Does gamespot dislike hl2 or somethin?

Gamespot is fairly hard on games...especially when games have almost no info in about a year.
I like Gamespots video streams. As for there reviews I dont pay much attention to them. I use genral gaming forums to get info on games.

Oh by the way HI.
daveodeth said:
please say you didn't mean that, do you not see the irony in that post.

go to the forums. i ment it.

and whats so ironic about that? my consoles collet dust and im over 18

Fanboyism.. meh
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
4 l34gue 0f 1ts own yea rite. the d34l w1th th3 t0p t3n is th4t 1t dep3nds 0n h0w m4ny gam3r5 v151t th3 halflife two page on gam3spot s0 its n0t l1ke gamesp0t choos3s not t0 hav3 1t gam3rs just arent ch3cking 0ut halflife two 0n gam3spot much.

halflife two really isnt as popular as u guyz th1nk th1s is a fansit3 s0 of cors3 its p0pular here but 0ther pl4c3s 1ts n0t s0 p0pular. 1ts th3 w4y th3 w0rld w0rks ju5t d3al w1th 1t.

OMG! WTF i5 7h15 guy s4y1ng :/
guys, stop with all the dissing on =1nfiltrat0r='s posts, yes, we all know that he cant speek english correctly, so stop posting about it!