Done and Done (SPOIL'D)


Space Core
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
So. I bought Bioshock and have beat it.

I played as a saint and saved all the little sisters, and have a couple of remarks and questions.

third: Was it just me not playing attention, or did I only come in contact with a single Bouncer throughout the entire game? not the rosie, but the one with a bunch of eyes. The battle with him was over in like, 15 seconds and it wasn't nearly as epic as I remember in the old pre-release videos, where he stabs you in the hand and cuts through it. :(
Fourth: I felt sorry for the people. :(
Fifth: I'm gonna play it again as a little sister killer.
Sixth: How do I know if i the game is using DirectX 10 of 9? I have a 9800 GT and want to get the most out of it.
Seventh: What happens to Tenenbaum? does rapture just live in disrepair, being destroyed from the inside-out from the remaining splicers?
Eighth: I think we go back to Rapture in Bioshock II to destroy/save Rapture from itself.
Ninth: .... I think of more later....
@Sixth: If you're running Vista it'll default to DX10. Surprisingly this comes at no performance hit whatsoever and some of the added features are quite pleasing, though not that noticeable.
ah, cool. thanks.

oh yeah..
Ninth: How does the radio that *ahem*, "Atlas" and others talk to you and seem to know exactly where you are and what you hear/see?
Tenth: I felt sorry for the guy playing the piano when you first find the crazy artist. He seemed almost human, as if he were the last normal guy left. In fact, do you ever meet anyone that hasn't gone completely insane in bioshock other then the major characters (Tenenbaum)

EDIT: changed bold from crazy to normal. oops.
First: I concur.
Second: Yep, especially since it's a year and a half old now.
Third: You most definately did fight more than one Bouncer, you probably just don't realize it. Not that hard to miss when you're running for your life from a massive beast in a diver suit.
Fourth: Yep, it's a good game like that.
Fifth: Not as rewarding as you'd think, but definately play it through again.
Seventh: Not made clear, most likely going to be answered in Sea of Dreams.
Eighth: Possibly.
Ninth: It's a game.
Tenth: Not really, that's one of the main themes of the game.
I guess we can just assume that your character is talking
Bioshock is an over-rated (but good) System Shock 2 remake.
Atlas is one of my favorite video game characters, I'd rank him close to G-man.

Once he announced himself as Frank Fontaine I kinda wish he still had that Irish accent and handsome look, that's what made him so notable to me
First: I concur.
Second: Yep, especially since it's a year and a half old now.
Third: You most definately did fight more than one Bouncer, you probably just don't realize it. Not that hard to miss when you're running for your life from a massive beast in a diver suit.
Fourth: Yep, it's a good game like that.
Fifth: Not as rewarding as you'd think, but definately play it through again.
Seventh: Not made clear, most likely going to be answered in Sea of Dreams.
Eighth: Possibly.
Ninth: It's a game.
Tenth: Not really, that's one of the main themes of the game.

Third: I guess so. But even when I fought the ONE I remember, i think i ran to the right a couple steps to dodge his lunge, shot 5 incinderary bolts at him, and was finished. Kind of a downer for me... Anyone crazy enough to list/describe where you meet (Not just see) bouncers?
ninth: Lol, too true...
Ninth- He's got control of the security cameras. There are a lot more than you think.
Ryan was a bit of a control freak.
I still haven't gotten far past the golf club bit. The game died for me after that.
keep going, It'll be worth it.

Oh, yeah.
At the end, when played as a child savior, the hand models shown are so insanely well modeled and textured, I thought It was a real video! They were the best hands I've ever seen!

EDIT: Oh wait, there is that "Johnny" guy at the very beginning who was supposed to meet you as you came up the bathysphere... He seemed quite normal to me... :(