Does half life 2 look all that good?


Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
It looks cool and all, but how much better are the physics in real life? I mean it's like come on guys; how much better is it to kick a can or play about with a football than to dream about the artificial stuff in Half Life II? I know that I would much rather spend my time on real life and real physics than to fart around with something fake.
abconners said:
It looks cool and all, but how much better are the physics in real life? I mean it's like come on guys; how much better is it to kick a can or play about with a football than to dream about the artificial stuff in Half Life II? I know that I would much rather spend my time on real life and real physics than to fart around with something fake.

HL2 is entertainment, not a replacement for reality.
Because I can;t mix real physics and a couple of my friends and an automatic rifle.... In Hl2 I can do all three and nobody gets hurt.
So you get the chance to set up see-saws, weights and swing cranes round in real life that will result in someones death? Nice!

The graphics are not 'amazing, amazing', but with the worlds being the scale they are, thats all you can ask for. PC's just wouldnt run it if the textures/details were any higher.

As long as the graphics are 'acceptable' I am happy, its the gameplay + other neat feature like physics (which are claimed to be part of the gameplay) that I most look forward to. Cs is a prime example of how graphics do not affect a games popularity... until now, when cs graphics look a bit crap. But as we know thats all being sorted out.

[soz about grammar its early, and I really cba to sort it]
you've completely missed the point there abconners. hl2 has brough real life into a game...what more could you want? in real life, and hl2 now, you can pick up a radiator and use it as a shield against bullets.

but like i said, hl2 has tried to bring real life things into the game, as in games you have no consiquences for your actions. chucking a barrel at a guy will probably get you arrested or something stupid in real life, but you can do the same thing in hl2 and no one would care. you would just get the 'that was so cool' feeling.
then why are you here? why play computer games at all when you can go out and do the real thing? why not go out now and steal a car, run some people over and build up a crime empire. Or alternatively build your own manipulator and enjoy the consequences of shooting a saw blade into someone's head...

Games are not supposed to imitate reality, games are an escape, and are just ment to be fun.
When I shoot people in cs, I dont see it as someones life ending. Escaping from reality is a good phrase, and can not be used enough.

If you cannot distinguish between film/game/musicvideo/tv violence and the real world, you need phsycho therapy. I do not like how they are used as escape goats for bad parenting and background.

I cant wait to be drive down a ramp, fly through the air, hit a sphere, that rolls down a hill, his a crane, which then falls on you :D
Hmm, ok. I'm hereby selling my pc and getting a football!!!!!one1one!


wait, going outside is boring. It's not like we use video games in order to not live in reality. It's just fun to do , I can personally say I'd rather play a nice pc game than go on a bike ride. But I'd rather snowboard than play pc, so you see it balances.
cyborgguineapig said:
Because I can;t mix real physics and a couple of my friends and an automatic rifle.... In Hl2 I can do all three and nobody gets hurt.

You make an excelent point my friend, but why do we need to kill?
Real life is such a cool thing; I don't understand why one whould take the substandard reality of a video game and waste time while one could be out doing something one enjoys. I mean how much cooler is reality?
abconners said:
It looks cool and all, but how much better are the physics in real life? I mean it's like come on guys; how much better is it to kick a can or play about with a football than to dream about the artificial stuff in Half Life II? I know that I would much rather spend my time on real life and real physics than to fart around with something fake.
yeah you have fun lifting up real stuff with you're home made gravity gun. :thumbs:
abconners said:
Real life is such a cool thing; I don't understand why one whould take the substandard reality of a video game and waste time while one could be out doing something one enjoys. I mean how much cooler is reality?
then i guss you shouldnt be here, yeah reality is cool. but you can do more in a vidogame then you would ever be able to in reality.
abconners said:
Real life is such a cool thing; I don't understand why one whould take the substandard reality of a video game and waste time while one could be out doing something one enjoys. I mean how much cooler is reality?

Whoa. Why are you on a gaming forum?

If you can't answer those questions yourself then I really don't see why your here.
abconners said:
Real life is such a cool thing; I don't understand why one whould take the substandard reality of a video game and waste time while one could be out doing something one enjoys. I mean how much cooler is reality?
Um, reality is pretty crap. But computer games are potentially a lot cooler. When we reach star trek holodeck technology and i get to have drunken orgies with3 female Klingons ("KAPLAH!!!!!") at the same, i'll say with absolute surety that reality sux.

If i truly thought reality was more enjoyable i certainly wouldn't be on this forum.
abconners said:
Real life is such a cool thing; I don't understand why one whould take the substandard reality of a video game and waste time while one could be out doing something one enjoys. I mean how much cooler is reality?

Games are just one of many forms of entertainment. They aren't meant to "replace" reality in any's a form of escapism.

By your statements, all fiction is pointless...not just games but movies and books. I'd agree that people should not center their lives around the escapism of games or movies or books or any other form of fiction..that's clearly unhealthy. However, the recreational value of such pasttimes are undenyable (as is the value of sports or family or any other "real life" activities).
I'd have to say that the aliens and robots are a good enough reason for me.
He's right though guys. Why am I waiting for HL2 when I can go outside, lift a dresser 4 feet above my head and throw it at a giant 3 legged spider anytime I want. :)
Trouble is brink's, that kind of behaviour would get you an ASBO in the UK these days :)

We are no closer than blowing monsters apart with big ****ing guns in reality, than in video games.
kick cans all you want, I'll be throwing cars at dead people
lets put this into perspective:

Real life (although why real life desont include games even though ganes are real...)

Find a icky spider crawling along the carpet, use disenfectant to kill it or drop a shoe on its head

Video Games

the possibilitys are endless, but use some kind of super gun to kill a huge 3 legged spider thing
guys he is right! why playing games since real life is better!?
Why watching terminator 3 since real life is better??? Why since you can get your own SMG and get rid of the half population of the earth yourself?? Why should you watch someone else doing it!

abconners you re really funny and I guess you are some 72yo who can`t undestand why ppl born in this century play games... :P

funniest/most dumb thread ever
comming from someone who played the beta of doom3, then turns around one day later asking this rubbish. im just going to disreguard any comments you make hence forth.
abconners said:
It looks cool and all, but how much better are the physics in real life? I mean it's like come on guys; how much better is it to kick a can or play about with a football than to dream about the artificial stuff in Half Life II? I know that I would much rather spend my time on real life and real physics than to fart around with something fake.

So you're saying you spend your time in real life flinging saw blades at people? Crushing them under a 10 ton container? Blowing them up in a huge fireball as you throw a oilbarrel at their heads?
There's stuff you just can't do in RL. I mean, there are guns IRL right? Do you shoot at people too?
AJ Rimmer said:
I quote:

"Reality sucks."

Nope, i believe that was Dwane Dibley ;)

Anyway, you're right. Computer games are no substitute for real life stuff. Especially the divine game of Squash. But they're damn good all the same.
maybe half life three will just be an inflatable ball and a map
MrD said:
Nope, i believe that was Dwane Dibley ;)

Anyway, you're right. Computer games are no substitute for real life stuff. Especially the divine game of Squash. But they're damn good all the same.
It's still Danny John-Jules in either case dude :thumbs:
MrD said:
Nope, i believe that was Dwane Dibley ;)

Actually, it was The Cat pretending to be Dwayne Dibley to escape from a phycotropically-induced artifical reality version of a nanobot-recreated Red Dwarf, while being tried for crimes against the Space Corps.

Funnily enough, I just watched that episode yesterday. :cheese:

On topic: I'm glad to see that nearly everyone here manages to agree that video games are a fun, harmless form of escapism. They are more entertaining than real life because of the lack of consequences, and the excitement of revealing an interesting story.

Recently my mum read a newspaper article about a teenager who hit his brother on the head with a hammer after seeing it done in a computer game. Personally I feel that people who have trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy will usually end up acting out dangerous fantasies anyway, but computer games can compound the problem. Anyone else know of something like this happening?
cyborgguineapig said:
Because I can;t mix real physics and a couple of my friends and an automatic rifle.... In Hl2 I can do all three and nobody gets hurt.


Except for your fingers :O For playing too much lol..
jabberwock95 said:
On topic: I'm glad to see that nearly everyone here manages to agree that video games are a fun, harmless form of escapism.


They turn people into crazed, psychotic killers and make your hair fall out. It says so in that new government leaflet. Probably.
CR0M said:

They turn people into crazed, psychotic killers and make your hair fall out. It says so in that new government leaflet. Probably.

Uh oh, we've been caught by the safety police :O

lol j/k..

But seriously, a game is only as bad as you make it.
CR0M said:

They turn people into crazed, psychotic killers and make your hair fall out. It says so in that new government leaflet. Probably.

Ahh, the government leaflet they distributed via the cranial implants? I didn't get that one, must have been my tinfoil hat.

The Truth is Out There! I Believe! There Are Four Lights!

(P.S. A muffin to anyone who can place all three of my random quotes.)
jabberwock95 said:
The Truth is Out There! I Believe! There Are Four Lights!
(P.S. A muffin to anyone who can place all three of my random quotes.)

You made them all up.

Do I win a muffin?
My personal opinion is that the graphics in Doom 3 cannot compare to HL2.

Whereas the graphics in Doom 3 are fantastic, I think the grahpics in HL2 are a lot more life like and realistic.

That might be something to do with the different sub genres of the games (one being sci-fi space travel etc. and the other being sci-fi and set on Earth).

They both use different graphic styles and my personal opinion is that Half-Life 2's are better.
CR0M said:
You made them all up.

Do I win a muffin?

No muffin for you.

But because it's you, i'll give you three easier ones.

1. Ye canna change the laws of physics
2. He's dead, Jim.
3. Fascinating.

Place those, and you get.... a mystery prize.
-JeZ- said:
Jaberwock: X-Files reference?

Two out of three.

1. The Truth is Out There - The opening credits of X-Files, and also one of Moulders sayings.

2. I Believe - Moulders poster in his office (with the UFO)

Now someone has to get "There are Four Lights" to win the muffin.
you calling me a nerd? I want my muffin.