Doom 3 expansion pack announced


May 9, 2004
Reaction score

This press release announces the development of Resurrection of Evil, the first expansion pack for DOOM 3. Co-developed by Nerve Software and id Software, the expansion comes with a new singleplayer campaign as well as new multiplayer maps with support for up to 8 players.

Following the events of DOOM 3 and featuring new locations, characters and weapons, including the return of the double-barreled shotgun, DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil expands the terrifying action that fans and critics have been raving about.

As you would expect from an id Software game, no release date is mentioned.
I played the first game, it was fun, but no reply value at all, plus it ran like crap (I do have a very good computer) So im not really that interested in this one.
will it suck like Doom3? being repeditive the whole way thorugh? will multiplayer still be laggy? if not then Ill buy it, but not for more than 35$...
omg 8 whole players?

*shits himself at the amazing magnitude of 8 entire players*
Great news. I just finished D3 recently and have been playing custom maps now. There's a ton of high quality ones coming out now.
Ritz said:
I played the first game, it was fun, but no reply value at all, plus it ran like crap (I do have a very good computer) So im not really that interested in this one.
It has reply value, put it down, do other things, then go back to it once you've forgotton most of it and its a lot of fun again.

As for the framerates, bit of tweaking and it should run fine, its quite playable on mine and its hardly top of the line specs.
damn i was JUS about to post this i guess u gt there before me. any way i'm sick to death with imps every corner u turned there were imps i hope this isn;t the same otherwise its jus gonna be repeditive. but DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN! hell yeh tht gun ruled. so far thts the only improvement i can see in this multiplayer was a drag anyway and now we have CSS so i dn;t really see the point. i'm probably still getting it lol
Im getting sick of following HL2, have been since last September 30th, Im just not going to bother until it comes out, Im just interested in the mds right now..
worth a spin i suppose.

i'll bet good money it'll be more of the same, but nothing really to write home about.
maybe Ill have to try it before I buy it ;) just like I did for D3
Very good news thx for that. Looking forward to the expantion.
Great news. I enjoyed Doom3 a lot, best single-player game since Half-Life, and am looking forward to more quality maps from ID.
Ohh boy... another 20 hours of running mindlessly through metal corridors that always look the same to shoot the same imps waiting around the corner... again!

8 players? AMAZING!

Another shotgun?! The arsenal is so varied! We have the machinegun, the bigger machinegun, the pistol, the plasma gun, the bigger plasma gun (BFG) and now we have the shotgun and the bigger shotgun! Yay!

Can you tell I'm not impressed? Doom 3 would have been a nice game to release in 1997, today it just seems old and uninspired in my opinion.
And that is Doom. Doom is all about running through levels and killing anything that moves. That's what it has been, and that's what it will be now.

The weapons are what they are also because it's Doom, and because these weapons are the Doom arsenal. There are many monsters because it's Doom.

As for the level design... I thought it was very good. Different levels were different enough, but all with the common idea, and nice attention to detail.
I'm not really excited - but hopefully I might give it a try if it gets good reviews and turns out to be fun.
I think what ID did wrong with doom3 (dont get me wrong, its still the best FPS except for FC to come out in the last couple of years) was made the monsters to hard. If they toned the detail on them down, and, made them more fragile and had loads of shit spawn it would of been much more intense *remembers the days of Doom with 50 Pinky's, 25 Imps chasing me with a couple Cyberdemon's thrown in etc etc...:( *
Alig said:
I think what ID did wrong with doom3 (dont get me wrong, its still the best FPS except for FC to come out in the last couple of years) was made the monsters to hard. If they toned the detail on them down, and, made them more fragile and had loads of shit spawn it would of been much more intense *remembers the days of Doom with 50 Pinky's, 25 Imps chasing me with a couple Cyberdemon's thrown in etc etc...:( *

It's not ID's fault that people refuse to upgrade their computer's constantly. If we all had X800's we could probably have Doom 3 that way.

I'm looking forward to it. I hope they beef up the multiplayer a bit. Not to mention the double barreled shotgun.

So HL2 wouldn't be related a HL game if it didn't have the exact same weapons as the original? I guess HL2 was wrong to include weapons like the manipulator in the game, after all, it would be like the original, right?

It's called cashing in on a known IP guys, if you're going to buy into it at least know what it is. This will probably be another lame attempt at id trying to get sales from name recognition. id makes engines, not games anymore.
Rico said:
So HL2 wouldn't be related a HL game if it didn't have the exact same weapons as the original? I guess HL2 was wrong to include weapons like the manipulator in the game, after all, it would be like the original, right?

It's called cashing in on a known IP guys, if you're going to buy into it at least know what it is. This will probably be another lame attempt at id trying to get sales from name recognition. id makes engines, not games anymore.

You mean CS:S? Valve is just as guilty as ID Software. I immensely enjoyed Doom 3.
blahblahblah said:
It's not ID's fault that people refuse to upgrade their computer's constantly. If we all had X800's we could probably have Doom 3 that way.

I'm looking forward to it. I hope they beef up the multiplayer a bit. Not to mention the double barreled shotgun.


Well yeah i've got an X800, i played doom3 in all its glory and laughed when i watched my brother play it in 800x600 low graphics :E I just hoped it had massive spawning bits like good 'ol doom.
Yup Valve is guilty of it too and it pisses me off to no end.

Just expressing my opinion, id has changed me from a fan of their games to someone who thinks of them as the developer version of EA.
Rico said:
So HL2 wouldn't be related a HL game if it didn't have the exact same weapons as the original? I guess HL2 was wrong to include weapons like the manipulator in the game, after all, it would be like the original, right?

It's called cashing in on a known IP guys, if you're going to buy into it at least know what it is. This will probably be another lame attempt at id trying to get sales from name recognition. id makes engines, not games anymore.

I can't quite put my finger on why, but I'm getting the feeling that you didn't like Doom 3.

Oh well. Your loss.
I'd be more impressed if they had improved the AI instead of adding new weapons.

Still, this has potential. If they could address even half the major complaints the original got, it should be great.
Personlly, ill just be playing tenebrae 2 when it comes out. The shading looks top quality, and with old textures, old models but with great lighting(they didn't redo anything for tenebrae 1) and tenebrae 1 looks..insaley good and 100x better than the first quake. Hell it looks better than HL, even with worse textures, and models. Shading can really bring a whole new look to a game!
So, do we need to pull out our dusty D3 boxes to install the expansion or what?
Double-barrel shotguns! Yeah!
Kyo said:
So, do we need to pull out our dusty D3 boxes to install the expansion or what?
Yes, we require the full version of Doom III.
I'm looking forward to the expansion pack. I had a ball playing through Doom3, I found it to be incredibly immersive. There aren't many horror games out that really scare the shit out of me like Doom3 did, apart from the Silent Hill series of course. But yeah, the expansion should be good!
Rico said:
id has changed me from a fan of their games to someone who thinks of them as the developer version of EA.

uhh..last time i checked, ea developed games outside of just publishing them.
Neutrino said:
I can't quite put my finger on why, but I'm getting the feeling that you didn't like Doom 3.

Oh well. Your loss.

Agree entirely.

The game was immensely fun to play through.

Hating just to hate IMO. Didn't like the game before it came out, don't like it now. And if it's not your kind of game, you should have known that prior to purchase by reading a review or two.

As for this expansion pack, I'm looking forward to it greatly. I was hoping for "Hell on Earth", but oh well....can't win em all.

Any word on the release date?? It's time to finish up Doom 3 XBox so we can have some Coop mode.
Well i bought Doom 3 now i'm never going to buy another id product again such is my annoyance at the game. Unfortunately the huge sales from Doom 3 will most likely give id the impression unoriginality and shit gameplay is what people like.

It's a pity. I can't wait for Half-Life 2 to open peoples eyes.
Who the hell said I "hated" D3 before it even came out? I actually didn't even follow it aside from seeing the official game trailer... I was actually looking forward to it just as I do HL2.

The problem is that they overhyped what was clearly a lackluster product (in my opinion) as an A+ title that should have "blown me away". Yes I was blown away, by the lack of horror and scares and good action that game put me through. It was as dull as being forced to play Daikatana for hours on in except at least in daikatana you didn't spend 95% of the game stuck in a freaking metal corridor with supernatural shine shooting at imps who never even killed you. This game was so easy it made me sad, I played it on veteran right off the bat and didn't even die once, not even during the boss fights.

Ridiculous claims, maybe should get a clue before you actually say anything that stupid again, seriously, your statement is as ridiculous if not more than what you claim I did. Think before you post unless you want to get your crap thrown back at you.

Not everyone who dislikes a game is a fanboy, get it through your thick heads all of you looking for an argument. I simply did not like D3 and I'm free to post my opinion on it so long as I let others do the same. It's not like I'm insulting D3 fans or anything, I'm expressing what I thought of the game and why I think the expansion will be worthless in my view, so this all fits right in with the topic at hand.

Bashing of people who didn't like D3 however, does not.
I wasn't speaking about just you, but since you decided to go ahead and designate yourself the recipient...I'll respond.

Pardon my lack of sympathy for the following people that fall into this category:

1) Plunked down $55 without playing a demo or reading several legitimate reviews.
2) Played the game end to end and said it sucked.

I have zero sympathy for you people. There were plenty of reviews that poked holes in Doom's shortcomings and with a little patience, you could have tried it before "wasting" you money. You can find out if Doom's a good game for you within the first 15 minutes of play and the demo would more than suffice. The fact that something motivated you to play it end to end and then go "boy that sucked" doesn't help your stance. Hilarious.

Rico--whether or not you liked it before you played it is obviously beyond me. I made that comment primarily because you dumped on the Expansion Pack before seeing, playing or reading a damn thing about it. Expansion expands....they continue or add elements to an ongoing cannot possibly know you'll like it ahead of time since you have little clue where it's going.

Mr. Fusion--saying you'll never buy another ID product again is just the same as buying the game without reviewing it or trying it out to see if it fits you mold. Hopefully, with that attitude, you'll miss out on some great titles in the future because Doom 3 wasn't for you. Your bad.
There's that Hell on Earth mod for Doom3 in the works currently... looks massive and outstanding!
Solver said:
There's that Hell on Earth mod for Doom3 in the works currently... looks massive and outstanding!

Do you have a link, I'd love to see it??
I see... so apparently if a game has a good demo the final game will be good too?

Demos are nice sometimes but you're a fool if you believe they give you an accurate gauge of what the game is actually like. Why do you think developers try to cram in the coolest features/part of the game in videos and trailers? What makes you think they won't put in "the best 15 minutes of the game" in the demo?

In reality I actually enjoyed the beginning of D3 quite a bit but it's the fact that the middle and endgame were so bad that makes me say it's a bad game. I really don't care if you have "sympathy' for me because I never asked for it did I? I really could care less what some guy who tries to play shrink online thinks of my opinions.

Your whole post is so full of holes that I won't even try to tear it all apart, I'll just sum up your whole mindset in a sentence for you to read later and see how ridiculous it is:

If you buy a game you have no right to say it sucks.

That's what I see when I read your post, do you expect me to take you seriously or are you just a fanboy trying to act reasonable?
Oh, for the sake of the grand pubah of all mofos, not another D3 vs. HL2 thread...