Dog's Ball = Ulitimate Zombie Killah


Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Hey it was my 2nd time to play the game and i had nothing better to do. I set the game to Hard and I thought of other ways to saving ammos.

I dunno if anybody has discovered this but:

Here's best alternative: Dog's gravity ball or whatever u call it. I took it with me all the way to the start of the Ravenholm level. Man, I didnt know the toy was very, and i mean VERY deadly to the headcrabs and (slow)Zombies!

Here's the trick i discovered: Whenever i see a bunch of Zombies / Headcrabs, i just simply drop the ball and let it roll towards them. The zombies will gang up and keep on hitting it and nothing happens. You can even get so close to them and they wont bother you even if you hit em with your crowbar. :imu: You'll crack yourself up watching them. As for the headcrabs, the ball will roll over them again and again until they die. BWHAHAAH! :LOL:

One time there was this poison headcrab that got so scared it went and stayed on top of a chair as if it had seen a mouse. The ball kept hittin the chair until the crab fell off. Then he got rolled over by the ball. :LOL:

Man this stuff if daym funny. I cant wait until I see what it does against the bigbad poison crab carrier and those ninja zombies.

I tell ya this Ball stuff is too valuable to loose when u reach the Ravenholm!
Your not the first ;) Friend of mine did this first time around he played, which was about a month ago, prob someone did it before him too.

I've never seen a man so upset before when he lost his dogs ball.
Heh... interesting find... I was unaware that the ball was "active," even towards enemies. That's kinda cool that it is.

Despite this, I think most of the gamers here were 1337 enough to have gotten through Ravenholm without any problems.

One time there was this poison headcrab that got so scared it went and stayed on top of a chair as if it had seen a mouse.

Heh. Good stuff.
Ritz said:
Your not the first ;) Friend of mine did this first time around he played, which was about a month ago, prob someone did it before him too.
So i guessed. Anyway, i just thought id share it wid you guys. :thumbs:

Ritz said:
I've never seen a man so upset before when he lost his dogs ball.
I can just imagine that. :LOL:
The ball was like a friendly roller mine :p I nearly make it to Ravenholm with 'the ball' but eventually got tired of carrying it all the way :(
^Move up the ladder facing back. Then just before you reach the top you can turn around.
whats the furthest anyone's ever got it?

I got it into ravenholm, but always got it blown up. (KEEP IT AWAY FROM FATHER GRIGORI AND EXPLOSIONS or you'll lose it!)
I suppose you wouldn't be able to get it past the water bit just before the shaft leading back up to the outside world- dunno how it behaves in water but the roller mines explode when put in the water on the coast, so...
I got it all the way to the end at my first playtrough. You cant take it with you to the lift thingy. Oh and i did load the game a couple of times :p
Dog's Ball is pretty popular on gamefaqs (aka Scumhole), where they have named it Frank, the furthest anyone has gotten it is to the window you jump through to fight the antlion guard in Nova Prospekt, which has an invisible barrier for poor Frank.
dj_flameskull said:
^isnt it "Wilson"?


(if you've wathced Castaway)

if its wilson doesn't it need a) a face. b) tom hanks to tlk to it??? :LOL:
happymushroom said:
if its wilson doesn't it need a) a face. b) tom hanks to tlk to it??? :LOL:
or maybe it just would need to say "Wilson" right on it :LOL:
might be an idea for an expansion-

Half-life: Fedex International
Perhaps Half-life: Fedex Intergalactical.

I suppose Dog's ball is some how weaker than the ones the the combines have right? Because the ones they have sends a shock when they get in range. While Dog's toy doesnt.
I've used the ball all the way through Ravenholm, bu I loose it on the cablecar to the church- it just pops out of my gravity gun :(

How do you get it past this barrier?
Done it!
I fired the ball over the barrier.
Too a few goes (Father Gregor shoots it if he sees it, if it goes over the church it's lost). Eventually I shot it onto the church roof, where I could retrieve it...
dj_flameskull said:
Perhaps Half-life: Fedex Intergalactical.

I suppose Dog's ball is some how weaker than the ones the the combines have right? Because the ones they have sends a shock when they get in range. While Dog's toy doesnt.

I assume they 'neutered' it so it wouldn't shock dog :p
LOL! Dog's ball . Lol. .

Ey, You guys ever used that ball against the fast zombies? It takes only one hit even on hard mode. Dog's ball really kicks azz!
Wilsonator said:
Yes they neutered Dog's balls, er... ball.


Dog's ball is very handy, but I lost it going into the churchyard due to the invisible ball that blocks it. Ah well...
dj_flameskull said:
Ey, You guys ever used that ball against the fast zombies? It takes only one hit even on hard mode. Dog's ball really kicks azz!

Yeah its obviosly made to have a huge mass in terms of the physics of the game. i.e. really heavy for its size, and probably the heaviest thing you can pick up with the normal grav gun.
You can see this if you shoot it into other heavy stuff like washing machines, cars etc.
This ball seems like it is pretty cool. If I wasn't lazy and my hl2 didn't load slowly, I might try and take the ball with me. Aw w/e. It k
dj_flameskull said:
^isnt it "Wilson"?


(if you've wathced Castaway)

Family Guy quote for you guys,

Ball: "My name is VOIT dumbass."
FAMILY GUY sry i cant resist (dont worry ill post something on topic in a sec)
Ice cream guy: What ice cream would you like sir?
Peter: What flavors do you have?
Ice cream guy: vanilla chocolate.....human intestine.
Peter: What was that last one?
Ice cream guy: ......chocolate.
so anyways ...on topic......if you use the roller mines to kill the combine enough times they loose thier shock....then u can change its mass to something crazy and voila u have a new frank u can call it like........josh lol
Past the Water

Here's a post I put on forums. I have instructions on water within. If you still can't get past it, let me know where you're stuck and I'll get you through ;)


Why would you want to? Well, for one you have the perfect gravity gun ammo. It comes back to you on it's own, it's fairly small (not too cumbersome) so you can wield it fairly easily (except for the issues discussed below), AND BEST OF ALL, when it's on the ground it moves around (toward zombies and stuff) and they are distracted by it and attack IT instead of YOU. It's pretty cool as you enter the Ravenholm graveyard!

I have done my best to get Dog's ball to the end of the game. Alas, though I got it passed several difficult game bugs (invisible walls) and got it under water, and kept it on my buggy, I have been beaten by the broken window.

(If you've tried you probably know what I mean)

I have gotten Dog's ball all the way to the room overlooking the last (i think) ant-lion Queen, in the room with the pillars that you can break apart... The over looking room has bullet (and rocket and grenade and crowbar and fast moving blunt object, and crossbow bolt) proof windows, one of which has a small hole you can duck to crawl through then fall down. In this hole there is an invisible barrier which allows you and any other object through, EXCEPT for Dog's ball. Has anyone got the ball passed this?

Here's what I've tried:
I have tried all cieling holes in the area and gotten on the "roof" outside of the games design (seeing through stuff walking in space etc.) but all of these areas are confined by invisible barriers as well, so I can't get near the ball this way.

I've tride pushing, launching, and pulling it through, with the gravity gun

I got on the light fixture (outside and higher than the window) and tried to pull the ball out that way (different angle).

I took one of the rolling light-weight kitchen carts and set it on a stove (I think) at the window and put Dog's ball in the cart that I use as a "cage" and then try to blow the cart out the window with the gravity gun (cart alone WILL go out this window) but the ball stops it.

I even teater-tottered an upsidedown desk, hanging out the window so that with the ball blocked onto the desk (with shelves and stuff) it can only come towards me. As I move out along the desk it tilts down from my weight, and lifts the side the ball is on. I try to gravity it and the ball stops, as usual, at the invisible window, but I had hoped that the desk would pry it out. It doesn't. So I end up standing on the leg of the upsidedown desk 2 feet out of the window and 3 feet down, while the top of the desk is held by the ball which is pinched between the desk and the invisible wall.

I admit my loss for ideas except for one which I just thought of and will take too long to write, and probably won't work. So if any gaming geniuses out there would like to help me out here, that would be sweet.

Or valve could perhaps fix the invisible windows and doors in the game via an update

If you want to figure out the ball obstacles yourself, don't read below.

Hint: When taking the ball on the buggy ride (after the crane drops you and you're clear of ant lions and have a minute) clime on the front of the buggy and place the ball on the roof (over center of gravity) and get in quickly. The secret is having the ball centered (L to R) so it doesn't mess up your steering too much, and not to far foreward or rearward so as to bounce that end of your car too far into the air.

Hint: To get the ball past the water do the following. Grav gun the ball. Step to the side of the pit and face left, so the pit is on your right. Quicksave. Sidestep right, centering yourself in the whole and avoiding the wood planks if possible. Right before you hit the water shoot the ball up at a 60 degree angle / so it bounces off the wall in front of you on it's way up. (think this gives you more time, I could be wrong) You will then hit the water and sink. IMMEDIATELY swim to the top and locate the decending ball and catch it with the grav gun (hardest part). Once you catch it, Quicksave while holding the ball above the water. Then get your bearings and swim through the tunnel keeping the ball as high as possible. It can be sumberged about 2 ft. And just in case you didn't know, you can swim over the wood that bars the left turn underwater, you don't have to try to squeeze through them. Happy Balling.

Hint: You can't take the ball through the doorway at the bottom of the lighthouse (leading to the cliff walk on your way to getting the bug juice) So throw the ball into the cave as you look over the cliff before you enter the lighthouse.

Hint: In one hallway there is an invisible wall preventing the ball from passing. As you move along the hallway w/out the ball the roof caves in over that point and you get a load screen. So walk passed the invisible wall and grav the ball as you walk backwards. Make sure you have it gravitied towards you when the roof colapses, and then you should get a load screen and you'll see the ball in the ruble. Pick it up and continue.

Nate (only beat the game once)
Reckon Dog's Ball counts as an enemy (since it's a deactivated rollermine), and the invisible walls stop enemies from getting through - therefore Dog's Ball too?
Thanks for the help. Time for zombie bowling.
That is some research Nate. :smoking:

Sam2k said:
Reckon Dog's Ball counts as an enemy (since it's a deactivated rollermine), and the invisible walls stop enemies from getting through - therefore Dog's Ball too?

yEP. It's probably a captured Combine rollerball tHen Allyx modifed it so it wont discharge shocks. Therefore, it simply keeps on rolling without sending a shock when in contact.