Doom 3 expansion... shamelessly rips off HL2.

MaxiKana said:
That's a grappling hook. That's NOT what the manipulator is.
Oh, it doesn't move back and forth and grab objects and push players? Silly me.

And I guess we can't count the Jedi Knight games that have the force push and pull features either then...
If Id was creative they would have given the weapon the codename 'Hand of God'. It would've had the ability to grab and crush objects(organic or inorganic). To balance it out, it would have a limited power supply. It would look like a metallic, cybernetic gauntlet on screen. Oh and when it crushes enemies, blood and giblets would squirt out of the body.

Half Life 2 Physics rip off life.

Seriously folks, quit gaying up the boards with pointless crap.
Car Mack needs to go build some rockets, thats all hes good at afterall.

You must admit though, he's also damn good at building game engines.
Heh. Carmack pretty much created OpenGL popularity. And yes, the man is a god among engine builders.
HalfLife2Addict said:
"OMFG THEY UUSE ALELNS OMG THEY COPIED IT!!! I SUEEE UU!!!" Any idea how stupid you sound destrukt.

Nowhere near as stupid as you, when you miss the point.
Eon Blue said:

Half Life 2 Physics rip off life.

Seriously folks, quit gaying up the boards with pointless crap.

What on earth are you talking about you moron.
xtremdys said:
Oh, it doesn't move back and forth and grab objects and push players? Silly me.

And I guess we can't count the Jedi Knight games that have the force push and pull features either then...

Sorry but I honestly cannot see the resemblance between the two...

Yes Id did copy off of HL2 and yes, it is n00b. An idea like jet jaguar's would be much better and much less obvious.
riceandpeas said:
I don't see why ID being inspired (copying) the concept of a grabber/gravity gun is a problem - developers taking ideas from other games is the only way the FPS genre is going to move forward and isn't that what everyone wants?

Developers taking ideas from other games is bad....

Developers taking ideas from other games and EXPANDING on them is good...

From the sounds of it ID is doing the former... which doesn't really suprise me as other than the new graphics engine, Doom3 didn't really have anything new to boast about...

The guys at Valve put just as much effort into actual gameplay as they did the graphics engine, thats why HL2 is so much more entertaining to play than Doom3...
Eon Blue said:

Half Life 2 Physics rip off life.

Seriously folks, quit gaying up the boards with pointless crap.

....And a perfect example of pointless crap is the useless post you just made...

HL2 physics rip off life?? You've got to be kidding me... you just said that so you'd sound like you knew something intelligent right?
Miker75 said:
....And a perfect example of pointless crap is the useless post you just made...

HL2 physics rip off life?? You've got to be kidding me... you just said that so you'd sound like you knew something intelligent right?

You're the one who comes off sounding like a moron here. He's basically stating that there's no point in arguing about what games rip off what because everything, in reality, is based upon something else.

Go and learn what sarcasm is.
Painkiller had a weapon that yanked ragdolls toward the player, and used the Havoc physics engine. It was out before HL2 and Doom 3.

Not that that really matters; since ID pretty much started a new genre and the original Half Life used Quake's engine as a basis, I could say that Half Life 2 stole the whole first person shooter idea from ID... but then I would be being childish and petty, wouldn't I?
It might have yanked stuff, but was it really useful or innovative? Did it use the enviroment as a weapon? Was it useful for puzzle solving and creative expression?

See even if HL2 took it, they expanded the idea so much that it's simply not painkillers choppy thing.

Now Doom 3 is just taking HL2's weapon and porting it over with a new model.
Hell yeah it was useful. Innovative? Gave the player a greater range of interacting with the environment, which was fun, so I would say so. It was not only good for killing enemies, but there were quite a few objects in the world (like wooden wagons) you could knock around. I'm not exactly sure how interaction with physics is creative expression, so I'm not sure how to answer that one.

That's not to put Valve down, they did innovative things with HL2, just like they did with the first one. ID continues to put out engines that push the envelope of new technologies, but their gameplay is getting stale.

Funny thing, the Vagary boss in D3 has a built in gravity gun - she can pick up physics objects in the environment and hurl them at the player. Not sure why they didn't give the player a similar weapon in the first place; the code was there, I guess Carmack was just being stubborn as he said he wasn't getting into the "physics hype." I guess they are finally giving in and listening to the fans with the expansion - most of the additions in D3:RoE are stuff fans have already made mods for or have cried out to be implemented.
Here we go again..can't people make anything up by themselves without copying someone or something..? :(