Does drugs make you "cool"?

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burner69 said:
Road Safety

I believe studies have shown that one glass of red wine has been shown to potentially reduce the risk of heart disease. One glass, not two, and red wine, not beer or liquor. And as burner said, you cannot consume enough weed that it would actually be bad for you. (And it certainly has been known to have benifits for certain mental and health conditions). Alchohol does kill brain cells, and cause liver disease or alchohol poisoning, not to mention all the social issues that kill so many people every day.
I do weed every once in a while. I don't feel "cool." I just do it because it's cool tripping out. :D
Lets do it like this then... (for the record I have experience in the consumption of marijuana)

Lets assume that 5 beers over the course of 3 hours would make an average man slightly tipsy. Now imagine what 5 Joints in that same time span would do to you? I know what it will do to you. I have done both.

In the first scenario my friends tested me to see if I was ok to drive, I was slightly annoyed but understood their reasons. I drove the speed limit and stayed between the lines.

In the second scenario I was so totally baked that I actually drove down two one way streets. I was so mentally incompetent that the only way for me to stay on the road was to look directly at the dotted line and put my car smack dab on top of it.... needless to say many cars had to veer out of my way.

It cost me about the same amount of money for the 5 beers and the 5 joints.

Burn: Everything you have stated there is valid im sure. But not one of them means Marijuana is good for you. All the points that go against Alcohol are all derived from alcohol taken in excess, and yes, alcohol taken in excess is extremely bad for you. No disagreement there.

Having a few drinks in moderation will never be bad for you. Alchohol may be related to these deaths, but it's never the cause. Stupid people are the reason that 33,000 die a year. Taking that into account you must take this arguement on an individual basis.... and for the reasons I stated above, I will always feel better having a couple beers then inhaling 5 joints.
Woah woah woah.
You think one joint is equal to one beer? You mean a pint or bottle? Either way, I'd have to disagree, one kingskin rolly with some half reasonable hash in is enough to get me quite wrecked, whereas it takes perhaps 4-5 pints to get me drunk.
Very different indeed.

I'm skeptical about you testing your driving ability when pissed and stoned, but it does not mean that the many tests done about cannabis and driving are incorrect. Of course if you consume 5 joints you'll be cookied, in an hour and a half, if I hadn't had a toke in a while, I'd be annihilated on 5 J's - certainly not fit for driving.

Marajuana is not good for you. But it's certainly better for you than beer. Cannabis can cause short term paranioa, in excess over extended periods increase the chance of dormant mental illnesses onsetting, and lead to memory problems. HOWEVER, the mental illness will only happen if you already have it, it is just not 'active' at the time. And there is much dispute over the memory problems. I've smoked a lot, and yes I've noticed I developed a poor memory - however as soon as I stopped I noticed an improvment, and within 2 days of not smoking (I'd been smoking 4-5 J's a day for perhaps a month) my meomory was back to normal.

Perhaps all my points are about alcohol taken in excess. But, I'm sorry, people do take alcohol in excess. Some will have just a glass of wine at meals - they're certainly not the majority where I'm from. With regards violence it only takes a few pints of Stella and you're away. Same with car crashes. Same with almost all the other problems raised in my last post.

I've heard that you can't smoke cannabis without getting high - something I'm not 100% happy with, but we'll go with it for now. Now, considering that you CAN drink alcohol without going OTT, and considering you CAN'T smoke cannabis without going OTT - why are there so many more alcohol related deaths? I mean 33'000 a year on beer, compared to 3000 on ALL OTHER DRUGS COMBINED. I'm aware more people drink beer, but I'm sure if we checked (in fact I know for a fact, I just don't have time to find links cuz I've got a lecture in 15mins) proportionatley more beer drinkers die than cannabis users. More beer drinkers cause violence than cannabis users. More beer drinkers suffer from health complaints later in life than cannabis users. Though cannabis users are probably more likely to have throat problems later in life - although I'd like to check that out, smoking and drinking often go hand in hand, and cannabis has been shown to protect the throat while smoking.... I'm not sure bout that tho.

No, normal beer drinkers cause 33'000 deaths a year. Most people will have more than 2 beers down the pub. Many people wil get into a routine of going down the pub. Then they might either: drink drive and crash on the way home, get rowdy and beat someone up - killing them (it does happen), several years down the line suffer kidney faliure and die. Many ways.

And seriously swifty man, you're hardcore. 5 joints is a lot. If you want to take it down to an individual basis then I'd say you either have a ridiculous tolerance to cannabis or you're getting waaay too high every time.

Either way, Cannabis IS safer than alcohol. Politicians, doctors, scientists, and me, we all agree. :P :cheers: :smoking:
Moon Wolf said:
dude #1 how did they aquire the info on all those people and #2 why the hell do it? no point to it besides the brief Fake pleasure you Gain from the chemicles in it latching onto your brains pleasure nerves

Fake pleasure using naturally occuring chemicals in the brain? Believe me, very far from 'fake'.

i DO agree smoking pot is better then drinking but i DONT agree that they should do instead

So you believe weed is better for your kids, but you'd rather they drank alcohol? the rate of consumption tayht people drink Alchohal if they wqere to consume "weed" instead they would surely die....
Nobody has ever died due to cannabis consumption. Straighten them facts out boss.

dont get me wrong im completel;y clean no alchohal or illegal substance in me...and OMG guess what im probably happier then all you potheads because i dont rely on weed to get my kicks
Yes you're probably much happier than me. Do you know me, or anyone on this forum? Does anyone on this forum rely on cannabis to have fun? I've never gone sky diving, but I go on rollercoasters for fun - why should cannabis stop that? I go clubbing and take pills about once a month, the rest of the time I just go clubbing. I have nowhere near as much 'fun' - it's a totally different fun; euphoria, basically, but I still have as much fun as a non drug user would without drugs.

i use Roller coatsers and sky diving try it some time quite fun i hate idiots who are so lazy they need to rely on a substances like that for non medicle or spiritual(Ancient times for proficies) reasons you guys disgust me
You have no idea about the drug culture do you? You're basing your opinions off trainspotting, or something - assuming drug users need drugs for fun, do then constantly. We don't. Welcome to reality.

go play HL2....or CS:S and stop claiming you do drugs you preteen idiots noone on this forum does "Weed" they just think it makes em cool so they say they do it then when someone calls em out the say no and dig themselves further into a hole then to get out they have no choiuce but to actually start ****ing ratards

Screw HL2 off, borin now. I'm off to a comedy night in a few hours, gunna go for a coke (coca cola, not cocaine) down the students union I think. But wait... without drugs? Me? A drug user? How is this possible?
No one does weed? Believe me, we do.
I've never smoked weed to look cool, I tried cannabis, alcohol, mushrooms, poppers, coke, and pills because I wanted to see what it was like. Some of them I'll do again because I enjoy them; others I won't. All of them I limit.

****ing ratards. Quote of the week I think. Sums you up nicely.
Weed rules. I'm going to buy my son a bong for his 15th birthday.

Some drugs are bad, some drugs are good. I wouldn't believe anything anyone tells you about drugs, as they're probably biased in some sort of way anyhow. Try it yourself, and if it's not for you at least you have legit reasons. The kids at your school who smoke a lot are probably just real chilled out, mellow people that are easy to get along with. I guess that would make them "cool" but no one gives a shit about being "cool" after highschool.

If you're going to do drugs at all, do them for the greatest reason of all:

Be productive when you're stoned! The major problem with weed is people get lazy with it, just use it as a creative tool and pick up an instrument.

There's not even an argument there, drugs have made music better. If you don't believe that just throw away all your albums right now, because just about everyone of those bands you listen to is on a lottttt of drugs.

For all you stoners, check out hawaiian baby woodrose seeds. They're legal and you can order them online from just about anywhere. (cheap, too) They're a natural form of LSA (LSD derivative, less potent with similar effects) - take half a dozen or more then smoke a few bowls. You'll be stoned off your ass for up to 10 solid hours. You might think you're coming down... but nope, you end up passing Mars again without blinking an eye. Not something I'd do very often, but it's fun once in a while. Hawaiian preists used the seeds to communicated to the "spirit realm", fun shit.
poksmote said:
There's not even an argument there, drugs have made music better. If you don't believe that just throw away all your albums right now, because just about everyone of those bands you listen to is on a lottttt of drugs.
Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreal high on drugs ;)

I have written music and lyrics while stoned. Sometimes it has helped get those creative juices flowin.
poksmote said:
There's not even an argument there, drugs have made music better. If you don't believe that just throw away all your albums right now, because just about everyone of those bands you listen to is on a lottttt of drugs.
And not even just recent bands. Go see the movie "Ray", ya?
Drugs don't make people perform better music. That's utter garbage. I'll believe many things you guys say, but thats definately not one of them. That's just grade A propoganda. "Do drugs and you'll be more talented!"
Heres the full quote
Bill Hicks (Comedian) said:
If you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, then go home and burn all your records, all your tapes, and all your CDs because every one of those artists who have made brilliant music and enhanced your lives? RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrEAL ****ing high on drugs. The Beatles were so ****ing high, they let Ringo sing a few songs.
Pok :cheers: step into the shadow
Raziaar said:
Drugs don't make people perform better music. That's utter garbage. I'll believe many things you guys say, but thats definately not one of them. That's just grade A propoganda. "Do drugs and you'll be more talented!"
Lets look at the Beatles, before and after hallucinogens.

Before: I wanna hold your hand / Can't buy me love

-Good stuff, but rather typical 50's faire

After: Norweigan Wood / Strawberry Feilds Forever / Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

I don't believe that drugs are required to make good music. But there's no denying the fact that they can sure get those creative juices flowing.
That's something called... hmm, change? Gradually becoming better musicians? It definately wasn't drug induced.

Drugs do not increase your personality talents(The ability to write good songs stems from your personality and character. Its not technical by any means). Hell, if they did, all the drug users I know would be some of the most charming, talented people on earth! But they're not! They're the exact opposite. Heh. (sorry to my friends who use drugs, but I mean it)

If you want to say drugs 'inspired' them. I can live with that. But thats called inspiration. It, in itself can help you better yourself, not the actual drug content itself. You can be equally inspired by any other number of things.
Swift said:
Lets do it like this then... (for the record I have experience in the consumption of marijuana)

Lets assume that 5 beers over the course of 3 hours would make an average man slightly tipsy. Now imagine what 5 Joints in that same time span would do to you? I know what it will do to you. I have done both.

In the first scenario my friends tested me to see if I was ok to drive, I was slightly annoyed but understood their reasons. I drove the speed limit and stayed between the lines.

In the second scenario I was so totally baked that I actually drove down two one way streets. I was so mentally incompetent that the only way for me to stay on the road was to look directly at the dotted line and put my car smack dab on top of it.... needless to say many cars had to veer out of my way.

It cost me about the same amount of money for the 5 beers and the 5 joints.

Burn: Everything you have stated there is valid im sure. But not one of them means Marijuana is good for you. All the points that go against Alcohol are all derived from alcohol taken in excess, and yes, alcohol taken in excess is extremely bad for you. No disagreement there.

Having a few drinks in moderation will never be bad for you. Alchohol may be related to these deaths, but it's never the cause. Stupid people are the reason that 33,000 die a year. Taking that into account you must take this arguement on an individual basis.... and for the reasons I stated above, I will always feel better having a couple beers then inhaling 5 joints.
Oh dear. Do you realise how utterly unscientific and irresponsible that was?
What you just wrote is such a crock of shit that i cba ripping it apart. Read it again and think about it.
Raziaar said:
That's something called... hmm, change? Gradually becoming better musicians? It definately wasn't drug induced.

The songs I listed are ABOUT drugs.

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

-Self Explanitory

Let me taking down 'cuz I'm going to Strawberry Fields, nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about. Strawberry Fields Forver. Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see. Its gets hard to be someone, but it all works out. It doesnt matter much to me.

-When they say "Living is easy with eyes closed", they dont mean themselves. All the ordinary dregs of life that tie 'blind' people up doesnt matter much to them.

Ok, Norwegian Wood isnt exactly about drugs. But it definitly was influenced by them. And I could cite a dozen other Beatles lyrics where they talk about the effects of hallucinogens and being enlightened.

Drugs wont make you more skilled. Pot may help you just 'hear' things in your head that you wouldnt have otherwise, but nothin relaly that special. Hallicinogens, however (LSD, Shrooms, Peyote/Mescaline) will temporarily break your preconceptions of reality, potentially giving you the ability to see everything in a fresh and new light. Lessons can be learned from hallucinogens. It does not by any means make you smarter, and someone who isnt very smart probably will not recieve benifits from these drugs (and in fact quite possibly get more confused). But when intelligent people take hallucinogens, it can unlock potential. The Beatles are a perfect example of this.
Drugs wont make you more skilled. Pot may help you just 'hear' things in your head that you wouldnt have otherwise, but nothin relaly that special. Hallicinogens, however (LSD, Shrooms, Peyote/Mescaline) will temporarily break your preconceptions of reality, potentially giving you the ability to see everything in a fresh and new light. Lessons can be learned from hallucinogens. It does not by any means make you smarter, and someone who isnt very smart probably will not recieve benifits from these drugs (and in fact quite possibly get more confused). But when intelligent people take hallucinogens, it can unlock potential. The Beatles are a perfect example of this.

Whatever you wish to believe, dude. I'm not as gullible though.
Raziaar said:
Whatever you wish to believe, dude. I'm not as gullible though.
But then you dont want to believe anything other than the negatives (even the untrue ones)
Reaktor4 said:
thats a myth.
:rolleyes: I have a real, real hard time believing that, considering the visuals in the song.
Raziaar said:
Whatever you wish to believe, dude. I'm not as gullible though.
Of course you're not. :) But I'm not being gullible, as I'm speaking from firsthand experience.
Reaktor4 said:
But then you dont want to believe anything other than the negatives (even the untrue ones)

I believe, that there are no positives in drug usage that can't be matched or surpassed by non damaging means. That's the stance i've taken in life. I've looked at the information provided by the people who use the drugs, and from those who don't use them... i've taken the scientific studies performed into account, and i've come to the conclusion that drugs are not for me... and that they're not all their cracked up to be.

Fact is, most everybody who uses drugs, don't use it responsibly. They use it, and abuse it, and thats the legacy they'll end up with.
f|uke said:
:rolleyes: I have a real, real hard time believing that, considering the visuals in the song.
Wasnt talking about the words etc, no doubt that was to do with it. But the title wasnt chosen because of the lsd thing.
Reaktor4 said:
Wasnt talking about the words etc, no doubt that was to do with it. But the title wasnt chosen because of the lsd thing.
If that is the case, I'd have to think that there were subconscious forces at play.
Raziaar said:
Drugs don't make people perform better music. That's utter garbage. I'll believe many things you guys say, but thats definately not one of them. That's just grade A propoganda. "Do drugs and you'll be more talented!"

that wasn't what i was saying at all. it's a creative catalyst that ends up producing good/better music. it's not like steroids for athletes...

from what i understand, bob dylan gave the beatles weed which led them to all sorts of different avenues of music and drugs. i dont know how you can question that the beatles were on drugs. or every other band that came out from mid 60's to today. music and drugs just go hand in hand, deal with it.

are you even a musician? do you make your own music? do you even understand what it takes to create art audibly?? music is a drug itself, since its something you HEAR and it goes in your HEAD and gives you some sort of VISUAL in your MIND.

music + drugs = yes
you + music = no
Raziaar said:
I believe, that there are no positives in drug usage that can't be matched or surpassed by non damaging means.
Even if that was true, what does it matter?
And anyway when you compare the dangers of using most drugs to other things people do for fun, or just do, theyre not all that dangerous.
I still cant work out how you can go on about harm caused by drugs themselves when you support prohibition along with the mayhem it causes btw.
That's the stance i've taken in life. I've looked at the information provided by the people who use the drugs, and from those who don't use them... i've taken the scientific studies performed into account, and i've come to the conclusion that drugs are not for me... and that they're not all their cracked up to be.
Well you would if you believed the kind of crap you showed me the other day.
Fact is, most everybody who uses drugs, don't use it responsibly. They use it, and abuse it, and thats the legacy they'll end up with.
And the continued refusal by governments to educate people on how to use them properly is helping i suppose?
There are a lot of people who use drugs irresponsibly, but its not "almost everyone". Those people are simply irresponsible people. They probably do everything irresponsibly.
Reaktor4 said:
They didnt even come up with the title.
Ok, I guess I have to accept that. :) Maybe his son had heard of the drug, and came up with his own ideas about what the letters stood for... nevertheless:
John Lennon, while never denying that the song itself was inspired by the countless acid trips he had taken, quickly explained that the title, in fact, had been mere coincidence.
Man, that picture looks like it's a cave drawing on parchment! What were they doing to those kids in the 60's?
Raziaar (hope I spelt it right this time) I don't mean to sound in anyway patronising, but in terms of creativity, you really have to have tried it to 'get it'.

I'm doing creative writing at uni, and written a lot of my stuff under the influence of drugs, in general, it's easier to start - no writer's block. It's easier to rhyme - when I'm writing poetry (I have to :() I can think 3, 4 lines ahead, rather than one line at a time. It's much easier to come up with totally new ideas as you go along - take a story out of the normal formula and suddenly put new spins on things, explore open endings, different endings and character traits.

And I do appreciate what you say about drugs - you're clearly a functional kinda guy, if something isn't helpful then, well, screw it. Fair play. But remember, cannabis, shrooms, pills etc, they're recreational drugs - they're used, in general, for fun. And believe me, there is very little that compares with them. What else makes you chat about deep emotional feelings with your best mates, what else makes you giggle uncontrollably for crazy amounts of time, what else makes you experience a feeling close to that of an orgasm just from listening to a DJ dropping a track.

The fact is, drugs are fun.

They can be abused, and that can lead to problems. And I won't lie, sometimes people are unlucky. Sometimes they might throw a whitey on weed, sometimes they might have a bad trip, sometimes, in extreme circumstances they might be dancing away on e, collapse and die (200 deaths in the UK in 15 years - alcohol, approx 450'000).

As it so happens, some drugs have 'functional' uses as well. I find cannabis helps me get creative. I have a friend who beat depression with it. Medically, much is possible with cannabis. Ecstasy has been used in marriage counselling (before it was made illegal) to make couples feel empathy for one another, and sort out their problems.

Drugs are fun, drugs can be abused, drugs can cause sadness, and drugs can cause happiness, euphoria even. Drugs are good, drugs are bad. Like pretty much everything in life - 'cept we don't freak out if someone has a pint cuz it won't help them do their maths homework, we don't go crazy when someone takes an aspirin - cuz, you know, you're more likely to die taking a single aspirin than you are taking an e.

The government have done a good job disorting fact, it's just ashame so many people buy it without even questioning some of the more #ahem# daft stuff (see the egg anti drug advert, reefer madness, a school drugs programme that showed a boy smoking weed then smashing a bottle on a wall to open it, and drinking glass shards which he didn't even know was there) :upstare:
bam23 said:
I hate drugs. So sue me.

Fair play. Do you hate people who use drugs? That's what most 'druggies' are bothered about.
Reaktor4 said:
Oh dear. Do you realise how utterly unscientific and irresponsible that was?
What you just wrote is such a crock of shit that i cba ripping it apart. Read it again and think about it.

It wasnt meant to be scientific, so no, i really don't realize how unscientific it was. You moron. It was Personal Opinion/Experience.

As for "cba ripping apart" (whatever the hell that it is), go ahead.

I had 20 dollars, my friend was a dealer. I gave him the money and he rolled me 5 joints. Around here a joint is about 5 bucks, and a beer at a bar is the same.

Go ahead, rip it apart, if you're so knowledgable about my life.

That's all anyone can really go on, personal experience. In my experience marijuana has ruined lives.
Damnit I had this hugely lengthy message about this subject typed out then I accidentally hit BACK...

Anyways, this was the jist:

I dislike the lifestyle that most drug users live. It's shady and sometimes violent. I think that maybe I choose to have a noble view on the human race. I believe that a truly strong mind does not need foreign substances to have fun or function or be creative. In my ideal world, people take pleasure in the company of their friends and families. They have fun playing sports and other such activities.... I dunno its hard to explain.

I have lived as the "bad, drug user", but I love the way I live now so much more. Everytime I walk in on a friend whose eyes are rolled back, or is giggiling uncontrollably, I have this sick feeling in my stomach.

Maybe that will help explain why I am so against drug use. But you guys are entitled to do whatever you want, so i'll just accept your points of views.
Swift said:
Damnit I had this hugely lengthy message about this subject typed out then I accidentally hit BACK...

Anyways, this was the jist:

I dislike the lifestyle that most drug users live. It's shady and sometimes violent. I think that maybe I choose to have a noble view on the human race. I believe that a truly strong mind does not need foreign substances to have fun or function or be creative. In my ideal world, people take pleasure in the company of their friends and families. They have fun playing sports and other such activities.... I dunno its hard to explain.

I have lived as the "bad, drug user", but I love the way I live now so much more. Everytime I walk in on a friend whose eyes are rolled back, or is giggiling uncontrollably, I have this sick feeling in my stomach.

Maybe that will help explain why I am so against drug use. But you guys are entitled to do whatever you want, so i'll just accept your points of views.

The shady and violent lifestyle some drug users live is entirely due to the legal situation surrounding drugs.

You seem to think that a drug user is somehow incapable of engaging in other activities (I play games and I snowboard), that they don't take pleasure in the company of friends and family (funny, I don't remember the last tike I got high or drunk alone), and is stripped of creativity (I produce my own music and love writing). Your image of the average drug user is a stereotype.

Weak mind? I don't need drugs to have fun. God knows there's plenty of other things I could do. Drugs, however, are one of the things I choose to take for a good time.
shadow6899 said:
that doesn't help... like u said in ur "world"... i.e. ur fictional world. And i for one know im not a bad drug user, as well as most drug users. So jsut b/c uve had a bad time w/ it doesn't mean that's everyone, and doesn't mean everyone is that stupid on it. I have never seen anyone get aggressive or violent while high... especially on weed, shrooms, or pills. You can live in ur world... but ill stay in the real one until i light that spliff.

What do you think I meant when I said "My ideal world".... god, are you sure you're arn't on drugs now?

I never once said I thought that was everyone's, but if you read my earlier post you would have noticed something paramount to my arguements: I formulate them off of personal experience. All I have ever experienced is negative outcomes through drugs. Maybe it's because when I was a drug user I never got filtered through to these easy going, fun, relaxed, everyone loves everyone drug taking parties that you fellows seem to enjoy....

You say you have never seen anyone get agressive or violent when high? "Just because you have had a good time with it doesn't mean that's everyone's (experience)", as you so "eloquently" put it. That's a bit of your own medicine... altered for my purposes of course.

You go ahead and light that spliff, and when your child asks why she was shot at because you didn't pay your drug dealer, you can tell her whatever fabrication you wish.
Absinthe said:
The shady and violent lifestyle some drug users live is entirely due to the legal situation surrounding drugs.

You seem to think that a drug user is somehow incapable of engaging in other activities (I play games and I snowboard), that they don't take pleasure in the company of friends and family (funny, I don't remember the last tike I got high or drunk alone), and is stripped of creativity (I produce my own music and love writing). Your image of the average drug user is a stereotype.

Weak mind? I don't need drugs to have fun. God knows there's plenty of other things I could do. Drugs, however, are one of the things I choose to take for a good time.

It's becomming incredibly frustrating when faced with people that refuse to actually read what I type.

I never said that druggies lacked the ability to have fun in other areas apart from drug use. I simply said that the majority of them substitute drugs for activities that could rejuvinate your failing bodies, or expand your mind. Telling me that drug taking is an enlightening pursuit is bullshit in it's purest form.

You said "I think that drug users are stripped of creativity". Thanks for putting words at my fingertips... but if you took the time to actually read what I said, you'll notice I said "you don't NEED drugs to be creative". I never said that it strips creativity.

No drug can ever unlock some secret door in the human brain. To think such is to deny all we have accomplished in the time we have been on this earth. Very few of the great artists, poets, leaders and inventors of our race did what they did under the influence.

You said it yourself, God does know there are plenty of other things you could do then waste your time with drugs. Heed your own advice.
Swift said:
You go ahead and light that spliff, and when your child asks why she was shot at because you didn't pay your drug dealer, you can tell her whatever fabrication you wish.

Could I ask you where you live Swift? Getting SHOT at for not paying your dealer? Perhaps if you owed him a couple of ten thousand pounds, but otherwise... no! Jesus.

Most people get their drugs off friends. These are either friends to begin with, or become friends, or at least good aquaintainces through dealing. Unless you did something very friggin extreme you are not going to get a cap popped in your ass for it.

And swift, I appreicate it sounds like you had a bad time on drugs. I won't deny it can happen. The thing is it's all about setting, and the people you're with. The fact that it's illegal makes it very hard, especially for people without their own house, to take drugs in nice places. The number of times me and my friends had to drive a car to a dark country back lane, or sit behind our school at night, or end up at some dealers house, smoking a spliff while he's doing lines. It's easy to see how drug users can get a negative image for sulking around in the dark, and it's even easier to see how, in the case of cannabis, keeping it illegal and taboo, made it very plausible for me and my mates to start on other drugs.

I'd also like to debate your point about not believing it to be natural, or 'right', to use drugs to achieve enjoyment.
I believe that a truly strong mind does not need foreign substances to have fun or function or be creative. In my ideal world, people take pleasure in the company of their friends and families. They have fun playing sports and other such activities.... I dunno its hard to explain.

It's all about definition. I could just as easily turn around and say that I don't like computer games, and if I wanted to be a total sausage, which many people on these forums have been like to drug users - I could say that if you play computer games you're a waster, pathetic, idiotic, weak-minded person. There is an argument there. I could tell you about a friend of mine who just played games all the time, didn't build social bonds well with people, and got lonely. So all computer games should be illegal. :rolleyes:

Boiling it down, how are computer games different to drugs? We use them to have fun. They can lead to problems if overdone. They certainly cost a lot of money. They can be addictive.

But the thing is, the majority of people DON'T take the p*ss and play games all the time, just as the vast majority of drug users don't use drugs all the time.
Just as I get my housemates round once in a while for a maio kart tournament, I get together with them for a smoke. Neither computer games or drugs damage or make 'false' human ties, they can be used to strengthen them - and most of the time, that's exactly what they're used for.

EDIT: Your final point,
plenty of other things you could do than waste your time with drugs
can be applied to a million and one things that have no function other than enjoyment. Computer games, clubbing, snowboarding, bungee jumping, going to the fair, watching TV. We live in a society where we can afford to do certain things that's main function, far above anything else, is enjoyment. Drugs is one of them.
Endorphines: get hooked on vigorous exercise by working out until you release them. Nature's drug.
Swift said:
I never said that druggies lacked the ability to have fun in other areas apart from drug use. I simply said that the majority of them substitute drugs for activities that could rejuvinate your failing bodies, or expand your mind. Telling me that drug taking is an enlightening pursuit is bullshit in it's purest form.

Please, tell me where you get your information about the majority of drug users.

And why don't you go say that to the many cultures and religions throughout the years that have been using drugs for just that: enlightenment.

You said "I think that drug users are stripped of creativity". Thanks for putting words at my fingertips... but if you took the time to actually read what I said, you'll notice I said "you don't NEED drugs to be creative". I never said that it strips creativity.

You certainly imply that drug users require drugs in order to be creative. After all, what "strong mind" would ever require a foreign substance.

No drug can ever unlock some secret door in the human brain. To think such is to deny all we have accomplished in the time we have been on this earth. Very few of the great artists, poets, leaders and inventors of our race did what they did under the influence.

And not all of them were abstinence badge-wearing boy scouts.

You said it yourself, God does know there are plenty of other things you could do then waste your time with drugs. Heed your own advice.

"Waste" was a word that you inserted. But I guess I could do something far more socially acceptable (and expensive) and risk killing myself through skydiving.

Or maybe I should spend all my time on computer games instead! Would that be okay?

Oh no, wait. Maybe I should just get pissed all the time. You know, since alcohol is legal. I certainly don't see that as a waste.

Or maybe, I can do what I want and consume what I want so long as it's in moderation, and continue to enjoy my life for the brief amount of time that I have it. Now that's a novel idea.
Swift said:
As for "cba ripping apart" (whatever the hell that it is), go ahead.
Cba = cant be arsed. Your 'test' proved absolutely nothing.
I just love people who take every word their D.A.R.E offcier says as truth.

Pot does not make you violent, crack and other heavy drugs may

Your test is ridiculous, you are comparing Five joints with Five beers? comparing the effects of pot and alcohol is like comparing apples and oranges. All this is aside from the fact that you are a moron for endangering the lives of others. Also I really doubt the validity of your experience.

I just have one name for the people talking about ho drugs make you a more talented musician "sid vicious"
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