Does the graphics matter to you?

Do the graphics matter to you

  • Yes. If a game dosen't have good graphics then I won't play it

    Votes: 7 7.8%
  • It does matter but not entirely

    Votes: 66 73.3%
  • No not at all as long as it is 3D

    Votes: 3 3.3%
  • I don't care if it is 2D and pixelated as long as the gameplay is good

    Votes: 14 15.6%

  • Total voters


Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
Reaction score
Hello for the 100th time

As some of you are aware I am undergoing a project of making a game and I have made some threads and polls and we are getting VERY useful information. So here is another question

Do the graphics matter to you in a game? Are you all graphics whores?

To a degree. Yes

Take Doom 3 for example.

Best Graphics Ever

but a completely mediocre shooter
Well I play op4 and AG so ..

As long as it's ****ing fast and 3d, it's mine :D
i favor gameplay more than graphics but i need a game to look how its meant to look. but it totally depends on the sort of game you are creating. if its fps you will have to keep up with the graphs.

and about doom 3 your right sparta it was a mediocre shooter but the atmoshere it created was the best ever.
Gameplay > Graphics

Also, your poll seems to suggest that 2d gfx are bad :/ I'd take Viewtiful Joe over Doom 3 any day.

Doom 3's engine may be nice - but the art direction was drab and boring :/ (nicely rounded up up with dull gameplay and no challenge) There are many, many games that 'look' (and, more importantly, play) better than Doom 3.

//edit - need to stop bashing Doom3 :) *let it go son, it's not worth it :)*
I am a gfx whore, i only play crap gfx games if they have good gameplay (like zDoom and Half-Life).
Well when you think about it a game should try to keep up with the times as far as graphics are concerned. They don't need to go over the top like doom 3 though for people to be satisfied.
Warbie said:
your poll seems to suggest that 2d gfx are bad :/ I'd take Viewtiful Joe over Doom 3 any day.

I never said 2D Gfx are bad :)
well, if it has a really good/interesting storyline/gameplay i couldn't care.
Danimal said:
I never said 2D Gfx are bad :)

Well - 'I don't care if the gfcx are 2d and pixelated if the gameplay is good' could be considered to suggest that :)

Also, 'as long as it's 3d' ;)
No I rather like making my green square attack the evil enemy red rectangle. Of course, at the end of the day its all about saving the super hot yellow square.

Graphics are part of the game really. Its not that I treasure them over gameplay or not. Graphics is a part of the gameplay, its all the same thing. Its like saying. "What matters more, story or gameplay?" "What matters more, action(Or whatever the game is about, could be strategy, adventure and so on...) content or the gameplay?"
Hmm, seeing as I just spent something like 4-5 hours installing visual update mods to morrowind, I'd have to admit they matter to me quite a bit.
To me, graphics do matter, just not top priorty.
Graphics matter in games alot. A games supposed to be realistic and are constantly pushed to the very edge in technology because in time, and we all want this to but we want to play games that you can't tell the difference with between real life and the game.

Anyway i voted they matter but not entirely. I play games with bad or ok graphics (GTA:SA for example) but i'd rather play them with doom3/farcry graphics but when the gameplay rules the graphics don't matter that much.
Yes, of course. If HL2 came today with HL1-graphics and it wasn't the sequel to one of history's best games, I wouldn't buy it, no matter kow good the plot is.
yea, i just play on meh PC good games with graphic really go_Od but gameplay must be good to of course

EDIT: many goods :afro:
easy answer to this question is you gotta have both good graphics and great gameplay to get the most amount of people to like it.
"I don't care if it is 2D and pixelated as long as the gameplay is good " :p
Sparta said:
To a degree. Yes

Take Doom 3 for example.

Best Graphics Ever

but a completely mediocre shooter

i agree, take golden eye for n64, for example.....

one of the best shooters EVER. PERIOD. and not very good graphics by todays standards, but it still rocks.
It does matter but not entirely <----my choice
I'm a self-proclaimed graphics whore. If I wanted low resolution, ugly games I would buy a PS2. ;)

Seriously, graphics are important for communicating the game environment to you. Older FPS didn't have much depth because computers couldn't handle much detail. Newer FPS now have the ability to create realistic and engrossing environments. I'm still waiting for a game to do it properly (Morrowind was close imo).

The Doom 3 engine, in my opinion, did wonders to make Doom 3 a better game. With a lesser engine, you wouldn't have had the innovative GUI or dramatic lighting. Graphics can take a good idea and make it into a great game.
I will admit that graphics did intrest me more than anything, a couple of years ago, but now I think that the visual quality of the game has more to do with fluid animations than higher detail models.

It's the animation in games like POP:SOT, DOA, ninja gaiden and indeed HL2 that got me intrested in these games, than the actual graphics.
I do actually care about graphics, I will probubly not buy a game that does not have grafhics at todays standards, but when it comes to freeware I dont really care, I have not played a single freeware game that focuses on graphics over gameplay and thus I still play (and make) text based games.
Warbie said:
Well - 'I don't care if the gfcx are 2d and pixelated if the gameplay is good' could be considered to suggest that :)

Also, 'as long as it's 3d' ;)

'I don't care if the gfcx are 2d and pixelated if the gameplay is good' I will try and re-word this

The graphics do not matter to me, the gameplay is the most important thing
Art style and Graphics get my attention but they don't have much influence if I'm going to like and play the game or not. I have played HL based games for quite a while now.

Although I do like highend graphics cards to remove jaggies and improve sharpness in how the game is presented, among other things. ;)
i cant say because from the screen shot ive seen the grapic are the beat ive seen in a computer game but that just point of view i dont know what u guys think
For me, the graphics simply have to go along witht he mood of the game and everything.
Like, WoW feels more of a cartoonish settings. The graphics arn't super real. It gives you a distinct feeling. Put WoW in EQ2 graphics, and WoW wouldn't seem right and im sure many gamers would be turned off. Or WoW graphics in place for EQ2 graphics. That would be....very odd..

How the graphics, and the style of the graphics match with the gameplay is what turns me on or off.

I mean, think of it like this. Would you have played HL1 if HL1 looked cartoony yet the terrain was real lookin. The cartooniness dont match up with the gameplay you see.
Thats all that matters, is how the graphics match up with the gameplay and how they blend togeather.

Look at Starcraft. The graphics are crap. Yet the game itself is fun. The style of the graphics arn't cartoony. There futuristic lookin. They have poor quality. That blend matchs the gameplay.
I may as well place my input:

The graphics are not a factor to me. Games like D00M 1 & 2 are still pretty awsome to me.

Althoguh, the graphics of a game add to the atmosphere
Well for many people they obviously love graphics. They spend thousands of dollars to have the tech to run the quality on High. Instead of spending a smaller amount of cash to run the game well on average quality.
I am a complete gameplay whore. I want the graphics to be useable, and preferrably not downright ugly. If the game has excellent gameplay, though, I won't care for graphics at all.

That said, of course good graphics, as in Doom 3 or HL2 never hurt :).
It does matter but not entirely

Good gfx is always a better thing
I don't play consoles because the graphics suck, so yes. But I don't think anyone would care about the graphics if the gameplay is bad. I think ID should just resort to making engines.
subnet_rx said:
I don't play consoles because the graphics suck....

Temperature rising. Vision blurring. Rage...taking...over...

*Takes deep breaths*

Rage...subsiding. Pulse...slowing. Anger fading.
Warbie said:
Temperature rising. Vision blurring. Rage...taking...over...

*Takes deep breaths*

Rage...subsiding. Pulse...slowing. Anger fading.

*gets hold of warbie*

It's ok, it's ok.... ;)

Count to ten - one.....two....three.....
subnet_rx said:
I think ID should just resort to making engines.

If iD just made engines, they would lose a major chunk of their money....