Does PC World knows something that we don't? *MAYBE SPOILERS*


Oct 18, 2004
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Recently there was some discussions in here about G-Man and Gordon, saying that G-Man is actually Gordon in the future.

Well, I was watching the TV advert (in UK) for PC World and saw that they was showing the ads for Half Life 2. They started with the G-Man face and it started to "change" to Gordon face. Then zooming out to show the HL2 box.

Do they know something that we don't? :)
No, its just done for effect. They basically fade from the G-man to the box because both those shots are basically faces, which makes for an interesting effect.

PC world add designers know precisley dick about computers and even less about computer games...
Yeah, that might be true, but when you think about it... know what I mean? :)
aye, I agree with Link. PCWorld just sell computers and games because its popular, but know **** all.
You people are freaking nuts. This is the same lame as crap "theory" from a year ago. I'm not saying any more. Read Links post again to get the full effect of my rage.
Hypertony said:
Geez... you need to relax dude.
You need to understand that the whole Gman = Gordon Freeman thing has been brought up to no end here on And just when we stamp one out, another pops up propigating the whole thing. It can be quite irritating to us regulars, though it is not your fault (you didnt know).

Still it has been debated to death. Gman is not Gordon.

That being said, PC World knows nothing.
I'm sure the core team at VALVe have remained very secretive about where the series is going.
Hypertony said:
Recently there was some discussions in here about G-Man and Gordon, saying that G-Man is actually Gordon in the future.

Well, I was watching the TV advert (in UK) for PC World and saw that they was showing the ads for Half Life 2. They started with the G-Man face and it started to "change" to Gordon face. Then zooming out to show the HL2 box.

Do they know something that we don't? :)
PC World are also offering Doom3 at half price when you buy HL2.. doesn't mean the combine come from hell ;)
That being said, PC World knows nothing.
I'm sure the core team at VALVe have remained very secretive about where the series is going.

Down the pan?

The Dark Elf said:
PC World are also offering Doom3 at half price when you buy HL2.. doesn't mean the combine come from hell ;)

No it means that my point is proved. No one who knows anything about games would ever bundle HL2 with anything other than valve products. Its like bundling poppy wreaths with swastica flags...