Does E3 lack creativity?


Nov 17, 2003
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I read the newspaper (the Seattle Times) and in it, theres a page and a half with the G-Man, some doom3 shots, and sims 2 shots. the author thinks that e3 is full of "more of the same". Doug Lowenstein, head of the ESA (which runs e3) thinks its an issue... do you?
Not at all - this was the best e3 I can remember.

There have never been so many games coming out that I must own. Not to mention the DS and PSP - which both look great.
I dont know, I might have to agree with the Seattle Times. Walking around, I couldn't help but feel that so many games there are clones of each other... There are actually VERY few games that stand out as unique.
lol, clasic...

On topic: I think we should see a whole new wave of creativity with the source engine available to modders. I have seen so many imaginitive ideas allready. I think it should be interesting to see what takes hold next. :)
I think E3 is the same as its always been. There were a good number of original games, but the ones that get the most attention are sequels since people know they can look foward to them.
yeah but it does seem like theres a LOT of sequals/new sports games (the article said something like 80% of the games showcased)
Sports games, that's one genre I never could quite understand.

Just because something is a sequel doesn't mean it lacks creativity or originality. Just look at HL2 :)
FictiousWill said:
Damn I wish I still lived in Seattle. I could visit the Valve offices! Duh!............ yeah ok so I've been deluding myself all this time. Los Angeles, eh? cool.
LOL, whenever something truly unique and creative gets released in game form (for example the Nintendo game with the ball collecting objects when you roll over them that has been demonstrated @ some game show a couple of month's back), people wont buy it, but they are the same people who keep nagging that games lack originality and creativity.