Does half life 2 look all that good?

CR0M said:
you calling me a nerd? I want my muffin.

Ahhh, so you do know the quotes.


j/k, you can have half a muffin.

*jabberwock95 gives CR0M half a muffin.
"There are 4 lights" ...

Captain Picard, from that Star Trek thingy!
MrD said:
"There are 4 lights" ...

Captain Picard, from that Star Trek thingy!

Congratulations! We have a winner!

Since you're hiding, I can't give you a muffin... Oh well.

*jabberwock95 consumes muffin he had promised for prize.

And I better get back on topic, or I will incur wrath....
abconners said:
Real life is such a cool thing; I don't understand why one whould take the substandard reality of a video game and waste time while one could be out doing something one enjoys.
Uh, you miss the point. Playing video games IS something we enjoy doing.

And another thing: reality is reality and it comes with ALL its pros and cons. Pay bills, work your ass off at a job... There are even drastic things I won't mention.
abconners said:
I mean how much cooler is reality?
Find someone who is homeless and ask him that question.
well i dont shoot people in real life and play with their amazing ragdoll
CrazyHarij said:
well i dont shoot people in real life and play with their amazing ragdoll

I do. Thats what playing video games for more than 5 years will do to you. They're evil you know?
dart321 said:
I do. Thats what playing video games for more than 5 years will do to you. They're evil you know?

With that statement you've just proven to me that the news people didn't made up that "Fight over XBox" story. You need serious help man. :borg:
Strifer said:
With that statement you've just proven to me that the news people didn't made up that "Fight over XBox" story. You need serious help man. :borg:

You do know that that was a sarcastic joke, right? I'm implying peoples stereotypes of "if you play games a long time you'll become crazy/violent".
Maybe I didn't notice the sarcastic joke. I'm not even sure what this topic is turning into. Anyway the "play games turn violent" thing is a bunch bs. What if someone played games like "Teletubbies: We make you happy" for a few years... Oh... I see your point. :p

Let's not make it a flamefest ok? Too much of it going about this forum already.
agreed...and in most other forums for that matter on this site
Strifer said:
Maybe I didn't notice the sarcastic joke. I'm not even sure what this topic is turning into. Anyway the "play games turn violent" thing is a bunch bs. What if someone played games like "Teletubbies: We make you happy" for a few years... Oh... I see your point. :p

Let's not make it a flamefest ok? Too much of it going about this forum already.

I don't think where flaming, you just misunderstood what I wrote and I tried to explain.
I think I got a little carried away. Sorry for that. Have a... um, rabbit? :imu:

I'm not saying were flaming or anything but the topic was going into the flameville direction which I somehow... tried to start? Ugh, too much thinking... :x

Booting system...
"Does half-life 2 look all that good?"

Have you watched the Source HDR demo? Two words, HELL YES.

I won't elaborate on that anymore...I've said it a million times.
abconners said:
It looks cool and all, but how much better are the physics in real life? I mean it's like come on guys; how much better is it to kick a can or play about with a football than to dream about the artificial stuff in Half Life II? I know that I would much rather spend my time on real life and real physics than to fart around with something fake.
And you registered on why? Or better yet are you buying HL2?
Chris_D said:
My personal opinion is that the graphics in Doom 3 cannot compare to HL2.

Whereas the graphics in Doom 3 are fantastic, I think the grahpics in HL2 are a lot more life like and realistic.

That might be something to do with the different sub genres of the games (one being sci-fi space travel etc. and the other being sci-fi and set on Earth).

They both use different graphic styles and my personal opinion is that Half-Life 2's are better.

Thats the problem that half life 2 will encounter though. Its the same thing as movie CG.

Dooms crazy monsters look awsome, because there is nothing like them on earth to compare them too. Half Life 2 will be mostly the present with a few aliens thrown in. Youll be comparing cars characters and static objects to things which really exist, because they are normal. Things in doom3 machinerty and such are completly new and alien, so because we have no sub-consious comparisons, they look really good.

The characters on doom3 seem to have more meat on them than hl2 characters. Plus the hl2 characters seem to still have that thing where they spin on the spot when changing direction that plauges past games, doom3s characters seem to move much more fluidly. Imps will burst out of floor grates and melt up and down the walls like spiders, whereas those aliens in HL2 that you use phemaromes to command spin on the spot still.
I am going to reserve judgement until I play the game myself. Screenshots/videos are handpicked and usually the developer releases their best work to the public.

As far as Doom 3 is concerned, it has done the indoor environments very well. Not sure how the doom 3 engine will handle out door environments. In that respect HL2 looks to be better.

Other than that, I think we can't judge until we play the game our selves.
I look at video games as an interactive book. Everyone needs to exercise their imagination. Videogames and books are a great way to explore the depths of your mind. Sure we will never be able to simulate the physics of reality on a computer exactly, but reality will never allow us to blast 80 foot tall aliens robots or command an army of ravenous creatures with a little ball of food (or whatevr the hell those things are). People need to use their imagination. Video games are a great/ fun way to do just that.
I believe cartoons are the ultimate form of communication.

The sound effects and musical score, the voice acting, the animation styles, or mix of styles, and effects. All working together to convey thought and emotion. :)
You know i thought about this thread while trying to get to sleep. Abconners seems like a little kid who has been raised on computer games and is finally experiencing real life and finding it more interesting than games. It was as if he's been raised believing games is all there is to existing.

Most of us have done life around the other way. We've experience life first and use games as a form of escape.

Quite amazing.
Half-Life 2: $50
Baseball bat: $40
Knowing the difference between games and real life: Priceless

Buying a gun at a pawn shop: 200 dollars
Shooting your best friend in the head: free
Sentence for said shooting: Life
Making a crappy followup reference to mastercard and rafa's post: priceless

Personally, I like HL2's graphics better, even though things are more detailed in Doom 3, I really don't like the style that they used.
i know, in doom 3 it looks like they wrapped zombie pattern giftwrap over a metal sculpture...
MrD said:
"There are 4 lights" ...

Captain Picard, from that Star Trek thingy!
Star Trek copied the idea from 1984 but changed "fingers" to "lights" and I got the two mixed up.
Geno said:
Buying a gun at a pawn shop: 200 dollars
Shooting your best friend in the head: free
Sentence for said shooting: Life
Making a crappy followup reference to mastercard and rafa's post: priceless
Geno, why do you make fun of me, doesn't our relationship mean anything to you ;(

bastard... :laugh:
abconners said:
It looks cool and all, but how much better are the physics in real life? I mean it's like come on guys; how much better is it to kick a can or play about with a football than to dream about the artificial stuff in Half Life II? I know that I would much rather spend my time on real life and real physics than to fart around with something fake.
I think u didn't really get the real intention of valve behind making HL. It was created for ENTERTAINING GAMERS. I hope i stressed the word Entertainment really enough.Now valve added the Physics system to HL2 just because ingame physics have become more or less mandatory.i am sure that valve is more concerned about the game AI and more about the game play.Now how many companies do u think is really concerned about top notch AI and game play.A few of them..................and thats the whole point.
Hl2 could be the HL1 engine + Physics + Better story and I'd play it. Hell, I think HL and it's mods have better graphics and gameplay than quite a few things out these days...
Face it, VALVe may not make the prettiest stuff, but it is pretty, and it is fun. And Doom 3 didn't have pretty graphics, it had pretty pre-rendered confined spaces. Try using HL2's open-endedness in Doom 3's engine, and you're going to laugh at those leet 14FPS :|

No, seriously, last thread about this, people. HL2's graphics are fine.
Bah, not prerendered. I mean static, as in there's little you can do with it but look at it and open doors. Not like, flat pre-rendered... it's late. Sue me :(
/me walks into thread.

/me looks around.

/me sees sig material.

/me walks out.
OCybrManO said:
Star Trek copied the idea from 1984 but changed "fingers" to "lights" and I got the two mixed up.

I wondered why you seemingly posted a random year. After looking up the quote on the net (my memory isn't that good) I find that you are correct about it being very similar in 1984.

Take pride in your achievement.

Interestingly simple form of torture isn't it? Show somebody four lights (or fingers, or whatever) and keep inflicting pain on them until they agree with you that there are five lights (or whatever). Supposedly, the outcome of this method is that the victim breaks down and actually begins seeing five lights. Once this happens, they can be made to see or do virtually anything by their torturer. I'll have to try that out when im back at school...
Mr-Fusion said:
You know i thought about this thread while trying to get to sleep. Abconners seems like a little kid who has been raised on computer games and is finally experiencing real life and finding it more interesting than games. It was as if he's been raised believing games is all there is to existing.

Most of us have done life around the other way. We've experience life first and use games as a form of escape.

Quite amazing.

Hehe, I'm a mixed bag of that.
I was especially like abconners when I played EverQuest.
Not as much anymore. I like to have my cake and eat it too. Best of both worlds.
urseus said:
Imps will burst out of floor grates and melt up and down the walls like spiders, whereas those aliens in HL2 that you use phemaromes to command spin on the spot still.

Well, that's part of the current extent of the difference between what I'd call "canned" animations that play out the same every time (the Imps crawling on walls and climbing out of things) and something that the game engine has to work out/piece together on the fly (HL2's creature movement).
personally I think that doom 3 has better technolagy (not with physics though), but I like HL2's style of design a heck of a lot better. So are Doom3's Graphcis better than HL2's? Yes. Which one looks better? Half-life 2
Where do people get this common misconception that if you play games your a 35 year old man who lives in his parents basement and attends a D&D conference at least twice a year? I'll admit some people are pretty obsessed (just look at these forums) but why is that any different from those people who bid thousands of dollars on a baseball stars chewed up gum?
Brian Damage said:
Well, that's part of the current extent of the difference between what I'd call "canned" animations that play out the same every time (the Imps crawling on walls and climbing out of things) and something that the game engine has to work out/piece together on the fly (HL2's creature movement).

there are going to be scripted monster sequences in hl2. they aren't necessarily bad. like strider blowing through that wall in the lab
You pretty much just asked why play a video game, as opposed to doing the real thing, why play Madden when we can play the real thing? You see its not exactly the best thing to argrue about. A game like Madden is made so that the player can manage a proffesional football game, game like Half-Life 2 is made so that the player can fend of hourdes of aliens, not exactly something you can do with your buddies in your backyard.