Doesn't it look like Alyx gets hurt at the end

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At the end, there is a big explosion right befor time seems to stop. The G-man comes and takes you. If time continued for Alyx it looks like she would get seriously hurt. Does anyone think the same?
Well, yeah. Breen said that explosion could bring down the entire citadel, I'm sure Alyx would get a bit more than just a nasty bruise. :)
Well maybe.

For all we know the gman could acquire here too - just because we dont see it doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

Besides that Valve have said theyre looking into a Dog and Alyx add-on. Personally Id love to see her survive and you fight to take back city 17.
ya she is messed up

Dude the only regret is that half life 3 is going to start out with some bad news. Wouldn't it be ****** up if she comes back as a mutant in the third one.
Dude, Freeman would have some serious anger issues to deal with.
yeah she's fcuked. I was wanting to see Alyx wink at gordon or maybe kiss him or wiggle her ass or somethin lol. She obviously likes gordon.
I liked Alyx soooooooo much!!! If she's not in the next HL, then I'm not playing it.
well if you think of it, all of city 17 is fcuked

everyone knows how tall the citadel is, well if it collapses like they say the entirety of city 17 that wasn't eaten by the citadel will be crushed by its many falling monolith sized pieces of solid metal.

Might as well have dropped a tac. nuke on city 17 cause thats the type of damage you can expect from something that big collapsing.
I think now is a good time to mention that nukes are exploded before they hit the ground so that the explosion spreads, doing damage to a wider radius. I'm not shure of the details, it could be the downward movement, not just it being so high, but nonetheless... you get the idea.
Come on post some replys

I am still reading this foroum so don't stop giving me your opinion. What do you think about freeman and alyx at the end of the game. What do you think happens. And if alyx dies what would freeman do to the Gman.

I know if I were Freeman, I would kill G-man. He had the ability to save alyx and leave you some sanity but instead he probably let her die. The guy would have a slow and painful death.
It looked like the gman picked a piece of glass from her hand or gave her something, also time was moving really slow for you and g, so maybe by what he did to her when he touched her that saves her.
Darkflame said:
It looked like the gman picked a piece of glass from her hand or gave her something, also time was moving really slow for you and g, so maybe by what he did to her when he touched her that saves her.

Sorry to break it to you, but it looks as if he simply removed a hair or something from here sleeve :p

That g-man is a piece of work. Straightening his tie during a massive firefight at Nova Prospeckt, and stopping time to remove some piece of hair from her arm in the midst of a massive explosion.
qckbeam said:
Sorry to break it to you, but it looks as if he simply removed a hair or something from here sleeve :p

That g-man is a piece of work. Straightening his tie during a massive firefight at Nova Prospeckt, and stopping time to remove some piece of hair from her arm in the midst of a massive explosion.

He's a smooth operator, thats for sure :p
it would kickass if they made an add-on where you played as a combine (possibly adrean from opfor?) and it starts right when Gordon destroys the citidel and you see all the destruction and mayhem around you.

or maybe a little before, so you have to defend yourself from the rebels and later on in the game the citidel exploads and you have to find your way out of the city or something. just a little idea i thought up
or why not even as a citizen? fighting the combine along gordon...heh i'd like to be beside gordon if i couldnt BE him. I would find it HIGHLY entertaining to see the massive citadel falling..but graphically thats impossible I would believe..unless they did a random loop of pieces of it falling down, instead of it actually tumbling over.
I think the G-Man teleported Freeman and Alyx out of there at the instant it exploded, but you are given the impression he has stopped time. The G-Man looks like a hologram to start with, but then you find yourself in the same location as him, which is why he is able to touch Alyx. It would cool if in an add-on you see a massive explosion at the top of the citadel at full speed, just to confirm my theory ;)
Isnt it kind of obvious that the ending is a cliffhanger? We are most likely to see what happens sometime during the next Half Life game.

Conditions could hardly be more ideal!
I believe Valve stated it would be a trilogy. They couldn't leave the end hanging like that either.
Obviously the G-man has godlike powers, or he works for someone that does. I don't see how gordon would stand a chance if he tried to fight him.
Macktruck said:
I am still reading this foroum so don't stop giving me your opinion. What do you think about freeman and alyx at the end of the game. What do you think happens. And if alyx dies what would freeman do to the Gman.

I know if I were Freeman, I would kill G-man. He had the ability to save alyx and leave you some sanity but instead he probably let her die. The guy would have a slow and painful death.
Yeah right, good luck buddy. :D
I do believe G-man stopped time, if he saved Alyx or not, I don't know, maybe, but if so, why? Gordon is already in his pocket and he would obviously not stand a chance against G-man, he can stop Time for pete's sake. (or rather, his... "employers" can)
GiaOmerta said:
Alyx was a great asset to Gordon.

Many-many-many times. That/this is her purpose.

She would offer words of encouragement to Gordon.

"Dont listen to him, Gordon." -Alyx (not that I would.)

The GMan see this. It's cleary a resource. Why throw it out.

No doubt, if the GMan doesnt step in. Alyx is dust. Simple as that. The explosion in a nanosecond had consumed a good chuck of the reactor. I'm assuming the Citadel would collapse much like the twin towers did. (God Bless their souls.)

I'm assuming the GMan spared Alyx. Simply because she is a great asset to Gordon. She kept him going. Saved he's ass a few times.

She'll probaly wake up in Dog's hands or something along those lines.

I posted this in a previous thread, my view.

But I was reading....

dæmon said:
I think the G-Man teleported Freeman and Alyx out of there at the instant it exploded, but you are given the impression he has stopped time. The G-Man looks like a hologram to start with, but then you find yourself in the same location as him, which is why he is able to touch Alyx. It would cool if in an add-on you see a massive explosion at the top of the citadel at full speed, just to confirm my theory

Interesting.... :)
what if the breen`s portal managed to open, just as the explosion occured? Im not saying in order to convince you guys (myself?) that breen actually survived. weather or not he did is irrelevant to me, you could have a sequel with or without him for all i care. anyways, if the portal did open in sync with the explosions, then according to the laws of theoretical physics, the blast from the dark matter reactor woulda been "sucked" in the portal, therefor saving the rebels, the citizens, the city, and the most important alyx :)
Got this weird Matrix feeling at the end. The gmans "stop" and all.

I think Alyx got killed or something like that. And Eli and Barney and Mossman. Sucks if you think of it, massive fighting to breens office and the portal and then you destroy everything you've worked for. I really hope Alyx didn't die. I was waiting her to kiss me, uh, Freeman when he got on the lift in the end. Then I realized it was too lame to happen. Seeing her mouth in your screen and all :D

If I were Freeman, I'd go crazy with all the timejumping and unconsiousness. And the gay ass G-Man.
Alyx doesnt die, valve already said in an interview they have written the next part of the story and want to build on characters such as alyx, barney and kliener..

I dont think Breen died either...his portal blows up and he just decends back down as the reactor goes boom....
G-Man has to remove both her and Gordon from the moment, if they both are to continue afterwards. You can't stand 100 ft. from an atomic explosion and live...

Alyx might be dead for good :/ ; but Valve could do her in a 'prequel' sort of thing, or the G-man picking lint off of her sleeve signifies that he likes her and he wants to keep his operatives looking good. Or, maybe she's just dead. Ahh, cliffhangers.
Or maybe when time starts again, Alyx will get a split second to look at her sleeve and say "wait, where'd my hair go?" before she gets killed.

I'd kinda like to see everyone in City 17 die, as final proof that the Gman really hates you and wants you to be unhappy so he can control you.
I think the Gman saved her, mabye she was just like you in BM, he saw potential, so he saved you. Mabye he saved her because he knows you care about her-he thinks she could be a worthwile investment-or mabye he just wanted to show some mercy

Notice he takes the hair off her sholder when time has stopped
That is dumb

There is just one reason I don't believe that alyx lived. Here it is, if the g-man rescued alyx why didn't he show or tell you that. The theory that g-man rescued alyx to keep gordon on his side is absurd because the only thing that he thinks for the eternity that he is in that alternate dimension is alyx dieing. If later Gordon finds out that she is alive either by self investigation or through the G-man himself, the only result is a bigger wedge of distrust between freeman and G-man. Gordon will either hate the G-man for not saveing her or Gordon will hate the G-man for not telling him that he (G-man) saved her.
There is just one reason I don't believe that alyx lived. Here it is, if the g-man rescued alyx why didn't he show or tell you that. The theory that g-man rescued alyx to keep gordon on his side is absurd because the only thing that he thinks for the eternity that he is in that alternate dimension is alyx dieing. If later Gordon finds out that she is alive either by self investigation or through the G-man himself, the only result is a bigger wedge of distrust between freeman and G-man. Gordon will either hate the G-man for not saveing her or Gordon will hate the G-man for not telling him that he (G-man) saved her.
The g-man obviously is of an advanced race, you see him various times throughout the game and he always seems to be casually walking.. maybe he does that for gordon, and maybe only gordon can see him... since gordan tells no one of the gman, the gman could quite possibly be gordans mind at work and maybe gordan is the alien being inside..

But my personal opinion is that gman is an advanced being that does buisiness throughout galaxies, and assumes human role for gordan.. since he cannot interfere with the races himself he uses gordon to do the work, ie: wake up gordan, and stopping time to take gordan and whoever else out of that explosion.. my call is that gman will send gordan home for rejoycing, or he'll imply things to gordan to get him on another wild quest.

Any other thoughts on this?
Well the only way Alyx can survive is if the G-Man saves will be pretty interesting to see why if he does.

Alyx's dad, the scientist and the police guy (barny? sorry can't remember thereames ) and dog seemed to be in bunkers a lot so we can kind of assume they survived maybe.

Hell, if the humans don't survive dog should of seeing as he is pretty tough! :E
It's fun, looking back at these... all the speculation about what might happen... All very enjoyable.
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