doom 3 cd key problem


Apr 26, 2004
Reaction score
people on planetdoom arent answering me, so i thought id try here. when i go to the doom3 installer the screen turns black like its about to install then after a bit of waiting a window pops up and says:

Error Number 0x800x40702

Description: failed to log dll: cdkey

Setup will now terminate.
You have to edit it [Doom 3.msi] with Orca/InstallShield Developer.
I had to do this to run it on Windows 2003 :| :|
Shuzer said:
Windows 2003

what type of windows os is this??

i don't mean to be intrusive or anything but can you please explain to me what windows 2003 is?
Sai said:
what type of windows os is this??

i don't mean to be intrusive or anything but can you please explain to me what windows 2003 is?

It's a server operating system. It's not exactly mainstream (on a home user scale), or user friendly (well, it's user friendly once you make it into a workstation type setup), but it performs much faster than XP (mostly for load times, it's just quicker in that respect).
people on planetdoom arent answering me

Doom3 fanboys, hug, they are probably pissed off because they know that HL2 will crush Doom3
Adrien C said:
Doom3 fanboys, hug, they are probably pissed off because they know that HL2 will crush Doom3

HL2 fanboys :rolleyes:

It won't exactly "crush" Doom 3.. By the time HL2 goes gold, Doom 3 will have sold an enormous amout of copies.
i would like to add onto this,im getting the error too but, im running XP and i already had it installed before then i uninstalled and it wont let me reinstalle, its givieng me the same error, an suggestions?:|
i did search google, and i got this, sry didnt know it was 2 years old
Shibbles said:
i did search google, and i got this, sry didnt know it was 2 years old
email Microsoft help and they will tell you how to clean out any old references to Doom3 so you can do a clean install.

first go to and find a way to email someone then describe the problem. It might have something to do with temp files or registry entries
well ive found a way around it but my pak002.pk3 wont manually install, so im screwee there unless i get it form somewhere i gota buy the whole game over for one pak file nice
Shibbles said:
well ive found a way around it but my pak002.pk3 wont manually install, so im screwee there unless i get it form somewhere i gota buy the whole game over for one pak file nice
It sounds like a bug in the windows installer and if you don't want to use the advice I gave you than you will never resolve the problem. I would bet money that If you sent a nice email to Microsoft explaining thoroughly what is happening, along with any error messages and numbers, they would help you resolve it very quickly. They helped me before when my Windows was bugging out.

Buying a new copy of Doom3? How is that going to help? You already have the Doom3 disc and it's not working. A new copy of the same disc is going to have the same exact problem.

You seem to have no problem spending some time to post here, why not post an email to Microsoft explaining that windows installer is bugging and won't allow you to install a retail purchased copy of Doom 3. This is what these guys get paid to do all day, answer emails about windows problems, and they are professionals. We aren't. :)