Dont you hate it when...

You mean that band that keeps on releasing the same album over and over again?
I think they're reasoning( being X's bands inpact on music) is a reason why you should give it a listen but not neccessarily why you should like it.Led Zep's inpact on heavy metal alone is good enough reason to give them a chance but i sure as hell wouldn't listen to them for that reason alone.

I did give them and many others a chance, and I just didn't like it. :P I honestly don't care about about what they've done to music, not my problem at all. But the point is is that some of my friends listen and stand up for the music because of that reason alone, and it damn annoys me.

Just yesterday I was talking to my mate about the Legends of Rock thing (whatever it's called) and he was going on and on about how I should respect Jimi Hendrix, otherwise my favourite band (he knows how much I love Isis so he used them as an example) wouldn't of exsisted. :| Like theres anyway to prove that. Damnit I hate it when people use the influences card as much as the talent argument...
Just yesterday I was talking to my mate about the Legends of Rock thing (whatever it's called) and he was going on and on about how I should respect Jimi Hendrix, otherwise my favourite band (he knows how much I love Isis so he used them as an example) wouldn't of exsisted. :| Like theres anyway to prove that. Damnit I hate it when people use the influences card as much as the talent argument...

Nah, Isis wouldn't have existed without Neurosis, Melvins and Godflesh.
I did give them and many others a chance, and I just didn't like it. :P I honestly don't care about about what they've done to music, not my problem at all. But the point is is that some of my friends listen and stand up for the music because of that reason alone, and it damn annoys me.

Just yesterday I was talking to my mate about the Legends of Rock thing (whatever it's called) and he was going on and on about how I should respect Jimi Hendrix, otherwise my favourite band (he knows how much I love Isis so he used them as an example) wouldn't of exsisted. :| Like theres anyway to prove that. Damnit I hate it when people use the influences card as much as the talent argument...

Well thats what i was saying, my friends fail to respect the origins of rock, like Hendrix. There is a fine line between liking something and respecting something. When Eric Clapton first have Hendrix play one of his hardest songs and basically out-do him, he would have been thinking, 'Who the **** is this yank, coming over here and stealing my thunder!' but at the same time, he would been in pure amazement by his guitaring abilities.

Plus, what he saying is absultely true, thats how music evolves and how new bands evolve, the Hendrix era started the new breed of music, and they influenced a new wave of artists, who expanded further, who influenced another wave of artists and so on. The rock bands you see today, were all effectively influenced by the bands of the sixties, because if it wasn't for them, rock wouldn't exist as it exists today.
See, I haven't time to care about anything like that. :P I just enjoy music. It it sounds good then I'll respect it, and unfortunatly, people like Hendrix and Led Zep. just don't do it for me.

Nah, Isis wouldn't have existed without Neurosis, Melvins and Godflesh.

I think it's safe to say that music would be vastly different if Hendrix never existed.

Shift, why do you care if your friends respect your music or not? When i play someone a song, im not hoping theyll recognize it's influence, im just hoping theyll like it enough to have it play in their presence on a regular basis. If you ask me, listening to an artist purely because his social status is pretty retarded.
It's all been said, all the crap about people pulling the talent card when I play electronica, or pulling the influence card when I listen exclusively to 90s-onward music.

Funny story, though. One time, I was getting a ride to my friend's place. My mom was driving, and my two brothers were in the back seat. I throw on Radiohead's OK Computer, and halfway through Airbag they complain that the music is shit. So I skip around to Karma Police, and my mom says "Oh, that piano is nice", but once the song is over, she says "Yeah... I didn't really like that one either".

She also called Right Where It Belongs, by NIN, "unlistenable" :|
How could anyone....ANYONE!! think airbag is shit...literally it's in my top 5

I had the same experience with my mormon cousins, we were driving to british columbia and we each picked a song to listen to one by one. I went last and everything( theres 6 of them) they played was utter generic crap. So i thought "I'm gonna blow their minds" and popped in Paranoid Andriod...well that didn't go over well, they complained that it was long and erratic and made no sense and was annoying. Then, they continued to play their verse/chorus "girl ive missed you" BS....

At least now i know i have better taste muahahahahaha
Oh yeah. I'm listening to Airbag right now just cause you reminded me how awesome it is. That said, I make it a rule never to try and convince family members in matters of music :P

Brink pretty much nailed my feelings on influential bands and respecting them. I see it as more of a "you owe it to yourself to check them out" thing, rather than a "you owe it to MUSIC to LIKE them" thing. I'm all for paying homage and whatever, but I'm not too big on judging music by how big it was in it's own time. If it sucks now, it sucks forever as far as I'm concerned. And for that matter, "retro" and the better part of this new indie/garage rock movement can suck a brick.
I wasn't trying to convince them, i just wanted them to listen to it with an open mind.
Well, that too. You did say they were mormon though ;)
Not really only bothers me when some dickhead finds the fact that I enjoy classical music to be humorus or not hardcore enough or some other stupid shit.