It's annoying. Considering that more than half of the people in my country have tried cannabis it's insane that it's still near impossible to have a reasonable debate about drugs.

Finding information to show drug users about how the drug they take can lead to health problems is a waste of time, as every one of them will just call it biased crap from an evil, satanic government.

I don't know about other people, but the reasons i don't do drugs are

1) It isn't cool.
2) It does pose a risk to my health and my family and friends health if i use the drugs near them.
3) I would rather spend my money and time on better things then drugs.
Razor said:
Finding information to show drug users about how the drug they take can lead to health problems is a waste of time, as every one of them will just call it biased crap from an evil, satanic government.

I don't know about other people, but the reasons i don't do drugs are

1) It isn't cool.
2) It does pose a risk to my health and my family and friends health if i use the drugs near them.
3) I would rather spend my money and time on better things then drugs.

1. We never said it is, as mentioned before, if you do anything just cuz it's cool, you're a loser.
2. Erm... what?
3. How do you know things are better if you've never tried them?

And if you want I can get you links to studies done by the UK, US government that states quite clearly that the drug dangers are grossely exageratted.
The reason I think the government is f**ked is cuz they get given these studies, then just ignore them. A** holes
Another reason to not do drugs is, you don't know how tolerant your body might be. While for some people 1 'serving' [;)] might do nothing, and they will need another 3 or 38, but for others, 1 or 2 can cause serious problems, aside from addiction. It's not necessarily their fault, so no 'they let it happen to themselves' comments.
destrukt said:
Another reason to not do drugs is, you don't know how tolerant your body might be. While for some people 1 'serving' [;)] might do nothing, and they will need another 3 or 38, but for others, 1 or 2 can cause serious problems, aside from addiction. It's not necessarily their fault, so no 'they let it happen to themselves' comments.
But with pot, you feel the effects almost immediately as you're smoking it. Especially if you're smoking with a friend and passing the bowl back and forth. So you just stop when you dont feel like having any more 'servings' (XD) And since its medically an impossability to overdose on thc, i dont really see it causing any serious problems.
burner69 said:
1. We never said it is, as mentioned before, if you do anything just cuz it's cool, you're a loser.
2. Erm... what?
3. How do you know things are better if you've never tried them?

And if you want I can get you links to studies done by the UK, US government that states quite clearly that the drug dangers are grossely exageratted.
The reason I think the government is f**ked is cuz they get given these studies, then just ignore them. A** holes

1. That is what the whole discussion is about, whether drugs are cool or not.
2. If i smoke cannabis or snort cocaine or extasy around my friends and family, it means they are also effected by my habits. If you're going to smoke the stuff, do it in private.
3. Going to the cinema with friends, going on holiday, buying a new computer, purchasing the new version of Halflife, etc, etc, etc, i would find a whole lot more fun then smoking cannabis or snorting cocaine.
Ikerous said:
But with pot, you feel the effects almost immediately as you're smoking it. Especially if you're smoking with a friend and passing the bowl back and forth. So you just stop when you dont feel like having any more 'servings' (XD) And since its medically an impossability to overdose on thc, i dont really see it causing any serious problems.

You can overdose on any substance, even too much water can cause problems for you body, fine, you would need to drink gallons of it, but...
Razor said:
You can overdose on any substance, even too much water can cause problems for you body, fine, you would need to drink gallons of it, but...
I'm aware of that, but there are tests that can be preformed on a substance to see how much the human body can withstand before the substance is poisonous... and when it comes to thc, its extraorindarily high and would require a crap load of weed over a short period of time.
you cant overdose on weed, it's just not possible'd literally have to smoke a 2 pound joint (ever seen what 2 pounds of pot looks like? ..about the size of a piece of luggage) and the smoke would kill you (if you could inhale that much) not the weed itself
Razor said:
1. That is what the whole discussion is about, whether drugs are cool or not.
2. If i smoke cannabis or snort cocaine or extasy around my friends and family, it means they are also effected by my habits. If you're going to smoke the stuff, do it in private.
3. Going to the cinema with friends, going on holiday, buying a new computer, purchasing the new version of Halflife, etc, etc, etc, i would find a whole lot more fun then smoking cannabis or snorting cocaine.

1. But just because something isn't cool, dosen't mean it should be frowned on, illegal etc. What the hell has drugs being cool got to do with it, really?
2. You've just made an accusation against drugs based on nothing. How would it effect your friends and family? I've got a mate hooked on coke, it's f*ckin him up, but he's not hurting me when he's doing it, he's not hurting his family. Though he is hurting himself.
Pot on the other hand... please explain how smoking that would 'harm' your friends and family... oh wait.. passive smoking :rolleyes:
3. How do you know?

And it's estimated that you'd need to smoke at least 10'000 joints in the space of an hour to OD on THC. Put simply, you can't do it. They've even given rats 6000 bong hits worth of smoke, and aside from being totally kained they were ok once they straightened up. The law in Britain is based on an experiment in which some monkeys were given several thousand joints worth of cannabis and left in it for 2 weeks - afterwards they had health problems, but were alive.
Homer said:
But yes, drugs do make you cool. Up untill you pass coke that is, then people generaly get afraid of you.

i've actually had exactly that happen to me. i turned down a bump and the dude thought i was a cop. nice reasoning there.
burner69 said:
1. But just because something isn't cool, dosen't mean it should be frowned on, illegal etc. What the hell has drugs being cool got to do with it, really?
2. You've just made an accusation against drugs based on nothing. How would it effect your friends and family? I've got a mate hooked on coke, it's f*ckin him up, but he's not hurting me when he's doing it, he's not hurting his family. Though he is hurting himself.
Pot on the other hand... please explain how smoking that would 'harm' your friends and family... oh wait.. passive smoking :rolleyes:
3. How do you know?

And it's estimated that you'd need to smoke at least 10'000 joints in the space of an hour to OD on THC. Put simply, you can't do it. They've even given rats 6000 bong hits worth of smoke, and aside from being totally kained they were ok once they straightened up. The law in Britain is based on an experiment in which some monkeys were given several thousand joints worth of cannabis and left in it for 2 weeks - afterwards they had health problems, but were alive.

So you're saying that if your son or daughter was hooked on coke, it wouldn't effect you in the slightest bit? :rolleyes:

I know that snorting cocaine wouldn't be as fun as playing Halflife 2 because i have a brain and some common sense. This argument is just getting more and more ridiculous every minute. I don't give a crap if you kill yourself, but at least admit that doing drugs is unhealthy, look at the evidence, look at the teenagers that die from single Extasy tablets, look at the people that have problems breathing because they snorted too much cocaine...
Razor said:
So you're saying that if your son or daughter was hooked on coke, it wouldn't effect you in the slightest bit? :rolleyes:

He never said that.

This argument is just getting more and more ridiculous every minute. I don't give a crap if you kill yourself, but at least admit that doing drugs is unhealthy, look at the evidence, look at the teenagers that die from single Extasy tablets, look at the people that have problems breathing because they snorted too much cocaine...

Nobody in this topic has said that drugs are harmless. Especially cocaine.

This discussion has primarily been about cannabis.
Razor said:
So you're saying that if your son or daughter was hooked on coke, it wouldn't effect you in the slightest bit? :rolleyes:
He clearly didnt say that at all.
I know that snorting cocaine wouldn't be as fun as playing Halflife 2 because i have a brain and some common sense.
Actually, clearly cocaine would be more fun then playing HL2. Thats why people cant stop doing it. Thats the main problem with the drug and the reason why I never have even tried it.
This argument is just getting more and more ridiculous every minute.
It sure is, as you continue,.
I don't give a crap if you kill yourself, but at least admit that doing drugs is unhealthy, look at the evidence, look at the teenagers that die from single Extasy tablets, look at the people that have problems breathing because they snorted too much cocaine...
Most of us are talking weed here. Weed is mostly harmless. Extacy has killed a few kids, sure,. but only because they took way too much of it. Extacy isnt going to hurt you at all if you do it once or twice. Cocaine, well sure,. but nobody here is advocating cocaine,. just like nobody is advocating PCP or Crystal Meth.

**edit,. Damnit, Absinthe. You beat me to the punch for most of my points.
f|uke said:
He clearly didnt say that at all.Actually, clearly cocain would be more fun then playing HL2. Thats the problem with it. (and the reason why I never have even tried it).It sure is, as you continue,.Most of us are talking weed here. Weed is mostly harmless. Extacy has killed a few kids, sure,. but only because they took way too much of it. Extacy isnt going to hurt you at all if you do it once or twice. Cocaine, well sure,. but nobody here is advocating cocaine,. just like nobody is advocating PCP or Crystal Meth.

I am talking drugs in general, you seem to be talking cannabis.

I've got a mate hooked on coke, it's f*ckin him up, but he's not hurting me when he's doing it, he's not hurting his family. Though he is hurting himself.
Absinthe said:
He never said that.

Nobody in this topic has said that drugs are harmless. Especially cocaine.

This discussion has primarily been about cannabis.

You do realize that Cannabis is lumped in with the other drugs, right? The sooner you have the legalization of Cannabis, you will be the same people applying pressure for the government to legalize crack cocaine, among many other drugs that will only detriment the nation.
I think the problem is that some people who say drugs are cool and drugs are fine are only picking out cannabis to talk about and argue about, where the anti-drug people are taking them as a general topic i.e. alll illegal drugs.
Raziaar said:
You do realize that Cannabis is lumped in with the other drugs, right? The sooner you have the legalization of Cannabis, you will be the same people applying pressure for the government to legalize crack cocaine, among many other drugs that will only detriment the nation.

I believe that simply isnt true. The same people will be perfectly happy in my opinion. The users of harder drugs might want to push for more legalisation of other drugs. But wont believe that recreational cannabis users would want to legalise anything that could actually harm them or others...

You don't seem to realise that about 90%+ of people who smoke pot are perfectly decent people who lead ordinary lives. :)
Raziaar said:
You do realize that Cannabis is lumped in with the other drugs, right? The sooner you have the legalization of Cannabis, you will be the same people applying pressure for the government to legalize crack cocaine, among many other drugs that will only detriment the nation.
Its people like you and thinking like that that lumps pot with other drugs. Pot users certainly wouldnt agree, because they could just as easily be doing other drugs, but are smart enough to just stick to teh pot.

And why isnt Alcohol lumped in with other drugs? Only reason is because its already legal and accepted. If pot was legal and accepted, it would be no different.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
The dealers and users of harder drugs might want to push for more legalisation of other drugs.
Slight correction,. the users and growers may push for legalization, but the dealers like it as it is. Commercialization would put them out of buisness.
Razor said:
So you're saying that if your son or daughter was hooked on coke, it wouldn't effect you in the slightest bit? :rolleyes:

I know that snorting cocaine wouldn't be as fun as playing Halflife 2 because i have a brain and some common sense. This argument is just getting more and more ridiculous every minute. I don't give a crap if you kill yourself, but at least admit that doing drugs is unhealthy, look at the evidence, look at the teenagers that die from single Extasy tablets, look at the people that have problems breathing because they snorted too much cocaine...

Ah yes, that's right, change the argument to the second most addictive class a drug, with clear health risks which I have commented on before.
OK, let's try a more likely scenario.
I'm living at home, I go out round a friends house, munch some shrooms, have a trip, come back a few hours later and go to bed.
I smoke pot in my room, then go out.
I go out clubbing, take a pill, and come back early in the morning.

Where is the harm, I ask?

Oh, and that crap about dying from a single E. Two things: 1. You're more likely to die from taking a single aspirin. And 2. Most of those media frenzies you hear about "dying from a single e" - they didn't die of e. Remember you were on about ODing on water, that's exactly what they do. They get told at school "If you're on e drink loads n loads of water." What they don't say is that you should drink a pint an hour, and only if you're dancing. You can't pee when you're on e, and if you're forcing water down yourself you soon fill up, water in the brain and *thump* dead.

Oh, and doing drugs is unhealthy.
No more than drinking, mind.
If we look at the common drugs, that most people who take drugs take, and not the extreme end of the spectrum (I'm talking coke here) - let's look at the fact there has never been a confirmed death from cannabis, let's look at the fact that drugs have been used by more than half of the UK population, let's look at the fact that the UK is not falling apart, let's look what happens when you start being sensible, admitting people take drugs, and make it 'legal' - see Hollands drug stats compared to the US/UK, let's stop lying to people about drugs - such as the Leah Betts story, poor girl, died of a water overdose caused by crappy government drugs advise, let's look at The Beatles, Beach Boys, Rolling Stones - who wrote great music under the influence of drugs, let's look at the advice the government is being given on drugs, and ask ourselves why the law is so strict, let's ask ourselves why I'd be out of prison quicker if I ran an old lady over, than if I was caught with a few pills in my wallet, let's look at the arguments against drugs - very little evidence, scare tactics, and BS.
Drugs aren't good for you, they all have dangers, some more prominant than others - but at the end of the day if we were told the truth about them, and not fed BS, it'd be a damn site more easy for users to be accepted as just normal people doing the same as what millions of people do every night down the pub.

Drugs are bad mmmkay
f|uke said:
Slight correction,. the users and growers may push for legalization, but the dealers like it as it is. Commercialization would put them out of buisness.

hehe, dont know why on earth I wrote that... :rolling:
Razor said:
I think the problem is that some people who say drugs are cool and drugs are fine are only picking out cannabis to talk about and argue about, where the anti-drug people are taking them as a general topic i.e. alll illegal drugs.

What is the argument here?
That we think all illegal drugs are okay? Cuz they're not. Just I accept the risks on some drugs, not others.
That drugs are cool?
We dismissed that along time ago.
That drugs should be legal?
I'll happily argue any point about any drug being legalised. I'm not saying they all should be, what I am saying is they all have benefits to being legalised - often MUCH better than the current farce of a law.
And why isnt Alcohol lumped in with other drugs? Only reason is because its already legal and accepted. If pot was legal and accepted, it would be no different.

Heh, its always funny how you guys bring this up that alcohol is such a problem, yet you guys are always out smoking and drinking like alcohol wasn't a big deal at all. Where's your self restraint if its legal yet you think its so bad?

I personally think alcohol is bad when used enough to get to the point of intoxication. I don't like alcohol when its used up to that point and I'd even prefer it if alcohol itself was banned. And you'd be hard pressed to prove otherwise that the college potheads and other users of marijuana aren't also out there getting wasted at beer bong parties etc. All the people I know who smoke pot drink alot too, and I know quite a few of them.

You guys are parading the idea of how awful prohibition with alcohol was, and how it never should have happened... yet you turn IMMEDIATELY around and say how bad alcohol is in comparison to Marijuana!

And on an aside, smartass silly comment... potheads are a danger to the world's food supply.
We object to a substance that is more harmful than pot being socially acceptable, and pot not being - based on the grounds that it's bad for you.
People go to jail for possessing pot - you do realise that.

I don't think beer should be banned at all, it's fun to get p*ssed at the end of the day, equally, it's fun to get stoned. We're complaining about the hypocrasy of the law system - which is resulting in us getting called "wasters" "druggies" etc, but beer drinkers being fine.

EDIT: Munchies! Oh yes. But as a 'silly' side note, if the UN lifted its tight restrictions on hemp then it could be used around the globe as a food source - being more nutricious than rice, and being able to grow almost anywhere. And no, everyone wouldn't be high - different part of the plant.
Raziaar said:
Heh, its always funny how you guys bring this up that alcohol is such a problem, yet you guys are always out smoking and drinking like alcohol wasn't a big deal at all. Where's your self restraint if its legal yet you think its so bad?

I personally think alcohol is bad when used enough to get to the point of intoxication. I don't like alcohol when its used up to that point and I'd even prefer it if alcohol itself was banned. And you'd be hard pressed to prove otherwise that the college potheads and other users of marijuana aren't also out there getting wasted at beer bong parties etc. All the people I know who smoke pot drink alot too, and I know quite a few of them.

You guys are parading the idea of how awful prohibition with alcohol was, and how it never should have happened... yet you turn IMMEDIATELY around and say how bad alcohol is in comparison to Marijuana!

And on an aside, smartass silly comment... potheads are a danger to the world's food supply.

Heh, yeah... first of all. Ive never even heard of a beer bong party... I dont think one actually exists... :)

And yeah... we are saying alcohol is no different. We think both should be legal. Who said (seriously... not sarcastically) that alcohol should be banned..
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