Don't let grubby boys touch you!


Religious people are weird.
Err... I really hope this is a joke or I'll be super freaked out...
I saw this -
4. To never let tampons violate the sanctity of my hoo-hoo, because tampons are really nothing more than thirsty little albino penises.

and thought INSTAJOKE
Up until the moment in your wedding when he says "I do," a boy's privates sport a treacherous spine of jagged scales, which may or may not secrete acid and weapons-grade anthrax – for which, apparently, only Ann Coulter has developed the antibodies.

:laugh: :laugh:
While almost all American boys have human-looking privates, most foreign boys have privates like German Shepherds or half-open tubes of Max Factor lipstick.

When a boy's disgusting private goes inside of a girl's shameful unmentionable, there is a serious risk of it breaking off and causing excruciating pain while it travels throughout your body like a giant trichinosis worm.


no wait, :laugh:

Its definately a joke.
Of course it is.
5. To never have premarital sex, because Jesus doesn't want anyone messing around inside my girly hole until after His church makes some money off a wedding.
religious extreemists= morons

it shows on the internet quite considerably, like the thread 30 signs your child is flaunitng with the devil,

spends more time by themselves than doing wholesome family activities,

listens to music

posted by TDE who has gone???
Joims said:
religious extreemists= morons

it shows on the internet quite considerably, like the thread 30 signs your child is flaunitng with the devil,

spends more time by themselves than doing wholesome family activities,

listens to music

posted by TDE who has gone???

lol... where did it say it had anything to do with religion?