Don’t support the hacker(s)!!!! Fight as a HL2 community!!!

Prefered method of dealing with the hacker?

  • Stick the hacker in prison & let the guys who can't play HL2 take their agression it

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Release the hacker in the middle of a HL2 convention dressed as Gman.

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Force him to play Half Life 2 Beta's Alpha's Beta where ther are no textures or models for 5 years s

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Force him to play half life multiplayer on the Xbox...well...even better...PieceofShi*2 (PS2).

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Ban him from computer games for life.

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Use the hacker to test if rag-doll physics are accurate at extreme heights.

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • Make him got to not pas Go...forced to play monopoly....release (from monopoly) to be dela

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That gold crowbar hasn't seen enough use lately....

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Replace the Gman with a model of the hacker...("...and you will hate your enemies..." - E3 Video)

    Votes: 1 2.9%

    Votes: 15 42.9%

  • Total voters
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
Don’t support the hacker(s)!!!! Fight as a HL2 community!!!

Why not support them?
First of all, the hackers screwed YOU. While this has not been confirmed, the release is probably going to be delayed at least 2 months (probably 4 or more). If the hackers were patient, we’d all have the game so much sooner and we’d have so much more fun. The hacker also screws you by making it much easier to write cheats. I can’t stand playing against cheaters!!!!

Second, the hackers screwed valve. You should care because they made the kick ass game called “Half Life” and they’re close to releasing another one called “Half Life 2.” I’m just guessing all of you will also want “Half Life 3” (and possibly 4 & 5 & …)

How are you supporting them?
Each one of you who talks like the release is great is supporting the hacker. “Oh…these new incomplete screen shots are so cool!!!” Get real….those are incomplete…and are ruining the game. Also if you download the source code or the beta, you’re supporting the hacker even more. If you talk about how great it is to be playing the incomplete version, you are adding another level of support

How to remove their support base?
While this is a difficult task, as a community, we must act to put down everything praising the source theft.
  • This means remove your screen shots and delete all of your copies of the source or the beta.
  • Also encourage everyone else to do so and look down on those who refuse.
  • Try to think of ways to reduce the distribution of the source or make it very unpopular.
  • Idea: Create bogus downloads on kazaa and elsewhere to make it difficult to find. (you may want to inform valve of the bogus download locations so they don’t attack you)
  • Idea: Make downloads on kazaa and elsewhere full of bad data, which would corrupt the download making it unusable. Not much corruption is needed to destroy a zip file. The downloader would end up wasting their time by connecting to you for only a few seconds.

This is serious, and we must fight it as a community. This is by far worse than some kids pirating the game or an unintentional prerelease making it’s way around the Internet. Source code theft is 100x worse, and we must do everything to stop and discourage it. I pray no one uses the source code for their own advantages. The source theft and redistribution is SERIOUS!!!

Resources for further reading:

The original request for help from Gabe.

“THE REAL DEAL with the HL2 source” He obviously knows what he is talking about. As a programmer, I can verify all info in the first post.

This is a forum, not America. Don’t know what you can say? Read…

This one discusses differences between the E3 video & the Beta screenshots.

(As with most threads, most of the content is in the first post. I’ll mostly update this first post with additional information.)
Note to MODs: Please feel free to delete any/all spamming & flaming.
like ive said before the only way you can support valve is by buying their game. erasing a beta from your hardrive will not help them, it will only give you a false sense that you did something noble.
voted: Release the hacker in the middle of a HL2 convention dressed as Gman.

I bet everyone will be too afraid to be near him, and the whole convention area will be empty within minutes :p
Didn't you always try to kill gman in HL1? I think people would test to see if gman is still invincible.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
like ive said before the only way you can support valve is by buying their game. erasing a beta from your hardrive will not help them, it will only give you a false sense that you did something noble.

I didn't way anything about supporting valve. This is about removing the support base behind the hacker and making him regret his actions.
Thanks for the post, PhatomDesign!
Originally posted by poseyjmac
like ive said before the only way you can support valve is by buying their game. erasing a beta from your hardrive will not help them, it will only give you a false sense that you did something noble.
can we please stop with there ignorant threads?
we all know what has to be done, we all know the consequences of our actions.
by throwing it into the light as people start getting tired of it, you are only promoting the betas existence.

drop it
it will go away.
dont get me wrong I hear what your saying, I dont have the beta, and dont plan to get it. but in the grand scheme of things it comes down to "who gives a shit?" yeah valve, but if valve think everyone is downloading the beta, and no one is.. is it still hurting them because they think people are?
its the same for the reverse... if its out of your hands you have to live and learn.
can we please PLEASE PLEASE lock/delete all AND I MEAN ALL threads related to the leak. positive or not your only promoting it.

seriously.. its beginning to become harder and harder to stay away from the beta. Its all psychology.. if you keep asking someone if they are hungry when they arent, eventually they will be hungry. I have come this _| |_ close to downloading/letting it finish downloading, about 3 times... everytime you fire up a thread like this an invite a debate it gets me wanting it again.
:/ drop it
In other news, I am downloading the beta and I will buy HL2. The hacker does not "benefit" from my downloading. The thing is out, there is no stopping it. I want to see the game for myself. Hell, we were supposed to already have it. Why should I, or any other person that is interested in HL2 deny themselves the opportunity? You might feel self-righteous not downloading the beta, but in the end you are not. The only thing you could possibly be ruining is your own perception of the game. As for me, I don't care about the spoilers I might see.

As was said, the beta is out and all over the place. Either you download it or you don't. You aren't really helping or hurting anything. If you want it, you can get it, if you don't, just don't bother with it. But, don't try to tell others what they should do and that they are assholes or whatever for downloading it.

If this beta decides if you buy or don't buy the game, you are an idiot. Obviously it's not a properly working version. I could see the argument if it was the entire game, then that would just be plain old piracy. You have the whole working game, why buy it? This is almost like a demo that has more spoilers than a demo would normally have. Of course it's hurting Valve that all this stuff is out there, but the damage is done. Deal with it. It's like trying to put out a wildfire with a spray bottle.
Originally posted by TaiFong
In other news, I am downloading the beta and I will buy HL2. The hacker does not "benefit" from my downloading. The thing is out, there is no stopping it. I want to see the game for myself. Hell, we were supposed to have already have it. Why should I, or any other person that is interested in HL2 deny themselves the opportunity? You might feel self-righteous not downloading the beta, but in the end you are not. The only thing you could possibly be ruining is your own perception of the game. As for me, I don't care about the spoilers I might see.

As was said, the beta is out and all over the place. Either you download it or you don't. You aren't really helping or hurting anything. If you want it, you can get it, if you don't, just don't bother with it. But, don't try to tell others what they should do and that they are assholes or whatever for downloading it.

If this beta decides if you buy or don't buy the game, you are an idiot. Obviously it's not a properly working version. I could see the argument if it was the entire game, then that would just be plain old piracy. You have the whole working game, why buy it? This is almost like a demo that has more spoilers than a demo would normally have. Of course it's hurting Valve that all this stuff is out there, but the damage is done. Deal with it. It's like trying to put out a wildfire with a spray bottle.
I agree with every word you just wrote, for damn sure
I wish my sig was big enough for this quote.
well said.
^^ I'll tell you how: he's one of those self-righteous goons Taifong described earlier.
well once the pregold is out..we dont have to complain abt incomplete!
just be patient & wait..
Wait! so im supposed to hate a guy cos valve lied to us in the first place then delayed the game and delayed it even more, and all this guy did is give us a peak at what the games supposed to be like?

if you think the 6 month delay is cos the hacker then i pitty you, face it the game is not completed in any sence of the word.

that does it i cant take anymore 12 year old kiddie "lets help valve when they f**** us about and delayed the game" threads.

i would rather see 20 "omg teh game is delayed u n00b" threads than another "lets kill the hacker and bend over to get ass raped by valve" one.
Throw him in prison and let him be the bitch of Tyrone "The Horse" Johnson.
while i agree, deleting the beta won't do anything, rather, refuse to spread it (and delete the source!)
While it may be useless, its better than most of the drivel that gets posted here on a daily basis. The poll is pretty nice.. personally, I think the gold crowbar is way under-used :)
Originally posted by crabcakes66
how can you support this garbage......?

its just usleless spam...

Because he falls into the mods' perfect little boyscout-ish mold.

i.e Bitches de la Valve
Force him to get a life. That's possibly the worst punishment you can give to a hacker.
Originally posted by Dougy

that does it i cant take anymore 12 year old kiddie "lets help valve when they f**** us about and delayed the game" threads.

Jesus christ....

Are you really that stupid? do you really think Valve delay the game just to **** you up? the delays are meant to improve the game.

I bet you are also the kind of guy that would have complained if the game came out half finished and full of bugs saying it should have been delayed.

And god damn it, its their game! they are ALLOWED to delay it if they feel like it. stop bitching and go develop your own game. then you can release it whenever you please.
I can't stand some idiots. Valve is F***ing us? What do you have up your ***?

Valve is releasing the most kick ass game ever. How many games have been delayed before? 85% of games are delayed.
This entire community is full of pussy little turncoats.
This forum in particular is full of poster boys for the anti-video game zealots. This is a perfect display of the mind numbing effects of games. If the zealots got ahold of anyone of you ****tards games would be outlawed for sure. Then the rest of you bitches would have to sit at home making prank calls to retirment homes.

Use some logic you ****ing morons. Your mommies credit card info is at risk if the game came out right now. They have to re-write steam, vgui, the AI and who know what else so the game will be safe to play.

Ironically enough, the same assholes that would push for a premature release would wanna castrate valve for releasing a game full of hacks within a month anyway.

Developing for this bunch of assholes is not worth any amount of effort.
Originally posted by Parasite
This entire community is full of pussy little turncoats.
This forum in particular is full of poster boys for the anti-video game zealots. This is a perfect display of the mind numbing effects of games. If the zealots got ahold of anyone of you ****tards games would be outlawed for sure. Then the rest of you bitches would have to sit at home making prank calls to retirment homes.

Use some logic you ****ing morons. Your mommies credit card info is at risk if the game came out right now. They have to re-write steam, vgui, the AI and who know what else so the game will be safe to play.

Ironically enough, the same assholes that would push for a premature release would wanna castrate valve for releasing a game full of hacks within a month anyway.

Developing for this bunch of assholes is not worth any amount of effort.
As long as this bunch of assholes pays for the game Valve won't complain ;)
True :p

Im just talkin about the idiots who cant recognize that everything Valve does, it does for us, moreso than any other developer...delays included.

And the way the community show its appreciation is by stealing from them and ostricating them. No other developer has ever made such strides in helping its community, or given such focus. They will actually chat with individuals answer trivial questions. Something I think, in the end ****ed them over. Never trust internet nerds.

I think its in thier best interest NOT to talk with the community directly, and after this fiasco is over I suspect they will only take support e-mails, and stop taking personal e-mails, hell they can probably send the support e-mails to vivendi, if they last that long.