Dont expect it on Sept 30th until its...


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
gone gold...then we are guarunteed that it will be out on that date. Other than that its all speculation. For me personally I think its gonna be at least one month late.

You can just by comments from gabe since the initiall announcement of hl2 a couple months ago to his most recent remarks over the last two weeks that they are getting more and more unsure that it will be(not saying it though, but they are not guarunteeing a 9/30 release like they were a couple months ago)
I am just expecting it a month later.. so the dissapointment will be minimal
Wooo, first post for me.

I've been browsin the forums and have found it most entertaining.

Anyway, I'm with EVIL. I expect it will be late, not because I think valva can't get it out on time, but becuase I don't want to get my hopes up. Then if it does come out 9/30 I will be goin crazy.

Acctualy ive said all along that HL2 wont be out on the 30 Sept..
Just something i read in one of the very first interviews..
And the reaction that a press guy got from the ValVe guys..
this add more speculation acctualy that TF2 will be relesed with HL2 ..... Just think about it..
I haven't heard any sort of decline in their assurances about Sept. 30.

I also think that the fact that THEY decided when to announce the game as even existing bodes well: they didn't have to declare that it even existed if they weren't sure that they were near completetion by that date. So they had nothing to lose by not declaring the date: and the fact that they did signals a higher than usual assurance. Though frankly, I wouldn't mind if it was late. I need time to work up enough money for a good computer, and I'll never be able to restrain myself from buying and playing the game when it comes out and everyone else is discussing and playing it.
As long as Valve waited before even announcing the existence of the game, the timing of the announcement was clearly (and wisely) chosen for maximum publicity purposes. Give a few sneak peeks to the onlne and print (PC Gamer) press to whet peoples appetitite, and generate some buzz... (will it suck, will it rock?). Then a few weeks later at the industry's biggest media event, E3, blow the doors wide open with the greatest show on earth. Even the timing of the release date clearly gives them a good window before Xmas, even if it slips a month or (gasp) two past its official date.

So yes, THEY decide when to announce, but there are still other factors involved. I'm confident they'll make it, tho. They need to shed their poor rep for missing release dates.
This is just Typical ValVe .. Its Done when its Done...
They never were able to hold a dead line.. Because they dont have to, Like Gabe says theres no pressure no publishers on there back, They just release it when they are good and ready..
Valve have most the game finished i would say core wise around 80%, Gabe has said that he has learnt from his mistakes and I believe that it will not be delayed at all (by valve, depends on the publishers) as Half-life one was massively delayed and that pissed people off. Im guessing that they are close to a final release of the single player game and are gona use a month or two to just polish it up and make it that bit better.
And if they do fall behind secedual they have the resources to get it back on track... He was sure about septermber 30th he wouldnt of said it if he didnt know he could make it. They have my faith
Wouldn't it be truly revolutionary though if they released it on the date they said they would? :)
I'm pretty confiden in the sep.30th release date...but I wouldn't be suprised if it got delayed a couple of weeks to a month either...
Ah, but we're a fickle bunch. We'd rip Valve a new one if they released a game that didn't have all the features we wanted, and had some bugs, but we'll be equally pissed if they take the time to address those issues.

I'm just so glad they didn't announce it any earlier. The wait is killing me already.
Well... a September 30 release does seem to good to be true. If does get pushed back I just hope it's only by a month.
Just imagine if no-one anywhere knew about HL2, and it just turned up in every store......that would have been incredible
Originally posted by Murray_H
Just imagine if no-one anywhere knew about HL2, and it just turned up in every store......that would have been incredible
heh. We wouldn't even be here.

Best thing about it though... is that you don't have to go through the process of waiting. But I guess there's always those guys who say, "Waiting is the best part..." and stuff like that.
You guys are just too used to games which you know about a year or 2 or 3 before the schedualed release date. We didnt even know how to spell Half Lyfe 2 a month ago.

It will be out on time, its unlike other game where they are still creating the engine and giving you updates.
the fact that they never have released anything on time makes it more probable that hl2 will be.
when it comes to those things they have an reputation to fix.

besides, the fact that they could have kept it a secret much longer if they thought they needed the time should say it all.
Ive never played duke nukem, and i dont want to. I have no idea why there is all this nerdy fan gushing over it all the time. It just looks like some crappy quake ripoff. If the game has been going to come out for 6 years, then surly it will look garbage as they are building an engine 6 years old still.
Originally posted by urseus
Ive never played duke nukem, and i dont want to. I have no idea why there is all this nerdy fan gushing over it all the time. It just looks like some crappy quake ripoff. If the game has been going to come out for 6 years, then surly it will look garbage as they are building an engine 6 years old still.

Well maybe next time you should play Duke Nukem 3d before saying it is Quake rip off.

Anyway, Valve said that not be trusted. So there, I think it will be on time (and HL will be 5 years old on that day).

If you didn't read it, do it (from PHL):

We heard back from Valve's Doug Lombardi regarding today's earlier news post about a possible HL2 delay:

Haven't heard of any supposed CS:CZ or HL2 delays.

So there. Remember kids, you can almost never trust those wacky retailer release dates.
I'm inclined to believe that they will make the date. They've had more time then most companies to develope a game even if it was done in secret.

Tick off Valved Ray.

Seriously tho. Shes a char in the game and I didn't want to do Gman or something. Everyone has him.

the fact that they never have released anything on time makes it more probable that hl2 will be.

I'm not exactly clear on this. Valve has only ever shipped ONE real game. It was late, technically: but mostly because they basically gave up and started from scratch. So, really, what are all the complaints about?
Originally posted by Straylight
Tick off Valved Ray.

Seriously tho. Shes a char in the game and I didn't want to do Gman or something. Everyone has him.


Oh, I thought maybe you were mezmerized by her delicate, unassuming beauty. I've been going to sleep with an 8x11 color print of her screenshot every night for a month. ooohhhhh,
if only she were real.;( :rolling:
They will make the Sept 30. release date, they are trying so many new things with HL2, why not be one of the first companies to release a major game ON TIME. Besides mostly what weve seen so far is older versions of HL2 from a few months back. The engine is done, most if not all of the models are probably done by now, same with the sounds, textures, and probably the AI by now. All that is probably left is the level design and tweaking the code.
all off the maps are done containing all the rough textures and they are playtesting it now.. once they have finished that then the mapps go back to the artist again and the textures are going to be improved and finalised. after that they will go and bugtest it HL2 is in betastage. after the bugtesting is compleet and thay have resolved all off the mayor bugs then they are making it gold (couple of weeks before releasedate) and we will finally see our beloved game on shelves at sptember 30 (if they are on time)
It's been five years, I honestly think that whatever delays have occurred, were already worked into the current release date.;)
Taken from planethalflife regarding the release date on
All release date information concerning Half-Life 2 and CS: Condition Zero found on should not be trusted... yet...
DeAceShooter pointed out that they claim that HL2 will only hit shelves 15 December this year. Valve seemed pretty sure that the game would be released 30 Sep...
We've contacted the Authorities to lay down the Law... we await the Verdict...
Later that day on PHL
We heard back from Valve's Doug Lombardi regarding today's earlier news post about a possible HL2 delay:
"Haven't heard of any supposed CS:CZ or HL2 delays".
So there. Remember kids, you can almost never trust those wacky retailer release dates.
September 30th is marked on my calendar as the day that will change PC gaming forever...
I hope it makes it out on time. But waiting for it will be nothing... I've been following Doom 3 for like two years, etc.
I was talking to Sniper last nite on the phone about an email I got from Chris somebody (he's from Valve) and we came to a number of conclusions:

1. Valve answer ALL emails
2. the SDK is ready for release apart from it isn't commented
3. Valve are very laided back about the whole thing

The game is very near to completion.... the fact that they answer ALL emails suggests that there are a great number of people just sitting around doing nothing... I think HL2 WILL be out on Sept 30th since in all likelyhood what I think is at least partially correct

(And before you ask me how I know about the SDK, I have been talking to Chris somebody (from Valve) about it :) )

[he said they were working on the tools and stuff to ship with it]

Yup their gonna make Sept. 30. It will be a first for any major game.

The biggest game in the history of PC games, at it will even get released on time, I LOVE VALVE!!
IF they Release it on time I will tatoo the HL2 logo on my arm :P

lol, looks like someone already did something like that for HL1...

Come on EVIL, you should try it. :cheese:
nah.. I dont really like tatoo's and piercings. and I definatly hate nipple piercings at women
Kind of like HL1, that didn't have much hype, until reviews came along.
And when people played the (very good and new material) demo.
Kind of like HL1, that didn't have much hype, until reviews came along.
And when people played the (very good and new material) demo.

thats because ValVe were totaly realy unknown at that point.
But now jesus the fans (US) cant get enough of ValVe..