Does George Bush deserve death? (just to be fair)

What does he deserve?

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Aug 6, 2004
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He responsible for the deaths of thousands, but what does he deserve? How should justice be served.
most controversial thread of the day prize goes to jverne!

anyway, I'm not for capital punishment. He should go behind bars for a long long time though
Let off.

Actually, give him something for his hard efforts.
15357 said:
Let off.

Actually, give him something for his hard efforts.

What with the most vacation days taken by a president?

Hmm, yes, he's done allot.
Stop being stupid. He won't get prison or even a fine.
A lot of people are happy with the things he's done, even thou he onely did it for the oil :imu::imu::bounce:
He should be let off for the simple reason that it's impossible to prove that he has violated the rules of war or the human rights. Innocent until proven guily applies for everyone.
Since he was re-elected, I guess at least most of the Americans accept him.
The Monkey said:
He should be let off for the simple reason that it's impossible to prove that he has violated the rules of war or the human rights
No it isn't.

He's also lied to the American people. Repeatedly.

Fire him and make me President in his stead. Mos def.

Unfocused said:
Since he was re-elected, I guess at least most of the Americans accept him.
About 51%. Much lower now, though he's trying to regain supporters with rampant homophobia.
if bush were tried for war crimes, he'd be convicted sentence for each death in iraq
Unfocused said:
Since he was re-elected, I guess at least most of the Americans accept him.
It's either, those voters are stupider than we first thought or..
Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted -- enough to have put John Kerry in the White House
Yes no...maybe. Desperate Democrats? I don't know.

But could a nation really be that dumb to vote in Bush twice? Is it possible? Boggles the mind.
The Monkey said:
He should be let off for the simple reason that it's impossible to prove that he has violated the rules of war or the human rights. Innocent until proven guily applies for everyone.

Yes it is possible, should Bush's advisors and Army commanders decide to speak out against him (some already have) but you wouldn't find a court on the planet that would try to convict him.
not death, but he sucks so maybe like a swift kick in the ass
lol, so true :D

I dunno, I said life in prison. NO! LIFE IN GUANTANANMO! XD
He didn't send people out there with the intent of having them die. And he didn't send his troops out there with the intent of them slaughtering civilians. He doesn't deserve death, or life in prison, but he does deserve punishment for doing a terrible job.
Raziaar said:
He didn't send people out there with the intent of having them die. And he didn't send his troops out there with the intent of them slaughtering civilians. He doesn't deserve death, or life in prison, but he does deserve punishment for doing a terrible job.

he did send them to die, he did send them to kill civilians ..he knew beforehand that saddam didnt have wmd, therefore he is guilty of sending them to their deaths in a war that didnt have to happen
CptStern said:
he did send them to die, he did send them to kill civilians ..he knew beforehand that saddam didnt have wmd, therefore he is guilty of sending them to their deaths in a war that didnt have to happen

That's completely different than saying, "Alright boys... i'm knowing full well all of you are going to die over there, and you're also going to kill all the civilians you see".

People in leadership positions, when it comes to war... send their troops out all the time. Sure, they know that there are chances of innocents dying, and their own troops dying, but that is a fact of war... not a deliberate intent. Thus, not a war crime in my mind. The people deserving of warcrime status, are those few soldiers who intentionally murder civilians, or do terrible things to them. That is done with deliberate intent in mind.

Using your logic, even people like Julius Caesar should have been tried for warcrimes, simply because many of his troops would have died, and many of them would have strayed off and raped/pillaged after they weren't on duty. That's not how things work... you don't apply warcrimes to every general or commander just for sending troops into contested combat.
Where is the option for a more reasonable prison sentence? "Lesser punishment" is too broad an option. Maybe less than life. He is more stupid than evil after all.
Raziaar said:
That's completely different than saying, "Alright boys... i'm knowing full well all of you are going to die over there, and you're also going to kill all the civilians you see".
Not really.

The point is that the war was illegal and ultimately unjustifed, yet was undertaken anyways. Also, you can't expect a war without casualties.
Therefore, George Bush willingly commited an illegal act that endangered innocent people's lives.

At the very best, it's well over ten thousand cases of death caused by criminal negligence - A.K.A. involuntary manslaughter.

However, that's being generous to Bush.
Just think about how many lives might have been lost if he did not take the actions he took.
Darth Sidious said:
Just think about how many lives might have been lost if he did not take the actions he took.
Yea all those weapons of mass destruction that Saddam could've pulled straight out of his ass and aimed at any town USA. Good thing we put a stop to that, and all it took was a measly 10000 lives pssh big deal
brink's said:
Yea all those weapons of mass destruction that Saddam could've pulled straight out of his ass and aimed at any town USA.

And that is why I usually stay out of the politics section :LOL:
Considering that we voted for him and therefore gave him the power to do everything he did, we have no right to punish him at all.

If our government (or anyone's government--every government in the world sucks at everything) was worth a damn, however, he wouldn't have been allowed to do any of the stuff that he has in the first place, and he would have been impeached for trying. In fact, he wouldn't have been elected in the first place. In fact, we wouldn't even have the silly notion of a "president."
The way our system works, he got put into office. We may as well have.
Torturing him would be just plain stupid, same with the death sentence.

Perhaps Life in Prison or a Lesser Punishment would work for me.
As much as I despise what he's done to this country, it is far worse punishment for him to be ridiculed and put down in history as one of our weakest presidents.
Javert said:
As much as I despise what he's done to this country, it is far worse punishment for him to be ridiculed and put down in history as one of our weakest presidents.
But sending him to jail on top of that wouldn't hurt.
kick him out of office, but Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld should go to prison
Pandering to religious fundamentalists and bigots, removing a secular (though tyrannical) ruler from a middle eastern nation* and turning it into a breeding ground for terrorists, giving tax cuts to the rich whilst professing solidarity with the working class...

Yeah, life in prison. Death would only make him a martyr! ;)

*in retrospect, I can't believe I thought it wouldn't collapse completely into sectarian violence.
Unfocused said:
Since he was re-elected, I guess at least most of the Americans accept him.

He barely won. And his approval rating has dropped through the floor
Nice thread. Are you farging isane?? The NSA is well aware of your sentiments now you fools. Kids are indeed getting dumber and dumber--and not just the American ones!
VictimOfScience said:
Nice thread. Are you farging isane?? The NSA is well aware of your sentiments now you fools. Kids are indeed getting dumber and dumber--and not just the American ones!

Take your tinfoil hat off, they're not coming for us any time soon. ;)

Wait, what was that at the window$Q£$wxsa890u8^&9