DOG vs. Strider

G-man says that to Alyx? WHOOOAAAA

I thought he says that to Gordon.

I also hope the G-man does'nt harm Alyx....

no no he says it to gordon. he says it while looking at alyx's unconcious body, but he turns to gordon when he finishes is sentence. why would he be talking to her when shes unconcious... that makes no sense.
What is the thing your looking forward to most from this trailer? Mine would have to be DOG doing battle with Striders

I've said this in another thread, mine would be.....

1) We know alyx is alive, but what are G-man's plans with alyx?

2) Also its shows a Teleporter with a HUGE flash, then we see an advisor....Does this mean Breen is alive?

no no he says it to gordon. he says it while looking at alyx's unconcious body, but he turns to gordon when he finishes is sentence. why would he be talking to her when shes unconcious... that makes no sense.

I see, I guess if he looks at Alyx then looks at you, he probably wants to watch you & alyx to....well, I cant say :naughty:
i still think the Adivsor is causing the destruction to that bridge Gordon is on with his mind.
i dont see how people know that the thing with blue lights in the new trailer is a teleporter... how can you tell?

and the blue flash that i see when they show the combine looks familiar... kinda like the blue flash at the bridge that fell apart. are they linked?
I don't see how it's a portal either. At this point, we've no idea what it is. Infact, it probably isn't due to it's size. Combine portals are massive, and are housed only in the Citadel.
Now that was a trailer!
lol @ Dr. Kleiner at the end

The Half-Life story is starting to get even more interesting.
i cant wait to see the new base that Eli and Kliener are in. The previous 2 in HL2 were kinda limited to one area. Im hoping to see lots of big areas inside.
What is this rocket looking thing, is it perhaps a combine rocket? The project Mossman was looking for? I dunno, I just thought that up now. What'd'ya think?

What is this rocket looking thing, is it perhaps a combine rocket? The project Mossman was looking for? I dunno, I just thought that up now. What'd'ya think?


That looks strangly familiar to the missle in HL1?
What is this rocket looking thing, is it perhaps a combine rocket? The project Mossman was looking for? I dunno, I just thought that up now. What'd'ya think?


Eli and Kleiner have taken up residence in an abandoned missile silo out in the wasteland. They are obviously working on something to disrupt the Combines return to Earth, as they are still cut off. Now it isn't a nuke. I'm sure nukes aren't that big. Could be a missle, but I find that very unlikely. It isn't the project Mossman was looking for, becasue she is in the Arctic, and as we've seen both Eli and Kleiner have seen her transmission and are pretty worried about her safety - we've can also see Kleiner in the missile bay, so it obviously isn't the project.

My guess it's a satellite that may or may not have a connection with the one Gordon sent up in HL1. It'll be something to do with keeping the Combine away from Earth IMO.
Well..Nuclear Warhead...

I have to agree with Samon on this one..Nukes are small in contrast to the image posted above mine.
Yeah it looks like a normal rocket, like the ones astronauts would travel in or ones used, like samon said, to carry something like a satellite. Since the rockets astronauts travel in have a shuttle on the side of it where they would be, then it must be carrying some sort of equipment, but it might not be a satellite.
what was the reason gordon launched that in hl1 anyway? I was too young to remember.. who told you to do it? why? etc..
Hmmm... its a nuke. Its gotta be a nuke.

Kliener: We have confermation! Missile primed.
Vance: Armed!
*phone rings, Kliener picks up*
Kliner: Missile command.
*freaky sound*
Vance: Issiac, open the silo doors! It'll explode under...
*Kliner draws gun/holds lammar threatenengly*
Vane: Issiac, the silo doors are closed! This is suicide!
*Rocket motors fire, nuke crashes into silo doors, rebel base is destoryed in a huge explosion*
*Cut to Dr. Breen's new office*
Breen: Is it done, *insert name of combine advisor here*?
Advisor: No Dr. Breen! It has only begun!
*cut to cool firefights between the surving rebels and advancing combine troops*

great, now we're ripping off red alert as well :p
Anyone notice the downed dropship in the background?

Also, I believe ICBMs are rather similar in size to that missile. However I can't really see Kleiner actually assisting in the launch of a nuke (not a job for a scientist) so I doubt it is one anyway. Something to do with the satellite in HL1 would be awesome, any connection with HL1 would be cool cause there aren't enough of them in HL2, but it may also be a weapon against the combine in some other form, do damage to a combine installation in orbit or simply a satellite delivery system to give the rebels worldwide view of all combine troops. That would provide a big advantage. It is not "the project" though, for the reasons Samon has already noted.
well there is an open door on the side of it.
Does this mean Gordon turns Astronaut?
They are filling the rocket with headcrabs. Revenge!
Got some pic's from that trailer. Also To translate g-mans Criptic speech in the Begining of the trailer..... The "You're not supossed to be here & forget about all this." translated to known english means "Gordon you're not supposed to be here, Forget about Alyx...It is your downfall." as he gives his sinister look.

When G-man Says "your not supossed to be here." that must mean that Alyx was in stasis, then vorts found out that Alyx was in G-mans grasp(with vortesence) . Vorts tell Gordon. Vorts are able to teleport Gordon to get alyx back...Then basically G-man asks Gordon how did you get in here? your not supposed to be here in this stasis, & Forget about all this...Forget about the person you care about the most, as it is messing with you head.



Dog vs Strider.

Hehe, this crazy image of D0g riding the dropship like a horse, out of City 17 to safety just popped into my mind. Maybe that's how he got out so fast...
Got some pic's from that trailer. Also To translate g-mans Criptic speech in the Begining of the trailer..... The "You're not supossed to be here & forget about all this." translated to known english means "Gordon you're not supposed to be here, Forget about Alyx...It is your downfall." as he gives his sinister look.

When G-man Says "your not supossed to be here." that must mean that Alyx was in stasis, then vorts found out that Alyx was in G-mans grasp(with vortesence) . Vorts tell Gordon. Vorts are able to teleport Gordon to get alyx back...Then basically G-man asks Gordon how did you get in here? your not supposed to be here in this stasis, & Forget about all this...Forget about the person you care about the most, as it is messing with you head.




Yeah i think you could be right there, sounds like an awsome little scene though:D
Well he is absolutley correct because this dialogue was circulated by valve I believe before hl2's release but never was used till now it seems here is the exact quote I found off a site:

"Cleverly done, Mr. Freeman, but you're not supposed to be here. As a matter of fact, you're not. Get back where you belong and forget about all this. Until we meet... again."[1] The G-Man may be preparing Gordon to be sent to a place "where he belongs" (and so he's being already transported to that place when the G-Man says "you're not"), or rather it is related with the virtual-reality theory (see above). Also, considering the fact that it has been excluded from the final version of the game, it may not even be canon.
I did this in a garrysmod comic I made a long time ago! Valve copied!!

Got some pic's from that trailer. Also To translate g-mans Criptic speech in the Begining of the trailer..... The "You're not supossed to be here & forget about all this." translated to known english means "Gordon you're not supposed to be here, Forget about Alyx...It is your downfall." as he gives his sinister look.

Except you know, that'd be...painfully cheesy. :p

I remember hearing those samples, and I defaintely think these sound different.
And no, it isn't the same audio as in the leak. Sure, similar dialogue, but it has been re-recorded.
I can say without a shadow of hyperbole that Episode 2 will be a billion times better than Episode 1.
After seeing that trailer I thought one thing after G-man said "Forget abour all this."

Gordon: The first thing i thought was...'Forget? Forget? Forget? are you F**king out of your mind?'

Gordon: 'Look old man.... You treat me like im not human, you do the most un-human things to me.'

Gordon: 'Let me tell you about little adittude.....After i killed the Nihilanth, you threatened to kill me if I did'nt do what you wanted me to do..luckly I was in a good mood, then you put me in your little Freezer for god knows how long, you then put me in some trainstation with corrupt cops that are brainwashed & like to beat up people,

'then I catch you talking to the idiot Odessa Cubbage, later on...after I kill the naughty man, you put me back into your freezer...sort of like putting back a tool on shelf after your done using it...........then You leave poor Alyx to die in the citadel explosion.'

Luckly my good ol' friends the Vortigaunts, save Alyx & is able to get me out of your freeezer, Then you have a hissy pout like a little child that does'nt get what they want.'

'You sir have no feelings, Then you tell me to forget about my dear ALYX, wtf.'

'Im sick & tired of your stupid games, & who the hell are you, Mr. Im-so-Sinister 'n Shit?'

What ya gonna do, Hit me with your briefcase? *Shoots Gman in the foot, Then takes Alyx & his briefcase.*

Thats what I would say to G-man after that ;)
And no, it isn't the same audio as in the leak. Sure, similar dialogue, but it has been re-recorded.

Oh yes without a doubt. For one the original soundbyte was one long string and with different pronounciation.
its similar but not the same....its a remade & short version of it I guess.
Dog vs Strider fight can't become anything else then pure awesomeness. Gman and Alyx scene <3. I think Eli and Kleiner are watching the same video as Alyx and Gordon in Episode 1, and they are taking it for granted that she's dead. But I don't think she is, VALVe is just playing with our minds once again. Why would they spoil it already in an official trailer?

On second thoughts, maybe she's dead. If it is the same video, the player has already seen it.
I can only hope Dog does what he does on the poster, actually rip away parts of the strider and not just... knock on its head til it dies. Still, Dog riding rodeo on the Strider's head will still be fun. :E
I can only hope Dog does what he does on the poster, actually rip away parts of the strider and not just... knock on its head til it dies. Still, Dog riding rodeo on the Strider's head will still be fun. :E

I hope Dog pulls a hulk, starts pounding the head of the strider & rips a sheet of Metal off of the strider which of course exposes the Striders the concept art :naughty:.
I can only hope Dog does what he does on the poster, actually rip away parts of the strider and not just... knock on its head til it dies. Still, Dog riding rodeo on the Strider's head will still be fun. :E

Agreed, I was thinking the same thing.