doom 3 a joke?


Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
has anyone seen the legacy trailer for doom 3?? it PALES in comparison to half-life 2's latest movie. after hearing these things people have been saying about doom 3, i thought i would be pretty impressed, but it doesn't even compare. every time something interesting happened i just thought 'wow that was scripted' and laughed quietly to myself.

i even find the graphics to be somewhat messy, and that's the selling point of the game, is it not? crazy. then again, i'm no so much satistfied by any game anymore, not since half-life 2.

i just thought doom 3 would at least compare.
oh boy, another fanboy competition thread! These threads pwnzors!
long time til d3's release, many things can happen. i personally like more to get my hans on hl2, but i will definetely play d3.
Doom ]I[ will PwnZ00RRRz!!1111!!1!

Is that what you want me to say? Is it? Is it? Did you post here because it's nice when everyone agrees with you, it makes you feel accpeted. Imagine posting the same to a D3 forum. Maybe you were just curious. In that case, use the search function to see what people have already said on this topic. Have a nice day.
apos- it's not a competition, at this point in time doom 3 is clearly out of shape. they have alot of work to do in my opinion.

azmo- i'll definately play doom3, but i'm really looking forward to half-life 2.
Doom 3 looks good but, I doubt it will stand up to the mighty jabba the hutt....I mean Half Life 2
Originally posted by derby
Doom ]I[ will PwnZ00RRRz!!1111!!1!

Is that what you want me to say? Is it? Is it? Did you post here because it's nice when everyone agrees with you, it makes you feel accpeted. Imagine posting the same to a D3 forum. Maybe you were just curious. In that case, use the search function to see what people have already said on this topic. Have a nice day.

what´s your problem, derby. okay, we allready had this discussion long time ago, but it´s something u can discuss about. and if u are not interested in this thread then ignore it.

so, back to the point of interest:
did u notice how much previews and discussions popped up about hl2 after e3, in comparison to doom3 discussion? noone was interested in d3 anymore. i think it haven´t even got any award this year. i think id is very disappointed about that...
i'm sure they're extremely disappointed, grom. the lack of support for doom3 after e3 is staggering. they still have alot of time, though, we'll see what they come up with by the release.

derby- i've been to the doom3 forums, it's pretty desolate :)
probably :)

and valve is probably very happy about their game, and they should im looking forward most to hl2. like most people probalby do in this forum, but as i said, i will also play d3, no doubt about it. i know, there is very man y "probably up there, im aware of that so dont pick on me ;)
Doom ]|[ was VERY fun to play, the shadows create an entirely different type of atmosphere and the experience cant really be compared to Half-Life 2...
i posted that hl pic with the two monsters, and the sad thing was people agreed with a doom3 forum!
If any of you have played the Doom 3 alpha leak you wouldn't be saying these things. And if you still do then well, that's your opinion. I, however, think the game will be quite good. Maybe not on par with HL2 but still worthwhile.
I agree with FiVe7. the only thing those two games have in common that they are both 3d-shooter, but the atmosphere, the gamplay, everything will feel a lot different.
no one can say if a game is good game if they have played the alpha. an alpha is, as u probably know, an very early stage of a game, and doesnt say much how the final version will be. so if one has played an alpha as says that it sux, id say that its to early to say.

whats the meaning of my msg anyway..? :D
The alpha did suck. Bigtime.

Doom3 looks okay, but it's no Doom2.
Im not bothered because im going to own both Games anyway.
Im looking forward to the two of them.
omg this iss so funny i made a thread with the same name a few months ago at the Ahem "icantsay" forums
Originally posted by azmodan
no one can say if a game is good game if they have played the alpha. an alpha is, as u probably know, an very early stage of a game, and doesnt say much how the final version will be.

This is so true. Take a look at Starcraft Alpha and Beta shots, they're not even close to the final version of the game. It's almost humorous to see how different it is.
i think it haven´t even got any award this year. i think id is very disappointed about that...

Probably not, since games aren't allowed to win two years in a row anymore.
You have to look at them in thier individual lights. Half Life 2 will be an amzing game, with all the modder capablitly.

Doom III, however will be an amazing game as well, sort of a pinicale achemient in Carmack's programming career. You maight be saying "oh HL2 looks better than D3" Well, it might, but Carmack coded the whole D3 engine by himself. Valve had a whole team working on it.

How can an Alpha suck? it's not ment to be released, so it's not optomized, it's not ment to be played. However, if you did get it and play it, and figured out how to set up monsters and suck, you'll find that it's a truly amazing experiance to be playing with graphics like that. But you cannot judge a game off of an alpha.

Also, you really can't compare D3 and HL2 in the sense of gameplay because D3 is much more like a survival/horror game than an FPS. Hl2 will be an FPS.
The people why cry "Doom 3 will suck it looks like clay blah blah blah, HL2 will just own it becasue im too naive to think anything else!" leads me to belive their the assholes spamming valve people such as ErikJ "Will HL2 run on my 3.0GHZ P4 1GB ram GeForce FX 5900?!"
Yea they are not in the same category really, just buy both and be happy.
Funny, people love to make such threads. Read gamespot forums, I seen HL2 vs Halo2, HL2 vs Halo vs Doom, HL2 vs STALKER, HL2 vs Deus Ex 2, so on. Poor people, if they are gonna buy only one game, they are missing out on a lot of great titles.
Dude i just said the alpha sucked, didn't say the final would suck.

But i don't think the final will be better than doom2
doom3 half life 2 dnf stalker! all are going to be fun games. deal with it!
I played the Alpha Leak and it was fun in my opinion. Those zombies were damned near impossible to kill lol. I played for a while before I found out I had a shotgun and assault rifle. But I don't think you can really compare these two games quite yet. Half-Life 2 is practically completed. Doom ]I[ is no where near completion. In a year or so when Doom ]I[ is near completed just like Half-Life 2 is now, then you can compare them.
yea i played the alpha leak too. It ran really jerky on my computer even though i was runnin it at 640 x 400 in a window with a geforce 5200 but thats probably just performance issues that they need to work on. I don't know why you guys are arguing...hell im gettin both games because i know Doom 3 is gonna scare me poopless
it'll be interesting to see what kind of games will be released on the source engine after the release of half-life 2. i want to see a doom3-style game released on source.
...whgy don't you jsut get Doom III.... it has the features of source...
Originally posted by derby
Doom ]I[ will PwnZ00RRRz!!1111!!1!

Is that what you want me to say? Is it? Is it? Did you post here because it's nice when everyone agrees with you, it makes you feel accpeted. Imagine posting the same to a D3 forum. Maybe you were just curious. In that case, use the search function to see what people have already said on this topic. Have a nice day.

What does Pwnzoorrz mean???
well i guess you dont play much cs tredo lol. and i think Doom3s technology will be equal to HL2

AI - HL2 wins
Shadowing - Doom3 wins
immersion factor - Doom3 wins
over all graphics - Doom3 wins
netcode - HL2
realistic characters - HL2

the environements are a tie, because they relate directly to the style of the games. Doom3 goes for extremley spooky dark metalic environments, where as HL2 doesent, and does more outdoor environments.

i think they are a tie pretty much.

HL2 will have great mods
Doom3 would totally rock as an Aliens vs. Marines game.
Immersion factor, okay how do you know that Doom 3 immersion factor is better? Because you played Alpha? Did you play HL2 already? Plus Doom 3 has cut scenes, so your immersion factor brakes right there, and HL2 doesn't, it is ALWAYS from first person view.
HL was great not because of mods, èãå because of its original gameplay. Plus HL2 adds much more to the gameplay (vehicles, great physics, etc) and mixes it with HL style of playing.
Personally I'm getting both. Doom 3 looks like its gonna be scarey because things will jump out of dark places and they're big and scarey. Like that big four legged thing. That looks like it would be hard to beat. But Half-Life 2 also looks good. In my opinion they're both going to be really good games. I'm going to enjoy them both. And for all you hardcore "all I wanted is HL2 and nothing else" people. Enjoy HL2! :bounce: