Dont tase me bro

Jul 6, 2003
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Nah .... heres something good about cops for a change.

An 8-year-old Colorado boy awaiting a heart transplant had his Playstation Portable stolen by a teenage bully while visiting a relative, deputies said.

While the 19-year-old suspect was arrested, the gaming system was never located, so Adam's County deputies pooled their money and bought Juan Martinez a new PSP and a dozen games for the system.

"He's just a little kid. I don't like bullies," Deputy Michael Robbins said. "That's what it seemed like to me, one older kid picking on a little kid.

"We couldn't let the bad guys win."
Other one got deleted instead :p LOL
A story showing some of the good guy cops for a change, refreshing.
He's probably pissed that he will have to screw with the firmware again though. :p
yes this the only time cops are have done something good. :stare:
What's with all the police hate? The police provide a valuable service to society.
We need police, you're right. Without them we'd be ****ed. There's been police in one form or another for centuries. I hate it when people are like YEAH **** THE POLICE, but I completely agree that some are on this ridiculous power trip and those are the ones I can't stand. They just do SUCH retarded things.

Had to be.

Witty response not found.

So move along.

On topic though, I always initially have a positive response towards cops unless they give me a reason otherwise. I know the majority of the force is decent.
I don't like the way cops look at me. I remember a couple days ago, I was downtown walking to a meeting thing for my job and get to an intersection. I turn around to hit the crosswalk button (I'm responsible!), and there's an officer sitting in his car staring at me like I'm going to go on a rape-spree across town while collecting a wheelbarrow full of dicks with a sentient gas powered machete. And you know, meeting thing, so I look fairly respectable. I dunno.
I don't like the way cops look at me. I remember a couple days ago, I was downtown walking to a meeting thing for my job and get to an intersection. I turn around to hit the crosswalk button (I'm responsible!), and there's an officer sitting in his car staring at me like I'm going to go on a rape-spree across town while collecting a wheelbarrow full of dicks with a sentient gas powered machete. And you know, meeting thing, so I look fairly respectable. I dunno.

You were wearing an "I like rape" T-shirt weren't you?
As posted in the comments on the page linked in OP:

w1ndwaker said:
Ths dys whn y by plysttn prdcts, y lrdy fl dd nsd.

Pure truth in that sentence. "y lrdy fl dd nsd." indeed.

EDIT: Apparently that was a fanboy rant, and a mod edited the post and made him look like an idiot. Nice job. :D

The police around my area are incompetent closed minded asses. They pick on teenagers and arrest black people for J-walking when the way was clear...

Edit2: Link to the whole story:

That kid looks like he has a basketball for a head...
I don't like the way cops look at me. I remember a couple days ago, I was downtown walking to a meeting thing for my job and get to an intersection. I turn around to hit the crosswalk button (I'm responsible!), and there's an officer sitting in his car staring at me like I'm going to go on a rape-spree across town while collecting a wheelbarrow full of dicks with a sentient gas powered machete. And you know, meeting thing, so I look fairly respectable. I dunno.

They always stare at me.

They have had training to be observant. I think that they pay special attention to young adult males.

I mean, I can't really blame them. Who is more likely up to no good, a 75 year old woman or a 25 year old man?