Does this 82 year old man remind you of the G-man?

It's probably worth pointing out that he's white
It's not a very G-manny subject he's talking about, is it?
Add in a studder and it may sound like 1% like him.
Doesn't really sound like the G-Man....

Why did you think that?
Some slight similarities here and could also say he sounds like agent smith from the matrix...minus the "Uh"s and the accent.
ummm... no. they sound nothing alike. sorry.
It's the way he speaks, not necessarily the way his voice sounds but rather the pauses between his words/sentences and lack of emotion.
"I received an Email from a certain 'Mr Freeman', with an attachment". Gotta watch out for those attachments.
Somewhat G-man like, but yeah, not a very G-man subject.
doesn't look like him, doesn't sound like him, doesn't talk like him, doesn't have the same accent, doesn't smell like him, and his dick is smaller. However much creepier.

it's probably worth mentioning he's 82.