Does purple go with green?

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Sep 18, 2003
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I'm working on a portfolio of work, but I'm not sure about the colours. I like them myself, but I think that may be because i've been working with it for a while, and got used to them. I think maybe on first impression (which is where it matters) it may look disgusting.

So, can you guys look at this, and tell me what your first impression is? I mean of the colours, not of the layout / etc. Do they go?


  • portfoliooo.jpg
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usually no with few exceptions but in this case yes :thumbs:
I think it always does, and this looks great.

Purple and green are pretty much opposites on the color wheel, which according to some crap I learned in a high school design class, is good or something.

Stern weren't you an art teacher? You know what I'm talking about right?
you're talking about complimentary colours

but aesthetically speaking purple and green are ugly together ..however, so long as you use colours in the same tonal groups any colour goes (the colour wheel only works for the same tonal groups)


this ..


does not compliment this:

That's complement* :p

Compliment is a positive comment. As in:

I would like to compliment you on your knowledge of complementary colors.
detail details, try focusing on the meat of the message rather than the inconsequential details, you'll retain more that way
That's complement* :p

Compliment is a positive comment. As in:

I would like to compliment you on your knowledge of complementary colors.

This is completely unnecessary, no wonder you two get in fights all the time. He used it correctly but spelled it wrong; no one is going to get the wrong idea from reading that.

Pobz, I'm not sure if they go together by definition but that doesn't look to great to me tbh. Part of that is aesthetic recoil against the idea of using a gradient like you did though. It looks okay juxtaposed with the mostly dark background at the top but when you bring the purple down there to mind it doesn't so much. I think it would look better with a solid black background and then purple elements somewhere on the page, because in that case purple and green could work well together assuming black is still the overwhelmingly dominant color.
some good points ennui background is also a little passe
Ummm?? I wasn't trying to be hostile. I read your post Stern, and understood it fully. (How could anyone not...) I was just letting you know the right spellings 'cuz it's a common mistake. I figured the smiley would have been enough clue that it was a light-hearted comment.

For christ's sake. ;( I'm sorry you took it the wrong way Stern, I seriously wasn't trying to engage in yet another argument/conflict with you.
some good points ennui background is also a little passe

True, but it's a portfolio website; they all tend to look similar anyway, so a bit more cliche in exchange for a better look isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Vegeta: very few people construe grammar-nazism, even mildly friendly grammar-nazism, as a positive thing. You're also overreacting now.
I'm aptly replying to your over-reaction.

You take a simple comment and turn it into some ridiculous hint as to why me and Stern fight.
Stop arguing guys, I'm almost feeling guilty for starting the damn thread.

Thanks for your input anyway. I know the gradient BG is a bit controversial like marmite, but it really did look drab in plain black. The old one was plain white, I just want something different.
Purple and green are like the two neon colors. I always thought they went together in a sort of punk-neon-plastic way.

But taking a second look at your site, it does kind of look a bit odd the way you have it. I was expecting the colors to be in contact a little more. Or something. *dunno*

like this freezepop tshirt design


Though that might be more of a pink and green.
I think they look good together. They've always worked for this guy.

Damnit, I knew Darkseid would beat me to it.

/EDIT Screw you and your Omega beams, Darkseid. :(
I personally don't think it looks that great. And as for the complementary colors wheel:


As you can see it should be violet with yellow or green with red, but not green with violet...
Yellow text makes eyes bleed, old chap.
I think they look good together. They've always worked for this guy.


The colour scheme was actually used for its harsh colour tone, used to describe his personality.

I think perhaps I must be as crazy as he is, then, because the mix doesn't look 'harsh' to me at all. I think it looks rather nice. In contrast, what the color wheel says about purple and yellow, that looks offensive to me.
Purple and green have always been colors that go good together, at least when the proper shade of purple and green are used.

If anyone recalls, the Vanu sovereignty in Planetside used this color combination. Many other things do too and they look great.
I personally don't think it looks that great. And as for the complementary colors wheel:


As you can see it should be violet with yellow or green with red, but not green with violet...
It actually goes with the 1/3 rule. Green and purple are 1/3 apart.

Disclaimer: I may or may not be pulling this out of my ass.