Does it bother you...[rant]


Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
Does it bother you when...

People on the internet try to prove to everybody else how cool they are? The most recent example I’ve witnessed was about three minutes ago someplace else on the internet, where a guy had made a thread and in it put a picture of three girls acting like lesbians on a park bench. They are clearly not lesbians, they just looked like three girls who were really good friends. Anyway, that's all he puts in this first post. Then a few posts down, he admits to them not actually being lesbians and adds the line "yea but I wanted to join in while I was taking the picture."

Seems harmless enough, and maybe it is, or maybe I read to deep into it. But I took this line not as a simple, 'oh I wish they were doing that to me instead of each other' but as 'look at how cool I am to have three girls who are quite attractive and like to hug and cuddle each other while I take pictures of them! Yea we're really good friends we go out all the time, god I’m so popular with the ladies!' It's not just this guy though; we've all had it happen.

In a 'post your pic' or 'post your girlfriend' thread. Especially the latter, because making a thread about your girlfriend just seems like an excuse for you to post your own (i.e. look at me I must be cool because I have a girlfriend). There are plenty of examples, plenty, and I don't feel like covering every type.

But does it bother you when this happens? It really aggravates me, and I know it shouldn't but immodesty is the most annoying attribute to have. I don't care if you drove your Lamborghini to a mansion, partied till four the morning, made love to a dozen beautiful women, then drove your Lamborghini back to your beach front house and made breakfast with your washboard abs and rippling biceps for the other dozen beautiful women your physically intimate with who live in your house. You don't come on online and talk about it. Not only because you can't prove a damn word of it (realistically), but because it's immodest.

If I see some guy trying to impress a group of girls with a handstand, I don't walk over and do a back flip in front of them. If I see a dude doing a back flip to impress a group of girls, I don't walk over and do one. Why? Because it's immodest. A smaller example could be if I went to boarding school out on Long Island. If I currently go to school in Alabama, and somebody asks me if I’m from Alabama, then I say 'yes'. I don't say, "No, I’m from New York (la de da), I went to private boarding school." Because if you say that, it sounds like you're trying to impress people, which is bad. You shouldn’t try and impress them by doing a back flip; you just act natural (but not impressed/cocky) until one of them asks if you can do that, then you just smile and do one.

I guess I’m overreacting, but it just upsets me, when I see people trying to show off so much. I’m sure I’ve done it before, so I won’t deny anything. But even if you are the coolest guy evar and you can’t even remember a single dude’s name amidst the hundreds of thousands of girl’s names you must remember, you shouldn’t come online and try to impress people here. Besides, pretty much everybody thinks everybody else is some 15 year old, hairless, overweight, never been kissed, driver licenseless, never touched alcohol, anti-social, geek.

...but maybe I'm just wrong.

--My $0.02, flame on.
I dont like emo's.

There its out.

Actually, it doesn't bother me. I'm happy with myself and feel i have a bright future. But i do see where you're coming from...
.....because we all simply know that Short Recoil is the coolest.
You are only truly "cool" when you don't have to tell anybody- because they already know. Other people will tell everyone how cool you are.

I also laugh at those that post how much they score etc, because when you actually do score alot, it becomes second nature, and quite unworthy of discussion or bragging- thus revealing they are full of crap.

Most adults drive a car every day. You don't see any of them posting "yeah, so I drove my car again today- man I'm sooo cool" do you? But to a little kiddy that has just got his license it's exciting and new- he thinks he's the greatest thing in the world, and will repeatedly annoy everyone with details about when / how far / how often he drove this week, and try to brag about how cool (he thinks) he is. He thinks he is showing off, and proving he is now an adult. But to everyone else, he is just showing his inexperience.
Way I figure it, I'm on the internet. With the exeption of a couple of people, I will never meet anyone I talk to on the internet. I couldn't really care less what they think of me.
Just start your own "I'm cool" thread, you'll feel better.
By the way, I forgot to say in my previous post that I'm totally awesome.

I'ts human nature, dude, everyone is subconsiously trying to promote themselves.
Except for me- I'm far beyond that.
xcellerate said:
But does it bother you when this happens? It really aggravates me, and I know it shouldn't but immodesty is the most annoying attribute to have. I don't care if you drove your Lamborghini to a mansion, partied till four the morning, made love to a dozen beautiful women, then drove your Lamborghini back to your beach front house and made breakfast with your washboard abs and rippling biceps for the other dozen beautiful women your physically intimate with who live in your house. You don't come on online and talk about it. Not only because you can't prove a damn word of it (realistically), but because it's immodest.


What good is a Lamborghini if know one knows you have it? It's good for making good time when traveling but, come now, its a great car.

If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there, then it never happened.

People that create opportunities to brag are so transparent and I always am annoyed by it, but when the topic of cars comes up you can say,"I have a Lamborghini", if you have one! That is not considered bragging in that case, its considered divulging personal information about yourself (chatting), and if you don't do it now and then, no one can relate to you because they know none of your interests, nothing about you.
By and large I agree.
However, I do know that a good deal of people on the net aren't wierd anti-social geeks..

But remember, sometimes it's fun to be cocky :)
What pisses me off is how almost everyone on the internet likes to pretend to be smart and how people will flame people if they don't like something they like these arguments often occour in discussions about Steam and/or game mod's.
sounds like someone's not cool.....

nah, i'm just kidding. it really annoys me too, it's like when people post pictures of their girlfriends or the girls they've slept with... pathetic...

hey guys!
check out the girls i've had!:
(yes, both)