Don't make fun...



Hi all. I am trying to figure out all there is to know anout Team Fortress, DOD, and CS. I got the HL2 package and would love it if someone could point me to a primer on each so I can better understand how to play. I get made fun of a lot in forums for this, so flame away. In any case, you're all good kids.
There's been no news about TF2 for a long time now. Expect to start hearing about it after they have shipped HL2 and had their holiday.
DoD:S looks like it's done, it's preloaded but not released, although there are lots of sites about normal DoD. Search engines are your friend.
The best thing I can suggest is to read the documentation for each mod to get a better understanding of how each is set up.

Aside from that playing them can explain allot, even if done on your own server alone you can get an idea.

Oh yeah *Newton points and laughs*

Welcome to the forums by the way.

Edit : Wait a minute, are you talking about the originals of TF, DoD and CS or the Source versions?
I thought he meant for the original HL versions.
I meant the original TFC and DoD. I just got them on Steam when I ordered HL2 Silver. Thanks!
I used to play TFC a heck of a lot. Loved that game. Actual teamwork!
There are loads of sites about these mods.
Thanks! I'm looking at them right now. Very informative. Cheers