Don't you absolutely hate...


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
FF7 fanboys? I just had to get this out. They piss me off to an insane extent. I've played 7, 8, and 9, and 9 was by far the best, and 7 probably the least best. Hearing FF7 nubs whining about Aries or whatever her name was dying just annoys the hell out of me.

Sorry about this thread, by the way, random impulse to post that I could not possibly deny.
i dont hate final fantasy.........................................................................................having never played any of them
The story of FF7 moved me in a way that no other game has.

Well... I was 11 at the time.
FF9 was the worst out of all of them, which isnt saying it's terrible, since the whole series is great.

People like FF7, get over it.

BTW: This should be in General Games Chat.
FF7 PWNZ U! STFU NUB!!!!!!1111 -screeches-

I never played any of them.
Except FF3 on the SNES... Thus started my RPG hating exodus.
:cheers: Final Fantasy 6 was the shit son.
Ennui said:
FF7 fanboys? I just had to get this out. They piss me off to an insane extent. I've played 7, 8, and 9, and 9 was by far the best, and 7 probably the least best. Hearing FF7 nubs whining about Aries or whatever her name was dying just annoys the hell out of me.

Sorry about this thread, by the way, random impulse to post that I could not possibly deny.
No, but I do hate Ennuis.. ;)

Actually, I never played them and a FF fanboy is rare in these parts of the world which is a great thing.

Fanboys, period, just suck.
Shamrock said:
No, but I do hate Ennuis.. ;)

Actually, I never played them and a FF fanboy is rare in these parts of the world which is a great thing.

Fanboys, period, just suck.
I have to disagree, being an ex-HL2 fanboy and a current Supreme Commander, Zombie Master, and Spore fanboy :(

but fanboys of stupid crappy games like Halo are certainly annoying
Did someone say FF9 was better then FF7!!??

That's just crazy talk.

Anyhoo, no. 6 was the best, any fool know that :)
I never played 6...

FF7 and FF8 were both really great though :) FF9 was okay...

Can't wait for either that FF7 remake or a new FF (and not any of this MMO stuff... I want SP!) on PS3... drool.
9 had Vivi. Vivi was the man. Or thing. Whatever.
Ennui said:
I have to disagree, being an ex-HL2 fanboy and a current Supreme Commander, Zombie Master, and Spore fanboy :(

but fanboys of stupid crappy games like Halo are certainly annoying

What's this Zombie Master thing?
I love ff7/8/9.. but i'd have to say 9/8 are my favorites.. (dont hurt me)
i played ff7 at my friends house a long, long time ago. I can vaguely remember fighting a big dinosaur and losing...
I don't think they're fanboys at all. FF7 was the best out of those 3 you listed. If you played FF7 at the time it came out you would probably think the same thing.

I thought 8 was almost as good as 7 though.
StardogChampion said:
I don't think they're fanboys at all. FF7 was the best out of those 3 you listed. If you played FF7 at the time it came out you would probably think the same thing.

I thought 8 was almost as good as 7 though.
While the rest of your post can be disputed, I can for sure say that they ARE fanboys.
Ennui said:
9 had Vivi. Vivi was the man. Or thing. Whatever.

Vivi would've been cooler if he hadn't been such a wuss as a character. As far as side-quests, character leveling, characters and story I just feel that FF7 has the edge although FF9 was the 2nd best of the 3 you listed.


FF9 has the chocobo game, a treasure hunter rating to increase, a card game that doesn't affect the game as much as FF8's did, and ozma to kill.

FF7 has chocobo breeding/racing, gold saucer, two weapons to kill and plenty of materia to gather and level up (to get master materias).

It's probably just preference in this category. I wasn't that big of a fan of the chocobo game in FF9 but I finished it anyways. I never was crazy about cards in either FF8 or 9 but in FF8 if you had good cards you could get sweet items.

Character Leveling

FF9 has the ability points to distribute between various abilities and such. You gain more abilities as you go along and you get more points to distribute as you see fit whenever. While this system is pretty good I still didn't care for it because pretty much every character could have the same set of abilities.

FF7 has the materia system. I love this system. Various weapons and armor each have different amounts of slots for materia and the more materia you have on the lower your hp will be (for most magic materia) There's various combo's to use depending on your strategy (be it quick killing in random encounters or preparing to kill a tough boss). I wish more FF games used this system because it really allows every player to create their own unique combos and setups that actually completely change how you fight your battles.

Characters & Story

FF9 had kinda childish characters. I wasn't a fan of Zidane with his girly face and tail. Steiner looked like he wore makeup and always complained. Vivi was cool until he started whining, Amarant just seemed like your typical, I-don't-care-about-anything-but-I'll-go-with-you-guys-for-my-own-reasons-that-will-be-revealed-later, and Qina was a side character that was one-sided and nobody responds to anything he says in any way. Freya was cool.

FF7 has Cloud with his badass buster sword, Barret with his gun attached to his arm and quick to anger, Cid with his cool look and demeanor, Vincent is just plain sweet (they're making a game about him after all :D) I only wish you could control him when he's in limit break, The chicks are ok, I never really liked Yuffie, Tifa has a good limit, Red XIII is ok, I hardly used him, Sephiroth is by far the coolest bad guy ever though. Sweet name and a badass aura around him that just screams legend.

The story in FF9 was more of a simple one compared to FF7. Sure it all comes down to saving the planet and fighting one last guy but I like the twists and turns along the way in FF7. I was just more engrossed in the FF7 story than the FF9.

FF7 needed more moogles though :P

Mog was a sweet character to have in FF6
FF9 had lots of moogles. I liked 9 better still but I have to say that Vincent was badass.
I've only played Final Fantasy 10, and I hated it. The characters were all annoying, the story was nothing special and the game was just boring and pointless. :(
I can understand why you dislike the Final Fantasy series in general.. as it is rather linear. But then again, if you dislike the whole series, you probably also dilike books... because they're linear too.

But to hate Final Fantasy 7? That's insane. IMO it's by far the best, with FF6 close behind. It's just got such an involving storyline, great characters, and an epic world. You just have to use your imagination a bit, rather than expecting everything to be handed infront of you on a plate like in most games.
I like FF7. Flame Me.
I like Halo. Flame Me.
I like FF10. Flame Me.
FF7 had a great storyline, and twists.
Halo, well, was just a fun game to play with your friends.
FF10, was just, fun. With the new summoning system, etc.
We like what we like, deal with it. You don't see me going around say "HaLo Is TeH pWn!!1one! OmG~!" Just ignore the people who do that.
i played X and i absolutly loved it, i stopped playing 7 around disc 3 i believe because it was so bloody boring. I can barely even tell you what the story was..what was the story. A guy..trying to destroy the world and become all powerful, they had to sotp him--thats about all i remeber and it was kinda stupid and the graphics were terriable and nobody talked...
All of my friends LOVE FF, but I don't really give a shit about FF...

And they talk about Yuna, Sephirot and chokobos and whatever...I hate FF7 lovers...

I don't hate FF, just the FF-lovers...
Most of my friends have played FF and they do love it. But they redeem themselves everytime they play 3 solid hours of CS:S, BF2, and WoW. Good heck i love to LAN
The only FF game I've played extensively is Crystal Chronicals - which must never be mentioned around the local FF-fanboys. Because it's Rubbish and Not A Real FF!!111.
But it's great fun with four players, so ner.

The other FF games I tried felt restrictively linear, and very repetitive.
The stories were good - but not good enough to make me put up with the game :x

If I had the FF7 story in novel form... then I could read it without having to endure 50+ hours of random battles :smoking:
You know what is funny? People talking here about FF7, FF8, FF9 and FFX like these are the only FF games, I bet its ALL of the majority here have played, the sad thing they won’t ever play past FF games because of their "dated 2D" graphics, so you mainstream gamers won’t ever know about how great past FF games are, I hope you go and play FF 6 someday (FF3 in the states), so you will all know why this game is regarded as the best FF game ever, you will know why its soundtrack its the most popular (Opera’s house still played by Nobuo Uematsu in all his concerts) and you will know what a great story is about.
FF8 was decent, I got stuck at the TV station, or whatever it was.
I only rented it though, and my brother has the PS2, so, I can't finish FF9 or FF10.
Crystal Chronicles was ok. It just got boring after the first 10 dungeons.
Everyone has their opinion as to what final fantasy game is the best. You can't complain if some people say 7 is the best..same as you cant complain if some people think 8..9 or 10 is the best. Personally I prefer FFVII to all the rest. But I don't hate the people that like FFIX more.

Person 1 - "Hi..I like FFIX"
Person 2 - "Hey..I like FFVII"
Person 1 - "OMG I HATE YOU"
KagePrototype said:
Everyone who isn't a fool knows 8 is the best.


ha! Maybe in a crazy backwards world where everyone gets things wrong!
Ennui said:
FF7 fanboys? I just had to get this out. They piss me off to an insane extent. I've played 7, 8, and 9, and 9 was by far the best, and 7 probably the least best. Hearing FF7 nubs whining about Aries or whatever her name was dying just annoys the hell out of me.

Sorry about this thread, by the way, random impulse to post that I could not possibly deny.

FF7 is the best game on the face of the planet. Aeris is ****ing ownage, Cloud is probably the most badass character ever, besides Doom marine. FF7 simply owns every game ever, except Zelda:OoT
I never played 7. I started with 8, didnt finish it because it got borring as hell at some point. I then played 9 and played it straight through and loved it. Tried 8 again, dropped it again. Played 10, got bored and dropped it. Tried 8 one last time, dropped it again. The only one I liked was 9. The CGs were fekking awesome and those evil-vivis are at the top of my favorite enemies list.

I dont really want to play 7, but only because I fear that my current expectations of it would ruin it for me. Not to mention the graphics are crap for a game I am about to play for the first time. (I always play games when they come out, so usually I am experiencing awesome graphics, I dont know how I would take it when I do the opposite.) I just dont want to taint the experience, and am waiting for the remake ;)