don't complain - DICE aren't listening


Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score

It's not that we are necessarily very bad, we're not, but there is a very vocal minority on the forums who say 'EA is crap' and 'DICE are lazy', but they're all probably playing the game every day already anyway. We have minor problems, sometimes we have big problems, but minor problems are not what people should write about. Maybe they should write about why they're playing Battlefield every day. But that's human nature, I guess - you have a vocal minority and a silent majority.

so basically the true adult fans who go as far as to join fansites that share their interests are irrelevant to DICE - the 'silent majority' of children with more cash than sense are the target consumer here

DICE can shovel their shovelware bf2142 up where the sun don't shine for all I care at this stage - what an attitude to have towards your loyalest customers and base
I was expecting a "DICE aren't making any more patches!" thread...but this is still disappointing to hear this sort of news from a company..
Whichever DICE employee wrote that response is an idiot. The vocal minority is the vocal minority OF THE SILENT MAJORITY of people that think DICE and BF2 suck.

I swear the world is getting stupider, one game developer at a time.
Marcus Nilsson said it in this interview - he's the head guy behind BF2142 and before that BF2

bit shocking for my point of view - like Stigmata said the vocal minority are simply a comprehensive sample of the silent majority, not a group of sadistic corporation hating hippies
I think all the patches suck, am I still playing the game? Hell no.
Game crashing on server join and game randomnly closing is minor?

I don't HATE every patch they have released, I just dislike the way they are going about fixing the problems. I understand one patch coming out with more bugs created then bugs fixed, but it was MORE than once time, sadly. I still love the game, it's fun as hell...there are just little quirks and urks that bother me, as is with EVERY game with EVERYBODY.
Dice is like president Bush and Americans are the consumers. No matter how much we bitch at the president, the president "fixes" the problem. Trouble with terrorists? Create a "holy war" on all the terrorists in the world. But did we fix the problem? Now we didn't, in fact we created more problems. ;) There is some guy on the planetbattlefield2 forums that is part of the bf2 dev team. He said he was there to get a more down to earth feel of a typical fansite. So for this to pop-up doesn't really surprise me.
This isn't the first time a DICE employee has been extremely glib and arrogant in response to complaints IIRC.

Sound like a nice bunch of guys. So sad I don't buy their games any more.
This isn't the first time a DICE employee has been extremely glib and arrogant in response to complaints IIRC.

Sound like a nice bunch of guys. So sad I don't buy their games any more.
This is my first time I have ever seen a Dice employee do Q&A:
Keep in mind this is the global community manager of Dice. The effect he gave me was a 20 yr old, punky man who didn't do a rehearsal onstage. Many Q's he didn't prepare for, etc. He doesn't seem like a very good manager and comes off as an asshole who really doesn't know why he's up there on stage. :rolleyes:
The fact of the matter is that there are a shitload of people still playing their games. If they all had as big a problem with the game as you guys do then there wouldnt be such a large playerbase.

While you may not agree with that guy because of your own bias on the topic... it doesnt change the fact that it is true.

This is a company whose intention is to sell games. Not make masterpieces. If the majority of people will gobble up shit games, then why bother putting that much more effort and resources into it when all it will gain you is a couple hundred more players.

If you want them to make better games, dont go after the developers, go after the mindless community that eats all the crap that is fed to them.
I think if I play any other BF game (besides BF2) I'll go back to the Desert Combat mod and the orignal BF1942.
If you want them to make better games, dont go after the developers, go after the mindless community that eats all the crap that is fed to them.

We try, but calling them brain-dead shit****ers loses its charm after a while.
We try, but calling them brain-dead shit****ers loses its charm after a while.
And they tend to be stubborn tunnel-vision assholes no matter what argumentative angle you take against them. I know too many people that still think Madden is the best game series ever. They have never heard of Half-Life.
The fact of the matter is that there are a shitload of people still playing their games. If they all had as big a problem with the game as you guys do then there wouldnt be such a large playerbase.

We'll see how that holds up. BF1942, BF: V, and BF2 had little competition. There weren't many alternatives for fans of those games. But BF2142 is going to have to face ET: QW, and there are tons of people posting everywhere saying "Screw EA, I'm going to buy ET: QW".
We'll see how that holds up. BF1942, BF: V, and BF2 had little competition. There weren't many alternatives for fans of those games. But BF2142 is going to have to face ET: QW, and there are tons of people posting everywhere saying "Screw EA, I'm going to buy ET: QW".

BF:V came out the same day as UT04. I'd call that competition.

I don't plan to get 2142 though, not for awhile at least.
BF:V came out the same day as UT04. I'd call that competition.

I don't plan to get 2142 though, not for awhile at least.

And i hardly think BF:V got near as much busniess as UT04...\=
Ha-ha he sounds like Richard Nixon, silent majority my ass.

Richard Nixon said:
Tonight-to you, the great silent majority of my fellow Americans-I ask for your support.

Stigmata said:
Whichever DICE employee wrote that is an [ed. total idiot].

qft mate
I love coming here to hear the angry people, quite the change from anyway yes I agree with what your all saying. Problem is EA have Dice by the balls and further more what company isn't driven by the profit motive?

BF2 sold rather well and so will 2142 yes there will be bugs and no doubt those bugs will plauge players forever. However, no other company is going to go out of their way and make a similar yet better game with the stat whoreage that BF2 contains. You might not like how Dice are doing things but they don't care about you. The topic couldn't be anymore true.

Go ahead don't buy the game that's your decision. Be vocal about it, whether or not others follow is up to them. Are you achieving anything? not really.
EA bought Dice like 2 years ago and Dice Canada was shut down over a year ago...the DCF guys working at Dice Canada were told to either move to Sweden or find another job...
EA bought Dice like 2 years ago and Dice Canada was shut down over a year ago...the DCF guys working at Dice Canada were told to either move to Sweden or find another job...

Too bad EA just this past year put in a bid to buy DICE off...and DICE Canada was JUST shut down...
dice went down hill after Battlefield 1942

Pretty much.

They got full of themselves, and decided they were the shit. :|
They let the success of BF1942 get to their heads, and then EA pwnz them... making matters worse.
I wonder how long it will take for the whole "ranked" scene to collapse. When EA says, "The Stats system is beings hut down, ranked no longer matters, have fun instead of point whoring!"
I agree people love to whore stats and DICE/EA are cashing in on it. Does Quake Wars have any inbuilt stats checking?

Now on note of 2142 it seems atleast according to those who have played the demo (pre-orderers) DICE have tweaked the vehicles yet again. I'm not going to assume anything until tommorow. I do know that like the BF2 demo you cannot use unlocks, this is silly for a game that promotes the unlock system as one of it's best features.
more likely is EA seeing the success of stats for BF2 and extending it to every other game that they will ever publish

I don't see why they don't put more money into BF2, since I'm sure the money alone from people renting out Ranked Servers is ENORMOUS...
so basically the true adult fans who go as far as to join fansites that share their interests are irrelevant to DICE - the 'silent majority' of children with more cash than sense are the target consumer here

This was in response to what I said on another forum which said basicly what you did.

Actually thats not neccessarily true, it is possible to have a minority group that is more vocal that the majority but what clearly didn't penetrate the brain of the person writing the post u quoted from Kyorisu is that the only ppl that come forth and give opinions are the vocal ppl!

If they don't value those opinions, regardless if they be of a positive or negative nature, then there is no bloody point of them even keeping up the pretence of listening to their community....basically what that guy is saying is that the ones that speak out are just whining and all those of you fans out there are supporting us by default by not posting and therefore we'll continue to do whatever the hell we like.
This was in response to what I said on another forum which said basicly what you did.
So essentially, they're assholes.

M'kay. Never buying another DICE game until they make a game that somehow digs them out of the hole of shit and pretense they're currently in.
So essentially, they're assholes.

M'kay. Never buying another DICE game until they make a game that somehow digs them out of the hole of shit and pretense they're currently in.

I'm sure the best games DICE will make are the BF franchise...and I don't plan on buying any other battlefield game, so I'm set there. :P

I don't think the game suck too much to buy, I'm just saying they way they are handling their games is piss-poor, and I expect them to do a better job at maintaining it. Yes games have bugs, I know. Look at Valve and Blizzard, though. They are STILL patching Diablo 2/Half-Life. Games of old which are still getting patched meaning the company still cares about it's older games customers. Hell recently StarCraft got patched, *1.11 or something, I can't remember honestly*. And DICE are having problems patching a game that was released 1 year ago....patches that take months, don't do much, and when we try to tell them they have ****ed up, they chose to ignore us in post form....
Actually what the DICE employee said was very much true. I've been in playing the bf games continously since '42. And have seen the community from the early on.

Basically the the old hands in the BF community contain a large number of particularly loud elitist assholes who are never satisfied by anything and complain about every single detail that they can. If you want a good example of this, go check out the Point of Existence forums, i play POE, but I acknowledge that the mod's got asses. And if they aren't old hands who want the game to be near impossible for newbs to get into, they are newbies that don't read the manual, and have no idea what they are talking about. The true minority are the people who actually know what sorts of changes and features should occur in the mod/game.

Sure there have been many significant issues, especially with bf2, but dice made the effort to correct them. Hell with the red/blue name bug, I haven't had it come up in a YEAR but there's still people screaming on forums about that bug like if its the end of the world. In my personal opinion, the older a game community is, the more problems you will have.
how then do you explain the operation flashpoint or even this community
if there were no problems no one would bother complaining - the complaints about HL2 for example can be summed up as AI, loading times and non-linearity
The problems with BF2 are so great that you could write essays if not books detailing the issues - and still nothing would be fixed :(
DICE just don't seem to be able to balance their own games with glaringly obvious simple solutions let alone fix bugs in a year old game

Sadly, that is the truth. I wish it wasn't so. :(