DOOM 3 Cel Shader v1.0


May 24, 2003
Reaction score
This revolutionary mod applies cel shading to Doom3, giving
it a cartoonish look. Using a unique custom shader algorithm
by Junkguy, Cel Shader provides a fun and interesting way to
experience Doom3.

NOTE: This requires at least a Radeon 9500 or GeForce FX.
Wait 5 min and I shall put a screenshot into this thread.
yea, it doesn't look as cell shaded as it does just plain bad


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  • not cell shaded.JPG
    not cell shaded.JPG
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another mod i really didn't like is that one "ducktape" mod, why did they add a flashlight to only one gun in the game??

and even if they for some reason had to choose only one gun, they should have chosen the shot gun, one of the more used weapons....bad mod
Im playing Doom 3 with Project Brian mod installed.
Neutrino said:
What does that one do?

Here is what it does.

-Increased dynamic lighting for muzzleflashes for all weapons. (Lights up about 10 ft.)

-Restricted gibbing to only the RL, Plas Rifle, BFG, and Chainsaw.

-All melee zombies (Not deamons or commando zombies.) come back to life after a short period of time unless gibbed. (Which means to keep them dead after shooting them you have to pull out the chainsaw and dismember them. :D )

-Doubled the refire rate for the pistol and machine gun. (Didn't double the ammo pickup for them so use short bursts with the machine gun.)

-Increased the clip size for the Chaingun from 60 to 200. (60 just didn't seem to justify a "chain")

-Increased the kickback of the shotgun by 5x. The enemies now fly back about 10ft when killed with it. :D

-Increased the shotgun damage slightly.

-Halved the bounciness of the grenades so they don't act like a "superfunball."

-Added a blue aura eminating from the Plasma Rifle extending about 5ft.

-BFG explosion now has dynamic lighting that would brighten up a warehouse as it should.

-Included Cryect's Flashlight Pistol.
The project brian mod sounds sweet :)

Does it play well??
I like it. I haven't found the chainsaw yet so zombies are annoying since they return from death, but thats how it's supposed to be. It's fun to use the shotgun now because enemies fly back much longer.
So how do they return from death, for example if you shoot one and its haning over a rail ;), or have they disabled the ragdol so its possible ?
How? Well... they simply respawn at the spot were you killed it.
Lol - CelShader Mod?

I'd call it 'Make Doom3 look like you're running it on a TNT Mod'
does it look good how they come back to live???

maybe ill try that mod when i finished it (im almost at end ;( )
its a good mod (brian mod) but the respawning of zombies is retarded, it does that lil symbol and sound speil (like imps spawning) instead of the zombie getting back up.

that was one big let down from the original doom3 actually... I was expecting zombies to get up again after you put them down....

like in the *cough* beta *cough*... but they changed it.. I thought maybe they did it in Nightmare mode.. no go there either.
Mr. Redundant said:
its a good mod (brian mod) but the respawning of zombies is retarded, it does that lil symbol and sound speil (like imps spawning) instead of the zombie getting back up.

that was one big let down from the original doom3 actually... I was expecting zombies to get up again after you put them down....

like in the *cough* beta *cough*... but they changed it.. I thought maybe they did it in Nightmare mode.. no go there either.
wonder if it can be "borrowed" from the leaked version?
Isn't there a way to fix this issue? There must be!
The Dark Elf said:
wonder if it can be "borrowed" from the leaked version?

Seems really odd that they took it out. Would be cool.
Neutrino said:
Seems really odd that they took it out. Would be cool.
yeah, zombies getting back up would have made it much more creepy in that environment. I'm sure it can't be that hard, someone will get it working properly eventually
The Dark Elf said:
yeah, zombies getting back up would have made it much more creepy in that environment. I'm sure it can't be that hard, someone will get it working properly eventually

Yah, and if they disintegrate and NOT come back that would make more sense. :P
SubKamran said:
Yah, and if they disintegrate and NOT come back that would make more sense. :P
heh yeah thats just silly, disintergrating then warping back in. I suppose with the nodissolving mod installed its a little bit better, but still, yeah. Needs to be done properly.
wait, so even after you kill them to the point of disentagration they come back to life???

that's just a dumb design decision
I've seen a few get back up again, you guys should try Veteran or Nightmare.
lePobz said:
I've seen a few get back up again, you guys should try Veteran or Nightmare.

I finished it in Veteran, and Im half way through with nightmare (would be finished.. but I cant stay interested)

and the only ones that get up are the ones that are scripted to do so. (like the guy on the couch)

we are talking about killing a zombie and it getting back up (different)

oh and they dont respawn after you gib them (zombies dont disintegrate to ash regardless, even in normal doom3, only demons do)
however you can only gib bodies with the chainsaw, plasma gun, rockets and bfg.
I'm pretty sure zombies don't get up because they go ragdoll when killed, and there is no way to predict in what position they may land. It's pretty tough to have an animation play showing the zombies getting back up when you can't be sure of their position on the ground. It wouldn't look to goo unless it was blended together somehow.

In the alpha leak, I believe only one zombie went ragdoll when shot. He was only there to show off the phyiscs, and he was the only one to not get back up after death. The rest ran through a death animation.

It would be cool to see it in game, and I know it's not impossible, but it's actually quite a lot of work to get that working considering how unpredictable ragdolls are.
nw909 said:
Jesus, did that take much energy?

tHaTs LiKe TaLkInG lIkE tHiS mAn, BuT mOrE hArDcOrE

Well, I think you can just type your post and then highlight different sections and use the "color" tab to choose diferent colors for different words.
makes it dang hard to read though! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I'm pretty sure zombies don't get up because they go ragdoll when killed, and there is no way to predict in what position they may land. It's pretty tough to have an animation play showing the zombies getting back up when you can't be sure of their position on the ground.
actually, some games have done this. i think psi ops was one of them

basically they blend the position of the ragdol with the animation for the character to get back up again. not too sure if that's how it's done, but i know there's some kind of keyframe blending in there.
or just simply have them get back up Evil Dead style! lol

(They jump up real quick)

Might give someone a heart attack, staring at it.
ROFL yea that'd give me a fuxing heart attack fo' sho'.