Dont Taze me Bro, I'm a Naked Wizard!!!

He resisted the officer's orders and physically resisted arrest several times.
Why should he be the exception of the rule?

It's like when some dumb girl steals a shirt and gets arrested and she's screaming like a f*ckin' ape, and everyone else is like "Whoa, this is too much, all she did was steal one shirt"

So does she get to be the exception or something? How is that fair? So the next person who steals just one shirt and resists, do they get an exception too? If not, that's obviously not fair, if they do, then stealing one shirt would be considered acceptable and there would be no purpose for selling anything.
Im all with you on **** the police Ennui, but come on, there was nothing beutiful about him... He shouldn't be walking around like that.

He didn't steal anything, he was just naked, in an environment where no one clearly gave a shit. I don't think people deserve to get strongarmed by the government just because of something like that. **** the officer's orders, I don't think the arrest was justified.

Also who cares how he looks?
He didn't steal anything, he was just naked, in an environment where no one clearly gave a shit. I don't think people deserve to get strongarmed by the government just because of something like that. **** the officer's orders, I don't think the arrest was justified.

Police are just people with jobs they have to do like everyone else, I hate how everyone assumes they are all assholes. Some are, but I know some very awesome and respectable Officers.

You are not getting the point, just because "no one" gave a shit doesn't mean it's a valid reason to bypass something illegal.

If you want to go naked, fine, but do it somewhere that is meant for naked people. There's reasons rules like this are in place, just like for everything else. You don't follow the rules after being kindly asked several times, you deserve to get what you get.

and do not be like "but zombie, zombie, wat if ur fighting racism or homophoba, does dat mean you should get tazed to?" that is something completely different DONT GO THERE
You are not getting the point, just because "no one" gave a shit doesn't mean it's a valid reason to bypass something illegal.

Actually, it's a pretty valid reason. Law is worthless if you don't look at the intention of the law, and that's not preventing people from showing their nippledicks at a rave where there's only adults. At most, it's a good source for laughs.

That said, I think the cops are right here. They didn't taser him for being naked, nor were they even arresting him for it, they tasered him for physically resisting. That's not how it works, even if you disagree you don't physically resist. I don't see why you should be allowed to just run away from cops like he tried to do and not expect consequences. The cops were already incredibly patient with this guy.
That was definitely necessary.. maybe not the 66409304th time, but tazers were necessary no one can argue that. Probably only once or twice though. He was about to start running, so they tazered him.

Also that was lol and his dick was TINY.
Wow. This is probably the most random thread since Misc...or a drunk thread. Either way, his dick was still stupidly small.
As has been stated by others, he got tazed for resisting arrest, not because he was naked. During the time leading up to the incident, he was being let off the hook if he just put some damn pants on. Regardless of whether you think being nude and tripped-out in public is worthy of arrest, police officers are enforcers of the law.

Cops could conceivably take me into custody for smoking marijuana off of my balcony. But as dumb as I think that is, I'm also fully aware of the legality of my actions. There would be absolutely no point in trying to protest this, let alone getting my nuts subsequently shocked off due to some steadfast refusal to comply. I would only be making my situation worse, just as this person did. You can argue that the guy was harmless, but that was no longer the issue when he didn't heed the authorities.

I mean, Ennui. Ennui. You know I'm not against this guy being on drugs or having a good time. :) But at some point, people need to be accountable for their common sense. I could be rollin' balls at concert like that, but I'd be quickly fetching my trousers if I saw a badge.
Honestly, if my dick was that small, I wouldn't want to walk around naked in public.

That music festival actually looks pretty kick ass. Lots of good looking girls in that crowd to. i couldn't believe that girl walked up to him to shake his hand. You could see she was looking at his tiny peener when she was walking away.