doom 3 HL2 mod screen shot

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who is more stupid? a person who doesn't get the joke or a person who thinks people that don't get the joke are stupid?
did it ever occur to you guys that some people don't know doom3 is very dark? does it make them stupid for not knowing stuff about a game that they probably don't care about?
who is more stupid? a person who doesn't get the joke or a person who thinks people that don't get the joke are stupid?

the stupid one is he who gets mad at the ones who thinks the ones who dont get the joke are stupid
Well in Doom3 since it has real lighting you wouldn't see the crowbar. I mean it doesn't radiate light. What a sh*t mod. :p
Son_Kane said:
Well in Doom3 since it has real lighting you wouldn't see the crowbar. I mean it doesn't radiate light. What a sh*t mod. :p
You are jsut jealous
Son_Kane said:
Well in Doom3 since it has real lighting you wouldn't see the crowbar. I mean it doesn't radiate light. What a sh*t mod. :p
Well maybe the character's eyes send out light? Many children believe that's how things work :) *You gotta do what? I gotta believe!*
I think I am the only one that dont get it
the funny thing is that doom 3 has a dark setting and that is why the screenshot of a doom3 mod for hl2 is all dark.
3 pages on such a stupid thread. i cant belive it. kudos to the thread starter. i dont know how you did it. maybe i should take a picture of my ass and put a palm tree on it then say its a picture of farcry's AI and open a new thread about it.
acme420 said:
3 pages on such a stupid thread. i cant belive it. kudos to the thread starter. i dont know how you did it. maybe i should take a picture of my ass and put a palm tree on it then say its a picture of farcry's AI and open a new thread about it.

You always have something nice to say. I don't know why the mods let you stay here...
acme420 said:
3 pages on such a stupid thread. i cant belive it. kudos to the thread starter. i dont know how you did it. maybe i should take a picture of my ass and put a palm tree on it then say its a picture of farcry's AI and open a new thread about it.

You're the stupidest person I've had contact with this week.
CB | Para said:
You always have something nice to say. I don't know why the mods let you stay here...

they probably let him stay because as you said, he always has something nice to say :)
acme420 said:
3 pages on such a stupid thread. i cant belive it. kudos to the thread starter. i dont know how you did it. maybe i should take a picture of my ass and put a palm tree on it then say its a picture of farcry's AI and open a new thread about it.

Says mr.lame thread starter himself.
acme420 said:
3 pages on such a stupid thread. i cant belive it. kudos to the thread starter. i dont know how you did it. maybe i should take a picture of my ass and put a palm tree on it then say its a picture of farcry's AI and open a new thread about it.

Once i made a thread with over 1000 replies on ;)
It was about me taking over the world a becoming the worlds dictator... i had about 10 followers for a while to...

...and doom3 is to dark ;(
acme420 said:
3 pages on such a stupid thread. i cant belive it. kudos to the thread starter. i dont know how you did it. maybe i should take a picture of my ass and put a palm tree on it then say its a picture of farcry's AI and open a new thread about it.
That would be funny :p
CB | Para said:
You always have something nice to say. I don't know why the mods let you stay here...

Don't argue with him, he's a developer you know...
Some_God said:
Close this thread and ban the starter. :\

A) You're not a mod
B) This thread is all in good fun
C) "Did I do that!?"
I say we elect the chocolate for presidency
It's uproarious! If you haven't played Doom3 yet, play it, then look at that shot again. Ya can't see shit in D3.
lol that was good, made me laugh. godamn you people must be dumb if you didn't get that.
I wounder if people who find this funny are the stupid ones... a crowbar, then darkness, how funny :sleep:
Spoonoop said:
I wounder if people who find this funny are the stupid ones... a crowbar, then darkness, how funny :sleep:

If you have played doom3 u whould understand this... :naughty:
I think it is only funny for people who dont like Doom3. Cause why wouldn't you have called it Splinter Cell HL2 mod screen? Splinter cell is just as dark as Doom. Perhaps because Doom competes with Half life 2??
in splintercell you can hide in the shadows and people wont see you.

in doom III you hide in the shadows and demons eat your head off.

I found Doom III rather ... boring..

as if i was playing Far Cry with no lights on.
Hilarious. I guess a picture really can be worth 1,000 words
Joeslucky22 said:
in splintercell you can hide in the shadows and people wont see you.

in doom III you hide in the shadows and demons eat your head off.

I found Doom III rather ... boring..

as if i was playing Far Cry with no lights on.

some demons can see in the dark, while others can smell your scent. this is why you can't hide from enemies in doom3.
that is hillarious! it needs a sign in the middle (that is grey so you can barely read it) that says "Teh Sc@ry"
you want to see some really scary sh!t?

....You've bee warned....

(adjust the brightness... if you dare)
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