Doom 3 - Graphics (Resolution/Detail)

The problem is - I enjoyed looking at the vids more than playing the actual game :/
chriso20: Yeah you should be able to play it nicely. Wanna switch specs with me? ;)
I've been playing it, and I get good framerates on the medium setting with:

Athlon XP2400+ at standard speed
Radeon 9600 Pro (Technically underclocked at the mo'... it's a Powercolour)
512MB of RAM (fairly fast ram... DDR400 or something)

Sweet graphics, though the shadows can look a little odd at times. The cutscenes rule, too...

How do you get a measure of framerate? Some console command?
Alec_85 said:
chriso20: Yeah you should be able to play it nicely. Wanna switch specs with me? ;)

Thanks for clearing that up. and sure :thumbs: .... oh wait hang on.. what pc u got? :rolleyes: lol
chriso20 said:
Thanks for clearing that up. and sure :thumbs: .... oh wait hang on.. what pc u got? :rolleyes: lol
A lousy 1.8 ghz :E
i have 9800 pro and i run doom 3 at 800x600 on high detail... runs just fine and looks great to me!

I've been running it on 800x600 high detail on a 9800 Pro but I've still been getting some slowdowns at times like when an imp pops up or when I open a door that reveals a big room. :(
disruptioN_ said:
I've been running it on 800x600 high detail on a 9800 Pro but I've still been getting some slowdowns at times like when an imp pops up or when I open a door that reveals a big room. :(

Try turning shadows off.

I know it sounds crappy - but it allows my 9800 pro to run Doom at 1024*768, medium details, at a nearly constant 60 fps. (which imo - looks better than 1024*768, high details, everything set to 'on', at 40 fps)

Turn the brightness down untill it's real dark and scary (the default is way too light anyway, imo) and you won't often notice their absence. You will, however, notice the difference when the action starts.

I'm definately a frames whore - and doing this has improved the experience greatly. Doom looks and plays better (what's the point in having all these fancy effects if the frames drop to 30 in fights? :/)
ShadowFox said:
Shadows are what Doom 3 is all about. Your loss.

Not at all - many of the shadows are still there.

What hardocp said in their report is bollox. The game is dark - most of the time you don't notice them at all. Shadows off at a constant 60 fps looks better than shadows on at a constant 40.
30-60 fps here, High Details, everything else on. 1024 resolution, no AA, default 8x AF, etc

Mostly very smooth. I don`t really notice the framerate drops.

And yes, 800x600 resolution looks great. Thing along 1024 x 768 in FarCry with 2xAA enabled. It really is forgiving. Plus, the game looks SO MUCH BETTER in motion. I`m talking actual gameplay, not videos.

abit ic7-g
p4 HTT 2.8GHZ
1gb corsair ram
radeon 9800 pro @ XT (though downclocked during these hot summerdays)
would a radeon 9200 run doom 3 on 640x480 in medium quality>?
A marvellous thing has happened to my computer... Thought I should play around a little with the settings. So I put the resolution to 800 & details to High. All of a sudden, the game runs A LOT better than it did 1 resolution lower & details to Low with everything off. Dell computers = State Of The Art Magical Computers! I have faith again :E

The only thing I did before trying this was lowering the mipmap-detail & texture setting from quality to performance in the OpenGL settings in the Omega drivers. Maybe it's just playing games with me (pun intended). I did notice that the menu & HUD on the machine gun got a little blurry after this though. And there's no way to change those settings so applications decide what settings should be used AFAIK.
i have

1024mb ram

and run at 1024x1080@high settings
it doesnt really run smooth all the time but it is playable
i could turn resolution down but i think everything beneath 1024x1080 looks ugly (have 19" screen) ,and im a gfx whore :naughty:

my fps are the worst when a imp trows a fireball ;(
but when 10 or something from those spiderfaces were onscreen it ran perfect :sleep:

i could have waited till i have my x800xt, and my own pc back (my pc is brooken atm ;( )

but i just couldnt resist playing :P , i really love the game :smoking:
Milo 7: The game looks excellent even @ 640*480! I won't say you won't see any difference but it sure as **** won't look like Half-Life @ that resolution :D Trust me. I've played this game at that resolution ever since I got the game.
The game looks excellent even @ 640*480! I won't say you won't see any difference but it sure as **** won't look like Half-Life @ that resolution Trust me. I've played this game at that resolution ever since I got the game.

yah i know it still looks good but on my monitor 19" everything below 1024x1080 has a weird grainy look to it, it just doesnt look good.
at 1024x1080 everything looks really sharp

the nice things about big screen is that........ they are really big :laugh:
but lower resolutions really dont look good so u need higher and it will fxxx ur performance ;(

but when i have my p3,06ghz 1024mb and x800xt (or 6800ultra if my xt takes to long :sleep: ) i will replay doom3 with eye candy and good performance :) (and farcry to i played it at crappy performance to :( )
Personally I'm with the other guy. I couldn't stand 800x600. So I bumped it up to 1024 and it looks great. I lost about 4 fps, but it actually looks smoother. I don't know why.
Hi guys, I was on a 10 day camping trip so I missed a lot os stuff.

So, I hear the resolution is very forgiving.
I have a Pentium 4 1.8 Ghz
512 DDR MB ram and a Radeon 9600 PRO 128 MB ram.

What are the graphical options in Doom III?
You can choose between low, medium, high & ultra details. And then there's the option to turn on/off (default is everything ON) special effects (no idea what they do), shadows (very few shadows as far as I've seen but it helps a lot), specular lighting, bump maps, vsync, & AF. Think that's about it. Oh & resolution :)
What are the resolutions?
I plan to use 1360x1020, 16-bit colour(if possible), high details and all the other crap off such as Vsync and etc...
640*480 (looks awesome) up to 1600*1200 I think. But the monitor must be able to handle it as you might be aware of.