yes, you heard it hear first. I've been a big fan of mr lundgren ever since i was a kid growing up. The punisher and showdown in little tokyo our two of my favorite films by him so i wa suprised to hear that he actually came out with a new movie called "the defender" like last week on dvd. This also happens to be Dolphs directorial debut, so im curious to what his take on the action genre will be like. Anyways the film in a nutshell is: NSA president is kidnapped so Dolph and his security team must find and locate her before its too late. Not the most original story but com on i see Lundgren movies for the action. Anyways Jerry Springers also in it, so it should be interesting to see what his performance is like. Alrite guys if anyones interested just hit up amazon.com for the details and let me know if anyones seen it or gonna get it. Later