Don't get Shot!! (READ ME)

Lucifer Crass

Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
With all of these fps games out, I was wondering...................What does it feel like to really get shot by a gun? :thumbs:
coolio2man said:
With all of these fps games out, I was wondering...................What does it feel like to really get shot by a gun? :thumbs:

depends where you get shot. if you get shot in a fleshy area and the bullet passes through all the flesh you can't feel very much at first and then it burns like a SOB. if bone gets shot thats a whole other ball park.

all depends on the bullet too.
Well, I took a crime scene investigation class and some people said you daont feel it at first. You just kinda collapse and become really confused. After 20 seconds u realise what happend as you feel the pain and it hurts like a broken bone. (Because it probably did break a bone)
I havn't been hit but I most likely thinks it's the way Abom|nation describes, then it can be worse depending on where you get hit.
what is needed here, is a hands on experiment.

Any Voluteers?
Wilco said:
what is needed here, is a hands on experiment.

Any Voluteers?

/me raises hand.

On a side note anyone ever seen these pictures? They're taken with a camera that takes pictures super quick and are indeed real bullets.
The thing I am worried about is the inside not the outside. You can patch the outside fine, but what happens to ur organs if u get shot in the stomach?
Make me wanna shoot my brother in the head with such a camera...:p
coolio2man said:
The thing I am worried about is the inside not the outside. You can patch the outside fine, but what happens to ur organs if u get shot in the stomach?

that all depends on the bullet, but if you get shot in the stomach you can expect the bullet to penetrate your intestines on the way through allowing for infection to set in.

i'd prefer a bullet in the stomach than in the chest tho.
i dont know what i would prefer.. call me a woose but i would prefer top hide under the sofa, if u catch my drift. Either in the head or not at all, coz the stomach would probally still kill u- just slower and a hell of a lot more painful. If its in the head, ur dead b4 u can even realise that uve wasted ur life.
plus im sure it hurts more than anyone could possible percieve without whinessing it first hand. I saw this gun program that said when the bullet goes in it makes a hole about the size of a coin, but when it leaves a human body it can leave a whole the size of a cd or larger. i cant remember coz he showed u with his hands but it really made you think. Its true tho coz he was a seourgeon tht operated on battle wounds.
Suicide42 said:
I saw this gun program that said when the bullet goes in it makes a hole about the size of a coin, but when it leaves a human body it can leave a whole the size of a cd or larger. i cant remember coz he showed u with his hands but it really made you think. Its true tho coz he was a seourgeon tht operated on battle wounds.

that all depends on the bullet and what its designed to do of course. my cousin is in the army and he was telling me that some american troops were using non-standard (and highly illegal) rounds in iraq, which explode when they enter an object creating tons on shrapnel thats near impossible to get rid of and them little suckers are a nightmare.
Suicide42 said:
plus im sure it hurts more than anyone could possible percieve without whinessing it first hand. I saw this gun program that said when the bullet goes in it makes a hole about the size of a coin, but when it leaves a human body it can leave a whole the size of a cd or larger. i cant remember coz he showed u with his hands but it really made you think. Its true tho coz he was a seourgeon tht operated on battle wounds.

Again, it depends on the size of the bullet. I'm sure a .50cal bullet would leave an exit would that big (if not bigger), but a 9mm might leave more of a golfball sized hole.
Okay, remind me again... Why're we discussing where we would like to get hit by a bullet? Do I sense suicidal feelings?:p
No matter what gun it is, I don't think it's fun to get shot...
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im feeling really depreeeeesed!!!!!
i dont want to get shot mummy
Suicide42 said:
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im feeling really depreeeeesed!!!!!
i dont want to get shot mummy

WRONG ANSWER, BITCH!!! *Pistol shot*
Well let's see. A 9mm bullet is about the size of a pen cap (but half the length)

It travels at 1100 to 1500 feet per second.

Has a force of 300 to 400 lbs. of energy when it hits. (depending on your distance from the muzzle)
This means that 400 lbs are concentrated in the frontal area of this little steel slug.

Now imagine a steel pencap hitting you in say the chest at that speed. It would penetrate clothes, skin, mucle, bone and travel very deep, or through, your chest cavity in about one tenth the time it takes you to blink.

Your brain would have no clue what happened until a good wile afterwards, provided you were still alive.

What you have to worry about more than the actual hole the bullet makes is the Static Shock, the incredible amount of kenetic energy that is transferred from the bullet into your body as it slows down. This energy can pulverize internal organs without actually having to hit them, but just by passing nearby.

If an artery is hit close to the heart the shock will cause a title wave of blood to rush into the heart, often bursting it.

Oh and if you get shot in the head, from say 50 feet away by a round doing 1500fps, it will kill you before the sound reaches you.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Hope this was helpful. :sniper:
Lordblackadder said:
Hope this was helpful. :sniper:

Not really.... just plain creepy :|

EDIT: Oh yeah... I forgot. Way back when I was in Boy Scouts... (yeah yeah.. laugh it up..I got my Eagle..) I was at a firing range at some camp. I was shooting accurately enough to get some NRA awards (Marksman, Pro-Marksman, Marksman 1st Class and Sharpshooter...anything past that would be putting two bullets in the same hole..that hole being the bullseye while shooting from a standing and sitting position basically...).

The guy that ran the range was a competetive shooter...and on the first day...he was just in a sitting position with a sinping suit (I forgot what it's called but it had shoulder, knee and other pads to help shooting..and it also is pretty your body remains pretty still when shooting. He shot a card in half just like with a .22 that to demonstrate. He said if he thought anyone was consistent and accurate enough...he'd let them try too. So.. I decided to see if I was up for it.

The requirement was to be able to place 10 consecutive shots inside a dime from 100 feet away with a .22 from a bench position. I tried that a couple times...but then after like 2 tries I got it. So he let me set up the sideways card. The first shot I took actually came close enough that it ripped about halfway through the card. There was a big line down the side of the card where the bullet had rubbed. The second shot went through the middle. I only wish I had a still shot of it like that pic posted here
Lordblackadder said:
Oh and if you get shot in the head, from say 50 feet away by a round doing 1500fps, it will kill you before the sound reaches you.

I diddn't know bullets could get THAT high a fps, I want one.

Very interesting post, Blackadder. It freaked me out!

I haven't read alot about people who've got shot, but mainly it's like you get shot, don't realise what's happened until after 10 secs, and then sink down on the floor, with a terrible pain. You don't fly backwards screaming, like in most action-jackson movies.

This is pretty cool: Some people that has been shot say it feels like time slows down like in all accident events , but alot more than our daily life tripping/falling of bikes occassions, like they could catch a glimpse the bullet flying towards you slowly and you could like reach out with your hand and grab it if you felt for it (lol reminds me ALOT of Neo in the Matrix), but suddenly it all stops and you lie down on the floor with the bullet wound.
you know, a couple years back there was a really interesting story in the news around here...

a man went in for heart surgery, and when they opened him up, they found a bullet inside his heart...

he had apparently gotton it in veitnam, he thought it just grazed him or something....
I know vaguely someone who was a .50 barret sniper in the Para's during the first Gulf War. For those of you that know .50 are generally used as anti-vehicular rounds. He told me that on 3 occasions he had to use the weapon on enemy soldiers. The first time he hit the soldier one of his thighs and his whole leg above the knee just exploded. He hit the other 2 guys in the chest area and both enemy soldiers torso's just exploded in a large cloud of red from the otherside.
|MaTT| said:
I know vaguely someone who was a .50 barret sniper in the Para's during the first Gulf War. For those of you that know .50 are generally used as anti-vehicular rounds. He told me that on 3 occasions he had to use the weapon on enemy soldiers. The first time he hit the soldier one of his thighs and his whole leg above the knee just exploded. He hit the other 2 guys in the chest area and both enemy soldiers torso's just exploded in a large cloud of red from the otherside.

I know a guy who was a sniper in the british army in both the gulf war (first) and somewhere else (cant remember where he said). Apparently he was such a successful sniper they had to pull him from the front-lines because there was a price on his head.

Sounds pretty far fetched, but he's not a liar.
i learned in reserves that the rounds used by nato will actually liquify some flesh due to the incredible air pressure caused just before entry. If the rounds hit any bone they'll riccoche (sp?) and can shoot around inside hitting multiple organs and even possibly coming back out the same side. So... i dont want to know what its like.
JonTheCanuck said:
i learned in reserves that the rounds used by nato will actually liquify some flesh due to the incredible air pressure caused just before entry. If the rounds hit any bone they'll riccoche (sp?) and can shoot around inside hitting multiple organs and even possibly coming back out the same side. So... i dont want to know what its like.

then of-course theres depleated uranium ammunition used by the american army for one primarity to penetrate amour. but we all know uranium, no matter what the quantity isnt a good thing.
craigweb2k said:
then of-course theres depleated uranium ammunition used by the american army for one primarity to penetrate amour. but we all know uranium, no matter what the quantity isnt a good thing.

haha ya, the canadian scopes used have uranium in them so that the reticle glows at night. If they break u gotta evacuate the area :O