Does Gordon have an issue?

Digital Assassian, I can't believe you would flame me for pointing out the obvious. And I did it with taste. I don't mind if Gordon is gay, but it seems to offend some others.
Ballsaccio said:
And I'm sure Gordon smokes clove cigarettes, sleeps on a futon and wears silk jammies.

Are you saying that Hugh Hefner has a gender issue because he likes to wear "silk jammies"?
since gordon slipped it on and said ITS NOT FRILLY ENOUGH GET ME ANOTHER the one is HL2 is all colourful flowers and so on with a nice soft lining and the bottom area opens RIGHT up for easy access
I find it funny that people are so passionate about this that they are going "OH MY GOD HE'S NOT. STOP COMMON HE'S NOT MAN STOP HE'S NOT. NO YOU ARE!!!!!11one"

hey im straight but if gordon asked me out for a drink how could i say no with that goatee and those rather kinky glasses those BIG hands i meen come on lol
If Gordon asked you out for a drink it would most likely have an umbrella in it.
Gordon is a Quark counting engineer who has a problem getting chicks. That is probably why he has gone the gay way. I'll bet he is patterned after someone at Valve.
Grand Architect said:
For all I care Gordon could have a furry fetish, I'm just not buying this.

Actually, if it came to it, I'd prefer to associate with a guy with a furry fetish over a gay dude. It's not that I particularly dislike gays, it's just that, when it comes to amusement value, watching a guy prance around in a dog suit, barking, wins out every time over sitting there listening to someone harangue you about the colour of your drapes.

<Puts down the two terrible-but-partially-accurate stereotypes, hopefully never to pick them up again...>
Ballsaccio said:
Gordon is a Quark counting engineer who has a problem getting chicks. That is probably why he has gone the gay way. I'll bet he is patterned after someone at Valve.

lol well someone certainly has some issues..... and it isn't Gordon :p
Owen said:
*Draws dodgy fanart involving Gordon and striders*

:LOL: I don't think people got that one. If they had, everyone would add LOL.

*walks away wishing for my dead braincells back*
Sharrd said:
:LOL: I don't think people got that one. If they had, everyone would add LOL.

i got it haha. and now that u mention it gordon does look like he bats for the other team :dork:
PvtRyan said:
Well YOU are Gordon, so if you have problems with your gender, then so will Gordon. But don't worry, we won't judge you by your preferences..... you queer fruit cake.

Gordon does not seem like he has a problem with his inner female self, in fact he seems quite comfortable with it. "Queer fruit cake" is something that is consumed in South Park, not Black Mesa.
Ballsaccio said:
Gordon does not seem like he has a problem with his inner female self, in fact he seems quite comfortable with it. "Queer fruit cake" is something that is consumed in South Park, not Black Mesa.

Ya know, he does have a ponytail. And as we all know, men with ponytails are either hippies or she-males.

(PS: don't take any of my posts in this thread too seriously before I get sued/attacked by gay people/men with ponytails)
LOL!!! Just because Gordon is "light in the loafers" does not mean the game will be less exciting. It just means we know what he is really all about!
actually you don't unless you talk to the creators of the character.
For goodness sake, this is not a novel, or even a comic book. It is a "flip the switch-first person shooter" with an obviously gay charactor who is flipping switches and shooting things. I doubt I will ever read the life story of Gordon Freeman, gay hero.
Ballsaccio said:
For goodness sake, this is not a novel, or even a comic book. It is a "flip the switch-first person shooter" with an obviously gay charactor who is flipping switches and shooting things. I doubt I will ever read the life story of Gordon Freeman, gay hero.

Maybe you're the one who has an issue if you see gayness in everything and name yourself ballsack. :rolleyes:

If there was one gay thing in HL, it wasn't Gordon but the Big Momma, a walking scrotum shooting white goo at me?
PvtRyan said:
Maybe you're the one who has an issue if you see gayness in everything and name yourself ballsack. :rolleyes:

No doubt he fantasizes about Gordon every night, like a 13-year-old with Lara Croft. :)
If there was one gay thing in HL, it wasn't Gordon but the Big Momma, a walking scrotum shooting white goo at me?

Should've seen that coming, where i come from nerdy glasses, and pocket protector meant you get to hang out with horny, hot chicks who have late night computer problems, which in my book is not a bad thing.
Impulse147 said:
Should've seen that coming, where i come from nerdy glasses, and pocket protector meant you get to hang out with horny, hot chicks who have late night computer problems, which in my book is not a bad thing.

You went to Virginia Tech too?!?!

Seriously, the chicks always needed computer help. Although, I never had the pocket protector.
I had nerdy glasses just not the kind gordon had, but i met my gf, because she needed a new cheap computer and she heard i was the man to talk to. and we have been together for almost a yr. and a half, so i don't see how that attire makes u gay.... maybe in california, but not here.

i also wore a pocket protector with one particular shirt, becuase i had cheap leaky pens and it was a nice shirt.
now that i think of it, wasn't Gordon and Barney going for a "drink" later that day the accident happened? hmm :rolleyes:
OMG!!! You are right! Barney and Gordon, watching reruns of "Breakfast at Tiffanys", having drinks with umbrellas in them, and wearing silk jammies.