Does your girlfriend have a smelly **** (rhymes with FUNT)

I once let a girlfriend ride my face ..
as I was tonguing her love garden, she climaxed. After sex, we went to the kitchen to make some food. I made the fatal error of eating a piece of plain Swiss cheese. The taste was uncanny... :sick:

I'm cooking a pizza.
Great, now what am I going to do with my pizza? You can't have it, because you brought this upon me.
Not to be read while eating:
You know how when you are sick, you might get that thick snot kind of stuff that's hard to swallow, and tastes kind of salty - kind of makes you gag right? You ever tilt your head back and realize how easy it is for fluids to run down your throat. Now imagine buckets of Swiss cheese flavored vagina juice draining down your throat.

I seriously almost threw up right in front of her when I ate it. I was really fighting the gag reflex, but ended up in the bathroom gagging regardless. I could swear that sweaty Swiss cheese had pubes on it.

Would do it again.
That's the first time I've ever read a post on and been unable to keep myself from saying "uuuheugh" really, really loudly. :(
I feel bad, but I laughed.
Then I proceeded to wake up my entire family going "uuuuuuuueegh"
Are you kidding me? I was gagging as I typed it. Then I got a little aroused.
I'm pretty sure. Let me stick my dick in your ass, just to be sure I don't like it.

Also, have you ever made any skin contact with a girl before? Like have you touched one, on purpose?

That's an interesting question anyway. Does it make someone gay if they don't want to eat a woman's excretions? Breast milk, period blood, urine, solid waste, zit puss, etc.

I mean, what?

A lot of women think it's gross to swallow a man's cum, does that make them lesbians? idk
Cum is almost tasteless, or what I've heard. But the result of a dirty vag, possible acculturation of weeks of unwashed lips could end up producing such vile liquids. I don't know, but having to fight about the fact of 'not liking' to devour such atrocity is consider moot.

The most gay thing you've ever said...

One hopes.
Ten year olds can find worse in zoos, parks, and the Discovery Channel.

This is all so pornographic, yet 10 year olds exist around here.

In registration it says you must be 13 to register on the forum, if you're talking about the thread in general.

I also laughed at that comic.
I once let a girlfriend ride my face ..
as I was tonguing her love garden, she climaxed. After sex, we went to the kitchen to make some food. I made the fatal error of eating a piece of plain Swiss cheese. The taste was uncanny... :sick:

I'm cooking a pizza.

Love garden? Love garden?

I hope you die.
Cum is almost tasteless, or what I've heard. But the result of a dirty vag, possible acculturation of weeks of unwashed lips could end up producing such vile liquids. I don't know, but having to fight about the fact of 'not liking' to devour such atrocity is consider moot.


Swiss cheese is not exactly bursting with flavor.
It's got a little bit of a salty, sour, animal protein flavor.
Hey everybody, hey everybody, hey everybody, hey... hey... Herpes sack. *runs away*

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