don't complain - DICE aren't listening

I'm Canadian..

i'm swedish, there are tons of jerks in sweden, heck dice is originally swedish and i dont think they're acting very nice at the moment.. but I guess the only language they can afford to understand is green

i'm sure he didn't mean canada as a whole but the canada dice studio.
i'm swedish, there are tons of jerks in sweden, heck dice is originally swedish and i dont think they're acting very nice at the moment.. but I guess the only language they can afford to understand is green

i'm sure he didn't mean canada as a whole but the canada dice studio.

I figured it was common sense that we were talking about DICE: Canada since that was the MAIN TOPIC of that little discussion...

OH WELL, thanks for clearing it up CrazyHarij
exept dice canda doesn't exist anymore

And i stand by my theory of older game communities have more problems than newer ones. in and of itself is the exeption, as for the most part it is well behaved exept in the politics forum. But go elsewhere to other websites in the overall halflife community like those for the counterstrike players, and you will find a breeding pen of self perpetuating idiocy and elitism.

Don't know about flashpoint, but it seems simulator games have less problems as they attract more mature gamers.

Halo, log on to xbox live and talk to other players and tell me with a straight face that its a good community

The tribes community is IMO the worst, after installing Tribes vengeance a while back i logged into their forums and it was like staring into the mouth of hell. Racist posts everywhere, random spam, no intelligent discussion.

A mod that i used to play like 6 years ago called Urban terror, the community has pretty much collapsed in on itself. Its just the same few people playing each other, ostricizing any new comers, and being assholes amongst themselves.

When a game community is young, you have a steady influx of gamers of varying maturity. For the most part there's a balance. As time progresses the population will shrink as people move on to other games. 2 types of people remain. The sort of people that simply enjoy the game for what it is, and those that refuse to move on out of stubborness or obsessiveness. These are the people you see screaming about how much CS sucks or how it isn't realistic at all, but yet continue playing every day. As more time moves on 1 of 4 things can happen. The stubborn people finally move on, the people who liked the gameplay found a newer game that serves their needs, almost everyone moves over to the sequel, or the whole community disbands under lack of support or boredom. There are some other factors however, a game that attracts more 20 year olds is going to have a better community than one that attracts 14 year olds as well as last considerably longer.

Also don't forget the power of alpha nerds. Alpha nerds being the older members of a community upon whom other members flock to, who lead and shape the opinions of a community, or who release original content. These make or brake a game community. They are good when they help a community, they are bad when their ego goes out of control or they start trends that lead to shunning of newcomers or acceptance of new ideas.

Thats my theory based on being in and out of various online game communities since 1999
All good points. Now logon to the Nintendo or Sony forums, they'll eat your soul. I've been hanging around Being one of many boards the site hosts the place has been nice so far.

My first large forum community was and I must say, WORST EXPERIENCE EVER. I swear, the general CS chat was alright, nobody really rude or egotistical..but the SECOND I posted in the Off Topic Forum...they ate me alive..and anybody new. Constantly flaming for no reason, just plain being assholes. I figured all forum communities were like that, but this one is like forumplanet, but toned down I'm comfertable here.