DOOM 3 and HALF-LIFE 2 Now bundled, with added accessories!

ooh just got word that Duke Nukem Forever is gonna be bundled with your choice of colostomy bag or Cremation Urn, if you pre-order now your grandchildren will benefit from these gifts upon the game's release.
So has Doom3 been shown to cause incontinence?

I think the tissue's are for jacking off to Alyx's 'realistic breast motion'.

Yes the flashlight and cup are a good idea.

I'd put a chilled margarita into the cup and play HL2 completely sh*tfaced.

BTW has anyone ever tried playing a video game totally drunk?
It's fun. :cheers:
Lordblackadder said:
So has Doom3 been shown to cause incontinence?

I think the tissue's are for jacking off to Alyx's 'realistic breast motion'.

Yes the flashlight and cup are a good idea.

I'd put a chilled margarita into the cup and play HL2 completely sh*tfaced.

BTW has anyone ever tried playing a video game totally drunk?
It's fun. :cheers:

its better when your high, instead of inebriated.
Mattigus said:
hahahahahahahahahaha its funny because of the scary and the doom and the person in half life and the pfwahahahahahahhahaha!!!

lol laughing so hard he cant even type it all. We need more of these funny things.
Mr. Redundant said:
ooh just got word that Duke Nukem Forever is gonna be bundled with your choice of colostomy bag or Cremation Urn, if you pre-order now your grandchildren will benefit from these gifts upon the game's release.

haha :laugh:

Great Grandchild : So my great grandfather was waiting for this game?

Grand daughter: Yep
ROFLMAO, I'd say. :P

Yeah, the underwear are there because we all crap our pants when we play Doom 3. I know that I do. :o
And the tissues are there because we all jerk off alot when ... DUH! I MEAN WE CRY!! ... alot when HL2 comes. :naughty:

edit: And I'll most likely going to wet AND crap my pants when I hear that Half-Life 2 has a release date. And when HL2 comes, I'll be drooling all over my bed with my pants full of sheit. Ahh.. :thumbs:
LoL, that is funny but I don't think I'd be needing the tissues! :naughty:
I'm joking, of course I'm not that much of a freak.