Doom 3 Benchmark thread


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Post your specs here if you have the game (illegal or legal, who cares) what you run the game on and your average FPS, this I think will influence more to get Doom 3 (including myself) if we can see how the game will possibly run on my comp.
I got amd 64 3200, 1 GB RAM, Geforce6800 GT and its pretty much locked at 60fps. When I get in combat it can go down to like 40-50 but quickly goes back up to 60.
I am running at 1024x768, high detail, 2xAA
Got a 9800 Pro, play at 1024 and high (no AA or AF), get around 50 when there are people around, if the action goes really intense (lot's of fireballs and flashes) it occasionally drops to 35, but I wouldn't notice if I didn't have the fps in my right hand corner of the screen.
I got AMD Athlon 2500+ 1.8 GHz 512 mb RAM FX 5900
I will eun it at 1024x768 medium quality prob. get 30-40 FPS.
I saw this benchmark on some computer a few days ago the same as mine at those settings got like 35 fps average! :bounce: :bounce:
i play high on 1024, runs decent..maybe around 50 walking around and when fighting maybe to like around 30-40
Got a Radeon 9600 Pro, OC/ed
800x600 on High Quality runs fine, no stutters, the game looks tons better in motion. Just had a shot at multiplayer and its damn fast, like Quake style fast, its pretty cool
I have

2800+ AMD Athlon
512 DDR
ATi 9800

It runs fine 800X600 on high...thats what i use...for no slow down

at all :D
Sparta said:
Got a Radeon 9600 Pro, OC/ed
800x600 on High Quality runs fine, no stutters, the game looks tons better in motion. Just had a shot at multiplayer and its damn fast, like Quake style fast, its pretty cool

Thanks man for posting that. You see, I have a Radeon 9600 Pro too but I though I was doomed to run Doom 3 on like 640*480 and lowest possible quality. Phew. But I have only 1.8ghz processor. What processor do you have?
2.8gig AMD
40/50fps with bump, spec, shadows on
AA 2x
AF 4x (I think)

Apparantly if you run it in a window it increases the speed by around 10fps, I get about 30/40fps fullscreen

oh yeah, run it with r_gamma 4 It doesn't make it any less scary, but lets you see some of the amazing work thats gone into the maps. It's great that you can't cheat with that neither, if its pure black its pure black and increasing the gamma or brightness wont help :D

I also tried it on a 1gig PC with a geforce4mx, im still in shock that it actually ran atall. I've long since now taken back everything I ever said about DoomIII, its one amazing game thats incredibly well made in every area.
Man, I think I'm going to need a new processor, although I've seen mentioned that Doom 3 is not as processor dependant game as graphics card
Athelon XP 2600+ @ 1917mHz
Hercules 9800SE softmodded to 9800 @ 363.5mHz Core, 345mHz Memory (was higher, but I got artifacts, so I guess I need better cooling)
768Mb of Unbranded Dance Dance Revolution RAM

High Quality 1024x768

Approx 50-60FPS walking around 40 - 50 other stuff
Runs great bout where can i change settings like AA? i;m runnin it on 1280x1024 and on HIgh. I want to turn AA on but i hav no idea where i can change settings like that...
Seppo said:
Man, I think I'm going to need a new processor, although I've seen mentioned that Doom 3 is not as processor dependant game as graphics card
You can cut down a lot of the effects for big boosts in speed

If you really need to, turn off shadows (r_shadows 1) But they really really add to the game

or try r_skippostprocess 1 i think it is. That'll turn off the warped glass effects and heat effects.


those will also improve framerate, but it doesn't look anywhere near as good.

Hang around for a week or so, the optimization sites will start turning up on how to squeeze every last frame out of it.
B-MAn said:
Runs great bout where can i change settings like AA? i;m runnin it on 1280x1024 and on HIgh. I want to turn AA on but i hav no idea where i can change settings like that...
Go to display properties (windows) and advanced and change it through your video card settings.

It'll crawl on 1280x1024 if you turn up AA and AF though, and the difference isn't all that much.
Intel 3.06Ghz 'C' processor.
1024mb RAM
Radeon 9800 Pro

Running at:
High details (8xAF standard)
All Effects on, no AA.

Pretty much a solid 40-50FPS play throughout, occasionally dipping into 30s or 20s.
I have yet to buy the game. Personally, I will wait till i beat half life 2 (but first i have to wait for it to be released), then i will get doom 3. Oh and before I ask my question someone said something about games not being very cpu dependent. In general this is true, but for half life 2, CPU will be extremely important for the long physics calculations.

So, how would Doom 3 run on my computer?

(i want a resolution of 1024x768. Highest quality with everything enabled)

1.8ghz cpu
768mb ram
radeon 9600xt overdrive enabled.


(i want resolution of 1024x768. Medium quality everything enabled)

1.8ghz cpu
768 mb ram
9600xt overdrive enabled.

by "everything enabled" i mean like running the game with shadows and everything.
OK. Thanks guys.

Oh and what about if i overclock my cpu to 2.3ghz. I've done it before, it does not crash.
Guys, I'm about to get my copy in the next couple of hours. I want advice - I have a 9800 pro and using the 4.7 cats, should I get the 4.8 beta catalyst or not? does it really perform better with them? - and what cats are you guys currently on.

Thanks. :D
i always use the latest cats (not betas.) How do u get betas cats? anyway....back to my question please (#16)
Anyone know how it should run on mine?

1.7 GHZ AMD Athlon XP 2100+
9600 SE 128 mb
512 mb RAM PC2700
god damnit. Can we please not ask if our pc can run doom 3 if someone has already asked it and has been un answered? just wait ur turn! please. IN the forums i used to go to, this happened (and eventually i stopped it) and many people never got answers to their questions becasue other people posted Questions and then people forget the first person that asked the question. Just try to do it in an orderly fassion.
lans said:
Guys, I'm about to get my copy in the next couple of hours. I want advice - I have a 9800 pro and using the 4.7 cats, should I get the 4.8 beta catalyst or not? does it really perform better with them? - and what cats are you guys currently on.

Thanks. :D

The game kept crashing on 4.7 for me. Upgrading to 4.8 beta boosted my FPS by about 5 on average, and made the crashing stop.


Athlon XP 2500+ @ 2.24GHz, 1GB PC2700 DDR SDRAM, Radeon 9700 at (near) Pro (310/297, had to turn it down due to artifacting.. as Carmack said would/could happen to overclockers)

Running at 1024x768 with High Detail, everything on. 0xAF and 0xFSAA. 40-45FPS average, walking around by myself around 50-55, firefights 35-40 (with 2 or so enemies), dips into the high 20s with multiple enemies on screen

Really happy with the performance :) The game is awesome in the pitch dark
Radeon 9500 Pro OCed
512 Ram

800x600 @ medium detail. :(
ATI4EVER! said:
god damnit. Can we please not ask if our pc can run doom 3 if someone has already asked it and has been un answered? just wait ur turn! please. IN the forums i used to go to, this happened (and eventually i stopped it) and many people never got answers to their questions becasue other people posted Questions and then people forget the first person that asked the question. Just try to do it in an orderly fassion.

Well this is the benchmark thread, and I was wondering what performance anyone on a similar machine got.

If you haven't noticed... user's posts get shown in ORDER OF POSTING, therefore if you posted first, your post will show up ABOVE MY POST hence being seen first.

If you expect me to wait for someone to reply to you (which potentially may NEVER happen) before posting my own rig, you can __ck satan's __ck.
512 RAM

Well, I don't have my FPS for you (BTW, can you enable that from a console command or something or do you have to run FRAPS?) but I can tell you that 800x600 at Med. runs quite well on this config. BUT I couldn't stand to play in this resolution for very long. Don't believe exactly what HardOCP was saying in their optimization guide. Yeah, it looks decent at low resolutions, but it also looks like an impressionist painting. I took the frame rate hit and went up to 1024. Much better. Of course I just started the game so I haven't even shot anything yet and I might have to turn the res down once I encounter some beasties. Can't wait to get my 9800Pro at the end of the month...
Bottom Line: unless you're a frame rate whore, bite the bullet and bump up the res. It's worth it.
Abom said:
Intel 3.06Ghz 'C' processor.
1024mb RAM
Radeon 9800 Pro

Running at:
High details (8xAF standard)
All Effects on, no AA.

Pretty much a solid 40-50FPS play throughout, occasionally dipping into 30s or 20s.

Awesome, that's basically my computer. I can't wait to try it out :D
The Dark Elf said:
Go to display properties (windows) and advanced and change it through your video card settings.

It'll crawl on 1280x1024 if you turn up AA and AF though, and the difference isn't all that much.

Hes using a 6800ultra...the card will own doom3 at 1280x1024 with aa/af :p its the only card in the world that can get playable frame rates with AA on at 1600x1200 so im sure 1280x1024 wont be a problem with it ;)


I get average of about 50-60 walking and 40-50 while fighting @ 1280x1024

X800pro with 4xAF
2.6+ @ 2.2ghz
1gb DDR400
Catalyst 4.9 Beta DOOM3 drivers, which dont actually fix no ATI problems but i do give them credit for boosting my fps when heavy lighting/shadowing occurs (like when you open/close the shutters near the punch the chicken machine)
This doom 3 technology is really incredible. Granted, I'm only at medium quality, but anti-aliasing v-sync and 1024x on a 9600 pro and Barton is great, and the frame rate is excellent.

Not to mention the game is incredible... it almost totally lifts system shock 2's mood and some of its features and style, but who cares? Its amazing. Seeing D3 run so well on this kind of machine really makes me optimistic for high-detail half_life and the games that lie further beyond.

Also, isn't it wierd how good the game looks on just 640x480? Other games look a bit hsit, why is Doom 3 different?
Yeah somewhere in these forums, there was a link to a website which said that really, the only thing that the res. changed was the jagginess, it was absically subbing for antialiasing. So bumping up the resolution would have less aliasing.
P4 2.96Ghz
Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB
XP Pro

High Quality
Cat 4.8

I get about 30FPS average. Good smooth gameplay basically. Gore, lots of gore :naughty:
I don't really get it either: I am always abover 40fps, eventually it wil drop to 20 for 2 seconds then back up to 40+ It's weird but hey? why complain?

P4 1.8ghz
768mb ram (change a setting to use 20mb ram to 256. I can't remember what it was called, but i read somewhere here that it improved gameplay, so i did it.)
Radeon 9600XT
catalyst 4.7
OVERDRIVE disabled. It stopped working for some reason.

So i don't know what the hell happened but it is running freaking beutifully! and very fast!!! A very helpfull tip: DO NOT USE ANTIALIASING!!!! It will totally bottleneck the game, even if you have a 6800, instead, go up to a higher esolution, it serves as AA, but doesn't impact your framerate as much. And low resolutions don't matter to much.
ATI4EVER! said:
I don't really get it either: I am always abover 40fps, eventually it wil drop to 20 for 2 seconds then back up to 40+ It's weird but hey? why complain?

That is called hitching. My guess is you are playing a high quality setting. What is happening is that your video card can't store all the textures it needs on the video card so occasionally it will have to make a call from your video card to your RAM and swap out textures. That is what is causing your FPS drop and why ID software recommends a 256 MB video card for High Quality. You can either, bump down the quality level to medium or just live with it.