Dont Taze me Bro, I'm a Naked Wizard!!!


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Penis discussion.

I have to admit. I was hoping the tazer would somehow make his penis erect.
You where hoping that? Why? ******...

Those cops where terrible at bringing him down. I could have done better alone.
That is the smallest penis i have ever seen, even a no born baby has a bigger one.
i love how the hot chick walks up to him and shakes his hand.
In all honesty, those cops were relatively nice to him, especially compared to other videos I have seen of cops handling naked dudes. (inb4 sexual reference)

"Freedom of Speech bro!" ahaha
What a terrorist. They shoulda shot off his penis.


Yeah, watching you limp-wristed sissy ******s relegate your outrage to the sidelines as a man who repeatedly and enduringly resisted police officers got what was coming to him.

**** him and **** those people. Grow some balls and do something or shut up, you stupid posing asses.
i love how the hot chick walks up to him and shakes his hand.

Maybe because his penis is so tiny she figures he cant rape her if he tried.


I was suppoused to be watching for the tazering but all I could think was "jesus christ his cock is tiny".
Yeah tiny penis ftl. Thank god for my 10' dick.
Shaped like a ) tough, it's like lazy eyes. Don't know where it's looking.
If the police would only use excessive violence against small peneed men, nobody would care about it.
Someone in the crowd should have punched him in the face. If this were 1,000 years ago that guy would have been stoned to death or hung
This, also straightfacechar :|

I'm gunna sound like a noob today but I keep seeing the slang word 'char' but I have no clue what it means. I must be getting too old for this shit
Thought you guys were exaggerating about the small penis, but damn, that is a ****ing microscopic cock.
It looks like he forgot to don his Robe of Enlargement with +8 length, +2 girth
We can assume that whoever does not bash that man's small package also has a small package.
Meh, the coppers seemed nice enough. I don't pay money to go to a festival only to see a wizard's tiny penis being waved around, I would've wanted him gone.
Police brutality at its best... pretty disgusting tbh. He clearly didnt need a tazer to the face like that.
Brutal? Hardly. In the comments I saw people going on about how the cops were beating him... uh, I didn't see any beating. Douche wouldn't put his clothes on, being a prick in general, resisted arrest, so they tazed him to get him still long enough to put cuffs on him.
Police brutality at its best... pretty disgusting tbh. He clearly didnt need a tazer to the face like that.

He was given so much leeway to begin with, and he kept on resisting the officers even after the first tasing.

Every one's like "Oh they could have just carried him, there's three officers!", but you see him constantly flailing, going as far to as to claim he's enjoying the experience. If they need to tase him to put him under submission, so be it.

The only thing in that video that was questionable was when one of the officers put the full force of the knee down on the guy's chest, but even so. What do you expect?
Yeah it's bad. Gemma. You shouldn't read things like that.

But seriously, why are people freaking out about it? I did far less and less naked and gut my ass kicked by cops, but you don't hear me complain.
And check out the russians. They know how it's done.
What a bunch of retards. The guy obviously deserved the tasing for walking around naked and resisting arrest. There wasn't even a beating. The guy was obviously under influence of drugs, so reasoning wasn't the way out. The cops should have led him off the scene way earlier though, so there wouldn't be a scene to see and film.

There is only so much you're allowed to do on a festival. I go to several ones in the summer, so I've seen some pretty ****ed up shit. This however, is over the top.

And oh yeah, he has no penis.

and all the people in this thread who think that being naked is worth getting beaten, tazed, and arrested regardless of how much of a moron on drugs you are